Monday, November 28, 2022

The United States of North America self-destruction by school and newspaper language/ semantics ERRORS. List of Blog book analysis reports on the SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language battles played out in the United States and elsewhere ..... known as World Wars 3. 4. 5. 6


List 001 -->

Nature's systems .... in year 1996 .... activated physics agent   .....

EARTH LAB ....  proper noun ... humanoid specimen ....

Alan Sokal  ......
to write  about the science wars and the neuro-science / brain wave  language battles,
......his message to  be coordinated with number 4 -->

Nature's Fourier(4)  sin wave mechanics continuum /a platform of Earthly space/time existence with human activities upon thta platform  ......  

thus he helped prepare the symbol and concept tools
needed  to get the attention of  some thinkers  .....

and their bio-logical clock/ brain bio-computer needs and desire ....
to cross the TIME WALL software barrier
(per H G Wells Time Machine
and DR. WHO,,,, the  BBC/PBS television
message  show of the TIME LORD link to Lord & Taylor retail store that sells Taylor polynomial ...basic math / algebra software attached to their merchandise and clothing) 

..... thus the EARTH Year 2000 TIME BOUNDARY  

Alan Sokal  1996 + Fourier (4 atomic rubber wheels of a automobile as a math-physics vehicle ) = 2000 WHY 2 K



In 1996 a physicist named Alan Sokal decided he had had enough of sociology, relativism, post modernism, and science studies in general. 

It had been about thirty years since Thomas Kuhn had opened the floodgates, and at times the criticism had become quite intense - often to the point, Sokal thought, of absurdity. Science is useful and it gets things right. By comparison, what is postmodernism good for? No sensible person will try to explain away the useful in terms of the useless.
To paraphrase: "if you don't thin
k gravity is real, try walking off a tall building. Otherwise, shut up."



Alan Sokal's paper was a hand grenade tossed into the middle of one of the great intellectual debates of the 1990s, which came to be known as the perpendicular 90 degree plane geometry ..right angle / right  triangle "Science Wars"  which included political science of mathematics & calculus ... and the earth government book-keeping calculations from Calcutta India regarding Satyendra Nath Bose and the Japanese yen money unit ....  currency secrets of the World Financial system and the Wall Street Journal newspaper cover-ups. 

For the previous two decades,
Emily Post postmodern bio-radio from year 1922 
EM-field bio-radio VERSUS copper wire radio  EM-field attacks on the human brain stem 
...the nonsense ideas had been all the rage in elite 
brain waves.....
of the Paul Dir
ac academic circles at Florida State University
the Rose-Lawn Cemetery 
gyptian  gravity thought field .... 
pointers of the 
BOOK of the Dead .....
cadavers DATABASE  input to academic bragging circles.

thus we have the SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE  -->

Directory of books and their embedded .....
civilian military codes ... secret word codes 
translated by Herb Zinser for 
the modern thinker / reader in year 2022

Click on the post title to see 
the original post and its flowcharts and diagrams with greater detail




subjects covered 


..year 1984 + IBM compliment number base 16 = Year 2000 

Computer Earth ...Time Boundary

--> Fourier sine and cosine math government of the 

Fourth (4th) of July (7th month) ..
link to atomic silver metal AG ... the Earth silver 
government 47 electrons 

Fourier sine and cosine mathematical-physics
..... and EARTH  atomic Ag ....
the silver metal government
of 47 electrons  as announced by the 

Fourth (4th) of July (7th month) ..  year 1776 

--> North Pole magnetic field 

---> Earth atmosphere barometric pressure 760 LINK to

the year 1776 Constitution of existence --> and the 

EARTH systems ....

barometric pressure
 (BP)  creates the BP 

 message ......Boston pressure bomb 
generates a DATABASE on April 15, 2013

--> IBM generation data sets

supply the GOOVOO number 
supply the GOOVOO number 
supply the G.....V.....  number
of OO = Oxygen molecule 32
  VIA death  

Virginia Tech Shooting - HISTORY

Apr 13, 2011 
IBM base16 hex/curse of computer science

 April 16 2007 April 16 Virginia Tech shooting leaves 32 dead .....
the  GOO
VOO --< Voodoo killing  of G V Loganathan

--> Ag symbol for silver ...

the atomic silver metal tuning fork of 47 electrons ....

the Computer Earth electron sphere ..... frequency 47

and the 1947 partition of 
India Pakistan (IP) to generate IP address spaces

--> Nikola Tesla .....

Wardenclyffe Towers to

  Clyman Wisconsin sine wave region 

with plo
wed farm land ...

geography waves of black atomic s-orbital soil  .land

and the marriage with the 
Laws of Nature of John Locke

and the

Wroclaw Poland of  earth electrical systems ....
Charles Karl Steinmetz .....

Law of the Land (of earth and existence)

--> The F Woolworth Building in NYC of 
F   =  Frequency 
W  =  Wavelength

The F W Woolworth Building 
66 floors vertical z-axis as a standing wave .....

per gravity thought field number 66 and 

to be aligned to the special OM FRS 

Singer Sewing machine building in Manhattan 

...... both to be aligned with the 
horizontal Route 66 from Chicago to California 
 ..the Gravity MOTHER ROAD 

and the Horizontal geography land platform
of the  F W Woolworth 5 Cent and dime store chain

of 1925 ..... 1947 and 1953 

and the Horizontal geography land platform

of houses and apartments with female women 
Singer Sewing machines ....across North American

weaving from 1925  .....  1953  to 1967 Sinai wars 

by Egypt / Israel .....

 women sewing and weaving .... real reality experience and thoughts .......

into information string theory -->  into information data fabrics
....... an information text of cotton/ polyester  textiles  about  human social/ economic activities....

and love & romance activities  ....

that cover  the geography land North America 

and cover communities and society 

--> James Clerk Maxwell

--> Super-symmetry at SuKHUMVIT  Road ....


---> The killing of football player ..... processing layer ......Junior Seau 
in the 
Orwell OCEANIA WARS at Oceanside California


the code word
LonDon --> Lon + Don -->
Location 0 to n and a

associated Data 0 to n 

--> The Atomic earth ...geography surface land

 as a Neutron platform that we  live upon 
and thus the need for 

Neutron newspaper reports on
...atomic social science murders,
 accidents and
a neutron Neutral judicial systems

Hasp --> Houston automatic spooling priority 

..... modern software life forms and their

military actions and parellel formats 
...... use gun  and streams of  bullets ....
that spool outward
 to attack as school shootings  ..
Hasp automatic weapons of choice .....
 spooling D
EAT priority to EAT 

--> The killing of Boy Scout Sam Hengel at
Marionette puppet high school in
Marinette Wisconsin  ..

the Janet  Reno ...death internet software
from Waco Texas


English vowels
... a e I/O  u --> YO

 Old MACDONALD had a farm


And on his farm he had a cow


With a moo moo here
And a moo moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo moo
Old MacDonald had a farm

Year 1924 

Leopold and Loeb murder trial 

Old MACDONALD had a farm

--> Czar Nicolas (CN) --> Complex Number representative

for Z = a + bi

Nicholas II of Russia

Nicholas II of Rus ...

Earth inner sphere RadiUS

DATABASE from the 

...inner earth atomic iron core

Earth center core GOVERNMENT
atomic nickel and atomic ferrous iron
to the
respective earth surface agents....

the Relationship of USSR (Russia) to

SR --> Systems Region 

SR --> Geography George Bush, SR 

SR ---> SRiniVasa RamanuJan earth math systems 
math social engineering systems 

with Godfrey frequency Hardy 


atomic ferrous --> Arch Duke of the earth

ferrous/ iron metal and

blood iron systems .....

killed in year 1914 in

the System area (Sarajevo) by

Boston programming agent of
Bosnia ,,,to kill the Earth systems agent
..the Arch  Duke



by Herb Zinser

ideas and concepts covered 

Earth center core GOVERNMENT
atomic nickel and atomic ferrous iron
to the
respective earth surface agents ....

atomic nickel leader -->

Czar Nickel killed in 1918

atomic ferrous iron leader-->

Arch Duke Ferrous Ferdinand 

killed in Sarajevo in 1914


atomic ferrous iron DATA SIGNAL 

Arch Duke Fe and wiFe -->

blood information flow .....

Blood liver language


Post 003  Book 1647
George Orwell geology language book 1984,
Charles Dickens year 1838 atomic Nickel messages,
and  Jules Verne 1865 Journey to the atomic Earth  Ferrous / iron core ... 

explain the killing of Czar Nickel (year 1918)
and Arch Duke Ferrous (year 1914)

Inner earth Nickel messages surface to
bio-sensor ..... signal  interceptor humanoid .....

 Charles Dictionary Dickens ..... and his translations of 

atomic Nickel life forms and human representatives for 
Nature's earth center core nickel  

.......  Nicholas Nickleby --> data byte flow

---> Life and thoughts of the Earth atomic subroutine programs  .... Inner People (IP) ....

 as explained by H G Wells in year 1897 ....


    Nov 01, 2016 · What is the importance of Iping village in the novel The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells? Setting of the village Iping and the characters lived there. Asked by vihaan v …

  • Iping Symbol in
    The Invisible Man code Indirectly Visible


    The pipe --> data pipeline from the hot, inner earth core

    the underground sonar message path V-path ....
    and the Jules .....  Joules V-section ...Verne message path

    Jules V .... Verne as a human bio-electron sensor ship 
    walking on French atomic frequency soil ...thus 

    his V-path signal to the inner earth core ....
    atomic thought LiFe of  Fe = Ferrous iron atom of Nature and its 26 proton alphabet

    the Fe = Fetus and female Federal govt ....

    --> Batch Job Execution (computer science)

    Execution of the Romanov family

    Ipatiev House

    Ipatiev House

    Ipatiev House of Horrors of 

    IP a ==> IP address space

    Ipatiev House

    Ipatiev House

    Ipatiev House of Horrors ..the Garlin Case 

    Wisconsin House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder

    Small-time scam artists on a cross-country crime spree. Lesbian love affairs. Torture and murder.

    Police, court documents, family members and others tell a story of a group of twenty-somethings and their children who spent the last two years crisscrossing the country, writing bad checks and stealing identities before allegedly graduating to murder.

    Ipatiev House

    Ipatiev House

    Ipatiev House traced back to 

    Ipa --> IP address space of the Galapagos Islands 

    and the Peru city  .. 

    area of the EARTH 
     quiver wave mechanics

     continuum and its 

    quiver message formats   of --> Are

    Pier Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in the quiver region ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

    He was appointed the Paul Dirac (alternating cycles)

    Erwin Schrodinger atomic wave mechanics 

    Dr. Oddone was a member of the 

    George Orwell 1948 book mirror ... about year 1984  

    H G Wells 1895 Book..... Time Machine 

    the ODD / Weirdo team of Dr Oddone that developed the 

    first Time Projection Chamber (TPC) 

    used in the Federal government algorithms software 

    .... killing of Boy Scout ...output data stream agent 

    from the computer earth land 

      PORT of Poterfield 
    Sam Hengel ......

    Wisconsin School Gunman Samuel Hengel Dies After …

    WebNov 30, 2010 · Hengel pulled out a gun and 

    shot the molecule  movie TIME  projector 
    ordered classmates to hand over their cell phones, police said. He broke his own phone when it …

    --> RWA  -- Routing and wavelength assignment 
    bio-computer project .... 

    killing 800,000 in RWA --> RWAanda AFRICA

    the ODD / Weirdo team of Dr Oddone that developed the

    first Time Projection Chamber (TPC) 

    ... Friday Time  

    (all 7 days a week .... are all Friday night 

     ..time to sing, dance, and party)

    of A
    frica and African-Americans 


    Pier Oddone explains his Vietnamese

    code name ..... and his

    Galapagos Islands / Peru heritage as an

    EARTH LAB specimen sent to the inverse

     perception universe....

     BAT region of Batavia / Chicago

    Odd Definition & Meaning - FermiLAB › browse › odd
    singular or peculiar in a strange or eccentric way: an odd person; odd manners. fantastic; bizarre: Her taste in clothing was rather odd.

    atomic ferrous --> Arch Duke of the earth

    ferrous/ iron metal and

    atomic blood iron systems .....

    killed in year 1914 in

    the System area (Sarajevo) by

    Boston programming agent of

    Bosnia ,,,to kill the Earth systems agent

    ..the Arch  Duke

    ---> Gulliver's liver / hepatology travels 

    ..... the Zakin & Boyer Hepatology DEMO 

    of Blood flow at

    ,,, Boy Scout Sam Hengel  in Wisconsin and

    ... Boylston Street blood in the Boston bombing 


    cotton thought molecules ...

    with female bio-math specimens ....

    thus algebra   

    Modern  cotton bio-Algebra of Alge --> Algeria

    the human female with 2 breasts ......

    as Nature's designed math mystery to
    attract  male intellectual attention 

    her BODY as a math message display board ....

    in math symbol terminology .....

    also .. her breasts 

    ..... as an atomic bio-physics electron display 


    South Carolina  cotton thought molecules 

    with human female EARTH LAB specimen LINDA  

    ...fourth edition of the 4 day wild sex parties

    of sin and cosine math-engineering functions

    ..... and their math social needs for sex expression 

    Fourier Sine and Cosine Series

    --> Thomas  Jefferson of Virginia

    VIR --> Ohm's law of brain thought circuits ,,,,,
    resistance to legal nonsesne

    CIA Langley

    CIA Langley

    CIA Langley(e)

    Langley is an unincorporated community in the 
    census-designated place of McLean in 

    Fairfax County, 
    Virginia, United 

    Langley is often used as a metonym for the 

    Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 

    as it is home to its headquarters, the 

    George Bush Center for Intelligence.

    Playboy x-rated sex/party codes

    George Bush Center for Intelligence ... parallel sound words 

    Gorgeous Bush (female vagina ) Center for (male foreskin) Intelligence 



    Before its current name,
    the CIA headquarters was formally unnamed.[3] On April 26, 1999,[4] the complex was officially named in the Intelligence Authorization  Theater Act for Fiscal Year 1999
    for George H. WBush explains,[2]


    Geography Horizontal wave ...


    Geological layers 

    Base 16 data bus Hexadecimal


    The Original Headquarters Building

    The Original Headquarters Building

    The Original Headquarters Building

    with Alan Turing (turn/rotate perceptions)

    math existence theory 

    and applications

    The New Headquarters Building

    is a quarter wave exhibit, 

    designed by McDonald's

      Quarter pounder hamburger input ideas

    into the Archie Bunker ....male Meat-heads  to 

    Smith, Hinchman and Grylls Associates,

    was completed in March 1991 .......

    after the ground was broken for construction of

     a ground beef protein platform site for male

     humans and their penis meat .... that exist on

     beef hamburger .

    beed protein thought molecule input to fill the

     human male brain knowledge VOID 

    --> beef  hamburger proteins (name server) ....

     transformation  into human format as

    proteins (name server) 

    --> thus proper noun ....human meat -->


    Supreme Court Justice Burger  

    Name That Tune is an American television music game show. Originally created and produced by orchestra conductor Harry Salter (sodium chloride NaCl ...salt crystal agent  for

    the dinner table  ....  salt shaker music 

    ...crystal radio  ..... and bio-radio..... and geo-radio)

    and his wife Roberta Semple Salter,



    Name that Tune

    Name that  Vietnamese battle Tune
    .... music war zone ...

    Death  Tune for over 54,000 American males

    leaving 54,00 extra females for wild sex parties


    Before its current name,

    After its current name,

    it acquires a double-agent name .....

       name  name,

    CIA double agent .....

    LAX Shooter Paul 
    Ciancia Sentenced to Life in Prison for ... › news › local › lax-sho...

    Nov 7, 2016 — The gunman who killed a
    Spanish language attack on the sub-conscious MIND  of terminal passengers ......
    by a TSA  federal fetus brain level


    officer and wounded three other people during a  mathematical-physics SCIENE WAR battle ..
    the shooting 

    rampage three years ago at Los Angeles created


    COMPUTER EARTH  social engineering math 

     subroutines and math book pages of ......

    Srinivasa RAManujan and

    Godfrey frequency Hardy 

    --> Movie Seventh Seal by Bergman

     Planet Earth land surface as a

    Hindu Chess board per 

    Meghan, Duchess of


    Meghan, Duchess of Sussex

    Meghan, Duchess of SuSSex of the earth

     mathematical-physics surface land as a 

    calculus triple integral

    The New Headquarters Building, designed

     by Smith, Hinchman and Grylls Associates

    was completed in March 1991 after the ground

     was broken for construction 

    on May 24, 1984.[2][8] 

    It is a complex that adjoins

     two six-story (alphabet code 26) office towers 

    and is fully connected via a

    parallel  Paris DEATH tunnel .... 

    of Herbert Spencer agent Diana Spencer



    The Original Headquarters Building was designed by the New York firm

    The New Headquarters Building, designed by

    That is,

    each quarter (in time per Time Machine) 

    each quarter (in time per Time Machine) of the wave is identical to any other if you simply flip it around the horizontal axis and/or rotate it vertically about its peak.

    who had served as the Director of Central Intelligence for 357 days (between January 30, 1976, and January 20, 1977) and

     later as the IBM assembler instruction 41 
    41st President of the United States.[5]

    Thus the atomic cement/concrete  living BUILDING with an array of offices, rooms, and desks .... 

    to the OHB.[2]

    Sine waves exhibit quarter wave symmetry
    Sine waves exhibit quarter wave symmetry.

    The Original Headquarters Building was designed by the New York firm

    Day 8 HW Graphing Sine and Cosine
    by Adding Quarter Period

    The (adding process of  System additions .... message agent ,Saddam Hussein)  New Headquarters Building, designed by

    George H. W. Bush - Wikipedia

    George H. W. Bush -

    George H. W. Bush -

    George H. W --> 

    Day 8 HW Graphing Sine and Cosine

    Geo agent George Herbert Walker Bush (June 12, 1924 – November 30, 2018) was an American politician, diplomat, and businessman who served as the 41st president of the ..

    ---> Sino-French war

     Sino code word --> sine node 

    Sine wave node French frequency battles


    The COMPUTER EARTH history of

    French frequency NODE manager .....

    First Indochina War

    The First Indochina War (generally known as the Indochina War in France, and as the Anti-French Resistance

     War in Vietnam) began in French Indochina on December 19, 1946, and 

    lasted until

      Iron-54 ferrous atomic isotope  July 20, 1954

    LINK female killed at Bay Village/ Cleveland Ohio 

    in year 1954

    Murder of Marilyn Reese Sheppard

    On the night of Saturday, July 3, 1954, Sheppard and Marilyn were entertaining neighbors at their lakefront home (demolished in 1993). While they were watching the movie Strange Holiday, Sheppard fell asleep on the daybed in the living room. Marilyn walked the neighbors out.

    lasted until

      Iron-54 ferrous atomic isotope  July 20, 1954

    In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954, Marilyn Sheppard was bludgeoned to death in her bed with an unknown instrument. The bedroom was covered with blood spatter and drops of blood were found on floors throughout the house. Some items from the house, including Sam Sheppard's wristwatch, keychain and key, and fraternity ring, appeared to have been stolen.[3] They were later found in a canvas bag in shrubbery behind the house.[3] According to Sheppard, he was sleeping soundly on a daybed when he heard the cries from his wife. He ran upstairs where he saw a "white biped form" in the bedroom and then he was knocked unconscious. When he awoke, he saw the person downstairs, chased the intruder out of the house down to the beach where they tussled and Sheppard was knocked unconscious again.

    At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent

     phone call from Sheppard

    At 5:40 am, 

    At 5:40 am, 

    Atom  5:40 am (atomic mass) 

    ---> access method

    received an urgent

     phone call   ...... Pier Oddone 

    received an urgent

    received an urgent

    received atomic number Z 92 

    ur = uranium 235 and 238 


    Atomic double-helix

    parallel to

    bio double helix (DNA) 


    Umpqua Community College shooting

    Demolition of criminal database .... 

    Snyder Hall cover-up schemes 

    -- site of UCC shooting - Oregon Live

    unanimously voted that Snyder should be torn down and

     rebuilt with by atomic snyder  dermatology / skin walker BIO-radio for idiots ..

    Tom Snyder - Wikipedia › wiki › Tom_Snyder
    Thomas James Snyder (May 12, 1936 – July 29, 2007) was an American television personality, news anchor,

     and radio personality best known for his late night 

    The atomic radio wave battle played out at

    (Tom) Snyder Hall with

    atomic Delay .....

     brain electron

     thought DELAY/hinder/stall/block ....

    serious thoughts circuits from

    Texas electron idiot region

    Tom DeLay | 

    American politician - Britannica

    Trevor Casper cover-up

    Trevor Casper (May 21, 1993 – March 24, 2015) was a state trooper for the Wisconsin State Patrol. 

    On his first T W Graham Solomon organic chemistry .....solo
    [2] Casper was shot and killed[3] in Fond du Lac attempting to apprehend a bank robbery and murder suspect on Jerry March hydrocarbons ,,,,,
    March 24, 2015.

    The suspect, Steven Snyder, 

    The suspect, Steven Snyder, 

    The suspect, atomic tom Snyder, 

    The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer ...
    Shooting · ‎Victims · ‎Perpetrator · ‎Reactions

    was believed to have robbed a bank in Wausaukee, Wisconsin earlier on March 24, 2015. Approximately one hour after the bank robbery, Snyder abandoned the vehicle he was driving, shot dead 59-year-old Thomas C. Christ,[9] and stole a second vehicle.

    Casper located the second vehicle as it was being driven southbound on Interstate 41 in 

    Fond du Lac and began following it. 

    Fond du Lac and began following it. 

    Fond du Lac and began following it. 

    Found hindu software ...... Milk protein machine of 

    Lactic acid  ...... Lac and began 

    following the lactic acid software 

    in humanoid format 

    He was directing Trooper Clarissa Justmann, Sgt. Andrew Hyer, and Capt. Tony Burrell to their location when Snyder pulled into a Pick 'n Save supermarket parking lot and stopped. 

    Snyder discharged nine 5.7mm shots from an FN Five-seven pistol at Casper, who was hit by three rounds in the neck, chest and left hand.[10] Casper, though mortally wounded, discharged 12 .40-caliber rounds from his Glock duty weapon, and struck Snyder once in the chest, fatally wounding him.[10] Casper was pronounced dead en route to the hospital.


    Warren Buffett is one of the most successful
     investors of all time. · 

    Buffett runs Berkshire Hathawaywhich

     owns dozens of comatose groups...


    Bose-Einstein Partition Statistics of Photons Emitted
    Bose-Einstein Partition Statistics of Photons Emitted
    Bose-Einstein Partition Statistics of

    Photons Emitted from the Dolly Parton 

    bio-computer IBM base 2 
    her Partitioned Breast/ tit /nipple

    (numeric IP address space)

    to ple subroutines....

     as bio-data storge devices 


    Nature's COMPUTER EARTH systems with people

    Directory space for partitioned data sets - IBM › docs ›
    To create a partitioned data set (PDS),
     Nature's systems request from 
    the  Galapagos /Peru  .....

     quiver vibration communications continuum .....

     quiver requirements  area named....

    Area require quiver IP address  ..... city of

    Arequipa  ...IP address of of re area ofFalagalpa

    Pier Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944

     in Arequipa, Peru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.


    From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was

     appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab

     experiement with Sam Berkowitz (serial killer) and 

    Berkshire Hathaway 


    violation of CP symmetry

    violation of CP symmetry

    violation of CP symmetry ... CP Snow battles


    Thus the Nashville Tennessee  female directory .....

    Dolly Parton ....

    that he as Mr. Husband bandwidth .....

    ..with his code name 

    Carl Thomas Euclidean geometry

    Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his textbook on geometry: the Elements. Euclid's approach consists in

    Carl Tennessee Thomas

     Euclidean bio-geometry


    --->  Nigel Calder  ...... COMET .... Nigel LocKYer of FermiLAB .....

    the earth LAB human specimen LOCATION of a simple harmpnic oscillator KY .....

     male specimen with KY simple harmonic equation equation ..... code name

    LOC + KY

    Nigel Lockyer explains 

     ...... the Comet agent  has been at FermiLAB 

    as  a director of PermiLAB human nose output molecule ...,,,,,,

    COM --> carbon + Oxygen molecule -->

    gives CO2 data carrier molecule
     with atomic mass 44

    from year 1944  from the Galapagos /Peru EARTH LAB human specimen region of
    ODD existences

    ..... such as ...

    Pi bio-math life form 

    What is Pi?  

    Ask a Scientist - Fermilab

     Ask a Scientist 

    Who is Pi?

    Pi  O ---> secret identifier

     ..graphic arts

    Pier  Oddone

    Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist

    In September 2012, Oddone announced he would retire on July 1, 2013, after 8 years serving as the O lab director of  human Pinnochio noses breathing Oxygen atomic number 8.

    Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American nose particle physicist

    Buenos Aires

    Buenos Aires

    Bue  nos Ai res

    Bue  nos Ai res (internal code)

    Beautiful  nose  Air resident thought molecules
    (external word letters)

    Buenos Aires is Argentina’s big, cosmopolitan capital city ..the city of noses..

    Its center is the Plaza de Mayo, 


    Atomic social sciences at Batavia / Chicago  

    ...batch processing ....... data processing 

    the Chicago people region of molecular electron chips
    in the format of bio-electron cio-computer humanoids

    ...... that receive input thought commands via 
    electron potato chips and
    electron chocolate chip cookies


    code words.. coffin of the dinosaurs 

    VIA the POWER of Words  ......

    the 14 coffins of San Bernardino in the ancient atomic/molecular dinosaur software battles played out in 
    Southern California  ,,,,,and the newspaper / TV cover-up of the shooting event


    The sun-earth astronomy battles ......
    the SUN corona energy waves are converted to military carrier waves with instruction waves ......
     to create the corona Pandemic virus on Earth 


    code w0rds..... trophy wives. ... 
    male astrophysics professors married to

    females / HOT WOMEN  .....
      wives (with internal vector space  ) 
    that need a male penis telcscope

    code word ...customary ...stomach

    code word ...customary   ...array

    code word ...customary ..moleucle array

    of HCL .....  hydrochloric acid 

    data processing system within the stomach

    code word ...China --> Compare halfword 

     instruction assembler

    ---> complex number power series

    --> the Jules V-section Verne structure of

    inner  Earth 


    Electrical secret codes of Steinmetz and  the underground  earth electron E message system of the ancient E -> Egyptian Book of the Dead explained by
    IBM BAL (Basic assembler language)
    .... atomic computer process  .. the electron  embalment of a 

    human dead Body database (as an information BOOK of experiences, education and physics lab experiemnts) ,,,..
    to allow the human data electron orbital thoughts ....
    the data bit to be
    re-cycled ...... back up to the living human bio-computers per the IBM Base 16 President ...
    16th President during the 4 / 5  year  computer earth
    ABEND /DUMP  event  as explained by
    messenger agent names & books from 1860 to 1872

    Abraham (ABE) Lincoln -  IBM base 16 

    and the 16th

     President of the United States

    Abraham (ABE) Lincoln

    Abraham (ABEND / IDUMP ) Lincoln

    IBM Base 16 President ...
    16th President during the 4 / 5  year  computer earth
    ABEND /DUMP  event  as explained by
    messenger agent names & books from 1860 to 1872

    specifically .....

    American Civil War - HISTORY 
    of number four(4) and Fourier math
    ... math social engineering  equations of 
    sine and cosine wave of human society

    The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861, when 
    shore batteries 

    under Earth systems agent Nikola Tesla ....

    Wardenclyffe Towers PROJECT 

     Long Island to 

     Park Lower Manhattan ....

    Earth every day life ... applications agent 

    General Pierre G.T. Beauregard opened fire on 

    the algebra set theory location ....

    the UNION process of set
    s and

    sum /totals

    Union-held Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charleston Harbor.

     April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant following the

     Battle of Appomattox Court House, setting in motion the end of the war
    A wave of Confederate surrenders followed.

    On April 14,
     just five days after Lee's surrender, Lincoln was assassinated

    Thus April 1861 to April 1865 

    4 years war/conflict ....Fourier ...math social

    engineering battles .......

    and on March April 1965  

    symbol a & concept machine Map .... 

    earth ergodic systems 

    ....Herman Weyl 
     Tensor space/time....


    ... Four
    ier cosine/sine wave systems  ....

    calculate the 
    tragic message schedule ...

    Ten(10) plus Four(4) = 14  .... 

    thus the signal processing EVENT and
     code words

    of April 14, 1865 .... assassination

    .... assassination

    .... assassination

    .... assas  sin wave nation / atomic ...quantum wave mechanics / oscillations of Oswald in Dallas 1963/

    quiver waves of President John Quiver Adams/

    small  atomic Quake waves President NiXon ...

    a Quaker agent 


    Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing

     through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it. 

    There she finds that, just like a Richard Snell's  law on refraction and  reflection, everything is reversed, including logic ..

    and the rigged information / manipulated  
    data VOIDS 
    at the Richard Snell murder trial in Arkansas

    Richard Wayne Snell (May 21, 1930 – April 19, 1995) was an American white sunlight ..... 
    Isaac Newton white supremacist
    and Nature's original white house


    IBM assembler ..... atomic mass computer

    with em (electro-motive forces) 


    The EARTH government ....

    September 11, 2001 Galileo dialogue Concerning Two

     Chief World TOWER systems 


    Boise Cascade Office Products (BCOP) 

    Boise Cascade Office Products (BCOP)  --> Basic Copenhagen
    interpretion MODEL

    Schrödinger's cat ..... IBM


    In atomic social sciences and atomic economics ....
    also known as a Carl Jung collective quantity of 20,000 people (GROUP MIND)..... a  quantum mechanics (quantity group of people and their economic / money activity  .... dollar and company mechanics) , 

    Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition --> thus the quantity of people (say 20,000 people) are a collective group that needs a leader/spokesperson  ...thus Nature's selection of 1 human being for the super job position in Nature's financial  activity systems  

    for example ...

    Cornelius Vanderbilt for Nature's shipping and railroad

    In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat (MR. TOM CAT human leader)  may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead 

    (leads 2 lives ...his personal individual  life and his representative ROLE in Nature's ergodic BIG PICTURE systems) ....

     as a result of its fate ( ..... as a result of not being a Lazy asshole,,,but willing to think seriously about how systems and things are organized) 

     being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.

    This thought experiment was devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935,[1] in a discussion with Albert Einstein,[2] to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the problems of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

    The scenario is often featured in theoretical discussions 

    Mesabi Range atomic iron ore/ ferrous metal

    Mesabi Range

    Mesabi math power and strength Range

    of  z = a + bi complex math numbers

    of the interpretations of quantum mechanics,

    particularly in love, romance, and the year 1918 Romanov Family torture & murder  situations ......

    involving the 
    measurement problem of 


    Charles Proteus (earth radius)


    Steinmetz, who stood only four feet tall as an adult,[5] had dwarfism,[9] hunchback,[9] and Citizenship dysplasia....
    and a Charles Darwin species configuration ....
    Fourier sin and cosine wave continuum ......

    bio-math  sin/cosine signaling function
    in human LIFE format with number 4(Four) and his 4 DNA vertical molecules with vertical sin / cosine math curves  .....

    Steinmetz, who stood only four feet tall as an adult,[5] had dwarfism,[9] hunchback,[9] and Citizenship dysplasia....
    and a Charles Darwin species configuration ....
    Fourier sin and cosine wave continuum ......

    Fourier transform creates a vertical standing  Steimetz  - Wikipedia

    Steinmetz  (as a Four foot tall Fourier transform)  

     attended Johannes Gymnasium and astonished his teachers with his proficiency in mathematics and physics.

    Follow  the Following (Flow wing)  the Gymnasium, Steinmetz went on to the University of Breslau to begin work on his undergraduate degree in 1883. 

    He was on the verge of finishing his oxygen atomic doctorate in 1888 when he came under investigation by 

     the German police for activities on behalf of a socialist university group and articles he had written for a

    local socialist bio-electron ...

    SOC computer newspaper

    (SOC = System-on-Chip). 

    The Charles Darwin species of Fourier Series evolution results in a species of humanoid engineer brain waves ....

     that understand the equations and concepts .....

    . are indentified as males with Four fingers  and one Tom

     Thumb  -- from Wolfram MathWorld of five fingers

    by EW Weisstein2004Cited by 53 — in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosinesFourier series make use of the orthogonality relationships of the sine and cosine functions.

    A Summary and Analysis of the 'Tom Thumb' Fairy Tale › 2021/03 › tom-thumb...

    During one journey,
    a Queen of the Fairies finds him asleep on a rose and leaves him some magical items. In most versions of the Tom Thumb tale, these include ...

     on a rose 

     on a rose 

     on a rose 


         micro-second processor speed

    used by the humanoids

    The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
    The Rosicrucians are a community of philosophers who study and practice the Natural Laws governing the Universe.

    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) -

    Find a 
    Rosicrucians Grave Memorial › ... › Roselawn Cemetery
    Birth: 8 Aug 1902. Bristol, Bristol Unitary Authority, Bristol, England ; Death: 20 Oct 1984 (aged 82). Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, USA ; Burial. Roselawn ...
    Burial: Roselawn Cemetery Tallahassee, Leon ...

    Roselawn Cemetary - Paul Dirac - 

     Rosicrucians...atomic micro-second

    ...Linda Tripp and Monica sky Lewinsky 


    The atomic inner earth
    .... vibration,  quiver , oscillation , atomic wave mechanics message systems and social & economic instructions
    from the EARTH government since the ancient times of Nature .... Egypt, Greece, and the ancient Roman Empire of Julius Caesar 


    Jules Verne ..

    V- section of the inner

     earth geological 

     layered ..... database

    ---> Jules Gabriel Verne  was a
     French frequency underground sonar message systems
    human bio-electronic ....
    male bio-interceptor .....
      per Nikola Tesla MODEL of Nature's ancient wireless systems ......

    ---> Jules Gabriel Verne and the V-path traveled of the V-scction

    by the 
    French frequency underground sonar message system ....

    ---> that is 
    French frequency .....
    Trench/amplitude depth of the Earth
    underground sonar message system ....

    that is 
    French frequency ..... DEMO of World War 1
    Trench/amplitude depth of the Earth
    underground sonar message system ....

    Life in the Trenches of World War I

    Trench/amplitude depth of the Earth
    underground sonar message system ....

    the trench phase

    of the French frequency EARTH wave
    .... geo-wave mechanics .....

    French frequency ..... DEMO of World War 1
    Trench/amplitude depth of the Earth ,,,, as a
    Wrench ... an information wrench with leverage

    VIA the earth inner radius
    (length of the software wrench)

    relative to the earth center center

    Nature's wave mechanics FORMATS

    Cycle of Period (T = Texas citizen lies and schemes about signaling event T   database)

    A 'signal processing World War' On Wheels:

    The Biker Shootout At  Waco (wave continuum)

    ..the chosen Earth 
     langauge site ... - NPR › 2016/04/05 › a-war-on-wheels-the-...
    Apr 7, 2016 — The deadly bandwidth shootout between

     the Bandidos Motorcycle Club and the

    cosine agents ...Cossacks Motorcycle Club 

    in WacoTexas, in May 2015 raised questions about ...

    Nine bikers were killed, 18 others wounded or injured

    Jules Verne 
    Jules Gabriel Verne and the
     V-path traveled of the V-scction

    by the 
    French frequency underground sonar message system ....

    his intellectual ..... body / brain wave journey .....
    French walking leg .... leg alternating cycles ...
    body weight pressure into computer earth  .....

     frequency signals  to the center of earth and back


    Tax Reform Act of 1986 Definition
    - active and passive 

    Tax Reform Act of 1986 Definition of

    DNA code 4 exponent 3  addition

     Salvador Dali year 1943 Geo-political systems

    ---> Tensor space/time social activities of sorority house girls



    Human Geography

     Human Geography

     Human Geography .... Nature's rap music ......
    from the 

    EARTH communications bandwidth from BAN--> Bangkok 

    EARTH communications bandwidth .....

    bio-electronic female agents with special powers to

    decode males

     Human Geography

     Human Geography .... Bangkok main route 

    SukHUMvit Road with female interceptor agents

    Places and regions

    Places and regions

    Pla ..... Playboy place of lace  and

    regions / Locations 

    atomic molecular lubrication ....

    Location director ... 

    LocKyer  .....


    Federal Female major RD lab 

    Fe --> FermiLAB 

    the atomic living cement /concrete building (Wilson Hall) as 
    female life form per Spanish Artist Francisco de Goya and his Colossus model ns a Carl Jung collective Group Mind of a building
    ..... thus the atomic entrance of Wilson Hall and its attached 
    atomic images and software WORDS to
    attract and excite male scientist

    Below, the building entrance .... parallel  geometry shape 

    Labia majora - Wikipedia › wiki › Labia_majora
    The labia majora (singular: labium majus) are two prominent longitudinal cutaneous folds that extend downward and backward from the mons pubis to the perineum.

    CollegMajor vs. Minor -

    What's the Difference in ...



    (Mum)Mies van der


    Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (/ms ...r/ MEESS-...-ROHGerman: [ˈluːtvɪç ˈmiːs fan deːɐ̯ ˈʁoːə]; born Maria Ludwig Michael Mies; March 27, 1886 – August 17, 1969) was a German-American architect.[1] 

    He was commonly referred to as Mies, his surname and secret code name for the Chicago Field Museum....

    Egyptian Mummies (data field)  project

     Along with Alvar (algebra variables)

     Aalto (altitude),

    Le Corbusier (earth center  core data bus),

      Walter Gropius (wave altitude and

     alterations) and

    Frank Lloyd

     (horizontal sine waves intercepted

    by the 90 degree plane

     geometry Right angles

    and right triangles at the 
    Taliesin East

    Wisconsin earth region, 

    horizontal data/instruction waves ..

    sideways flow ... the information wind of

     centrifugal force of  EARTH rotation


     intercepted by the atomic walls and their

     flat surfaces (Horizontal and vertical walls)

     per math equation code lines under the

     square root sign (the roofs below as 

    square root shapes)

    Horizontal and vertical walls)

    also called i = imaginary number --> 

    the square root of minus one  ( -1) 


    rice fields as matrices



     Human Geography

     Human Geography

     Human Geography .... Nature's rap music ......
    from the 

    EARTH communications bandwidth from BAN--> Bangkok


    Human Geography

    Angkor Wat (/ˌæŋkɔːr ˈwɒt/Khmerអង្គរវត្ត, "City/Capital of Temples") 

    is a temple complex (EXTERNAL temple)

    in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world,[1] on a site measuring 162.6 hectares (1,626,000 m2; 402 acres).[2]

    As the best-preserved temple 

    (INTERNAL  brain temple)

    at the year 2000 to 2022 EARTH systems ....

    self-educated ...brain software THOUGHT site, 

    Angkor Wat at Watertown Wisconsin


    .... KARL ZINSER with angKor ...angstroms of Korzybski 


    As the best-preserved temple 
    (External version of Internal brain)

    at the site, Angkor Wat is the only one to have

    remained a 

    significant religious centre (abbreviation 

    letters center core)  

    since its foundation on the earth land geography surface ...

    as a COMPUTER EARTH master computer terminal in Southeast Asia (year 1200 Nature's atomic existential computers)  and its message


    to the EARTH atomic center core (data center alphabet letters).


    with oxygen algebra coordinates .....

    x-axis and y-axis  and origin at
    zero --> symbol  ......

    math function F(x,y) oxygen processor  


    Boulder, Colorado cover-up schemes and lies

    by the University administration policy and

     its student graduates ..that are taught to deceive

     and fool other people with their

    penis HEAD,,,, Head of knowledge with an arrogant

     and bragging knowledge approach ..... resulting in

     incomplete explanations of REAL REALY ...tragic signaling events 

    Boulder, Colorado 
    family  / community .... secret murder systems ....

    the geo-computer murder programs transferred to
    human bio-computer agents ... as human action figures

    in the inner atomic EARTH geology mathematical-physics battles ...... that get played out on the earth surface at

    the atomic stone/ stone/ limestone ......
    the geology message city of Boulder  

    ..the mess/ death mess .....

    SET-UP and Killing of 

    JonBenét Ramsey

    and the Federal government CIA cover-up of a 

    Claude MoNet  year 1900 ..... Nature's systems

    JonBenét Patricia Ramsey (August 6, 1990 – December 25 or 26, 1996)[1] was an American child beauty queen who was killed at the age of six(6)  in her family's home in Boulder, Colorado

    A long handwritten ransom note was found in the home.

     Her father, John, found the girl's body in the concrete

     basement of their house

     about seven hours after she had been

     reported missing by

    IBM MISS (Magenemnt information social sciences

     and the Seven Bridges of Earth underground

     geological  langauge letters of 

    Euler of Euler at Königsberg) 

     She had sustained a broken skull from a blow to the

     head and had been strangled by string theory

     physics communication ERRORS, 

    garrote was found tied around her neck. 

    The Ramsey crime is still considered 

    cold case and remains an open investigation with the

    earth geological  department ...

    math layers of SRiniVasa RamanuJan 

    at the Boulder Police geology Department and 

    their Boulder Police 
    (BP) --> Base Pair identification code

    base pair ( bp) is a fundamental unit of 

    double-stranded nucleic acids consisting of two

    nucleobases bound to each other by hydrogen bonds.

    double-stranded nucleic acids 

    double-stranded nucleic acids 

    double-strangled nucleic acids  .....

     JonBenét's official cause of death was

     "asphyxia by strangulation associated 

     They form the building blocks of the DNA double helix

     and contribute to the folded structure of both 

    DNA and RNA.

    double-stranded nucleic acids 

    double-stranded nucleic acids 
    (such as 
    2 vertical ..atomic iron metal skyscrapers) ....

    contribute to the folded structure (of 2 Towers Manhattan on September 11, 2001)


    The Boulder police initially suspected that the ransom note

     had been written by Patsy (systems

    code Patty Hearst kidnapping ...

     INTERNET Biology Blog Ping)

    and that the note and appearance of 

    nét's body had

    been staged by her parents in order to cover up the murder. 

    appearance of JonBenét's body

    appearance of JonBenét's body

    appearance of JonBenét's body 

    appearance of J  nét's body

    appearance of Janét Reno secret 

    NET battle at Waco Texas

    between February 28 and April 19, 1993

    then in

    software program sequence of 


    appearance of  Janét's body

    appearance of  JanBenét's body

    appearance of JonBenét's body on

    December 25 or 26, 1996

    and the set-up and killing of

    Boy Scout Sam Hengel at Marionette

     Puppet High school

     ... a death  NET body in Wisconsin 

    In 1998, the police and district attorney (DA)

     both said that JonBenét's brother Burke, 

    JonBenét's brother Burke, 

    JonBenét's brother Burke, 

    J..........nét's brother of hertzian EM-field

     waves Burke, 

    J... hertzian EM-field

     waves J = James Burke, 

    Connections PBS Television show

    brother Burke who was nine years old at the time of her death, was not a suspect.[4][5] JonBenét's parents 

    by H MurrayCited by 2 — Transactional analysts are trained to recognize which ego states people are transacting from and to follow the transactional sequences so they 

    Tom Harris and Eric Berne,

    Tom Harris and Eric Berne,

    Tom Harris and Eric Berne,

    C = Carbon atomic 12 messages

    C = Columbine High School massacre

    The atomic social science war continues...
    12th grade students Eric Harris

     JonBenét's parents 

    ] JonBenét's parents --> 
    Tomic Tom  Harris and Eric Berne --> gives

    a programmable bio-computer ....
    human action figure .... 
    Eric Harris

    Boulder, Colorado cover-up schemes and lies
    by the University administration policy and its student graduates ..that are taught to deceive and fool other people with their
    penis HEAD,,,, Head of knowledge with an arrogant and bragging knowledge approach ..... resulting in incomplete explanations of REAL REALY ...tragic signaling events 

    Boulder, Colorado cover-up of Columbine ....
    Littleton Colorado

    Death Address space: 6201 S Pierce St, Littleton, CO 80123

    S Pierce 

    S Pierce 

    Shoot ....   Pierce the body with atomic metal bullets 

    approved by FermiLAB director of  dire/nasty ...

    Federal physics prison by Batavia ./ Chicago

    Shoot ....   Pierce the body with atomic metal bullets
    to create O ..... bullet holes for
    algebra blood bio-math  military roots of f(x) = 0



    Classical Mechanics .... with secret family language codes and
    Charlie Chan molecule movie codes  of 1935  .....




    Cz ech os slo vakia

    Cz echo oscillations slow  va kia

    in the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... 

    A Boston bomb vibration sent through the earth 
    on March April 15, 2013 returns an 
    "information MAP echo signature" using the 


    The EARTH Tesla sin wave battle for control of Boston and its ...

    Aug 15, 2015 —...look at the sine wave battles in the ... Thus the Boston Marathon bombing CREATED earth vibrations with ...

    Tesla's Earth quake /vibration signaling Machine – The Excluded Middle.

    Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine – The Excluded ... and the Nikola Tesla BOMB vibrations with their ECHO signature …. a process well-known ...

    The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. Originally serialized in Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year.

    The Invisible Man

     (Indirectly Visible thru Manuscript words

     ( 2 words ... double-words with 2


    to whom the title refers is Griffina scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics

    Griffin has bandages on his face ..

    Bandages as a symbol  for

    message bandwidths  

    ..signal processing  
    and bio-radio

    Brain waves ...

    George Orson Welles year 1938 

    bio-radio neuroscience battles

    The Gene Hackman .....

    EARTH atomic geology communications
     layer ....

     limestone  message system ... 
    atomic / molecule molecule movie
     conversation with Kettle Moriane High

     school limestone message region  

     ..... route proper noun Gene to

    Town of Genesee -->see/ look at a William

     Feller moment/data  generating function ...
    ( or Nature's data generating event process) 


    Police release new details on the movie

     actualization process  in the rigged High School

    programmed bio-computer disappearance of Kathryn ... › news › police-release-new-de...
    Nov 14, 2013 — Stalbaum was last seen around 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5th at her Town of Genesee residence. "I ...

    SukHUMvit Road 

    SukHUMvit Road 

    SukHUMvit Road 

    Human Geography

     Human Geography .... Nature's rap music ......
    from the 

    EARTH communications bandwidth from BAN--> Bangkok 

    Nov 2, 2021The Huma worldwide mystery sound explained

    SukHUMvit Road 

    SukHUMvit Road 

    SukHUMvit Road 

    An image of the Worldwide Hum Map, a catalogue of reports of The Hum around the world. The Hum is a mysterious low pitch noise that bothers up to 2% of people worldwide. It's been annoying residents in San Francisco's Sunset District, where recently there's been an outbreak of reports.


    Milwaukee Molson Coors shooting:
    Miller brewery shooter ...
    Earth atomic iron core ......
    Earth sutface magnetic field /iron coordinates battle › news › crime › 2020/11/25

    Nov 25, 2020 — Multiple people were killed during a shooting rampage Wednesday afternoon on the Milwaukee campus of Molson. As police swarmed the complex,

    Milwaukee double e = ee

     electron battle ..... brewery shooting

    code  letters equation ... 

    Milwau --> Mil + wa + u

    --> Milky Way Universe ..... EARTH LAB

    On February 26, 2020, atomic element Fe/iron ...atomic number 26 with 26 atomic alphabets letters ,,,,,

     atomic mass shooting occurred at the Molson Coors Beverage Company in MilwaukeeWisconsin, United States, at approximately 2:10 pm.[2]

    The Charles Darwin periodic  atomic table selection process .....

    the selection of a human action figure
    --> thus the atomic bio-physics 


    Anthony anthropology  Ferrous oxide

     atom Ferrill, used an atomic iron metal gun to shoot and killed
    five defective content
     human brains with cattle protein software

     programs --> coworkers before committing suicide.

    It is believed to be one of only two public mass shootings to occur in the U.S. in all of 2020,

    the atomic iron metal other occurring at Springfield, Missouri, in March and leaving five people dead, including the gunman.

    The Bedroom bed and floor horizontal layers .....

    thus the male with his testicle/bio-rocks  and 
    sex activity mechnaics  ....

    creates BED oscillating signals that are  transmitted 

    to the parallel layers of underground atomic sensor .....
     geology geo-rock .....

    layers of the underground horizontal BED-Rock 
    as the
    above ground BED rocks with a Hot Woman

    Bedrock | National Geographic SEX Society › encyclopedia › b...
    Jul 15, 2022 — Bedrock is the relatively hard, solid rock beneath surface materials ... Aquifers, underground pockets
     of water, exist in porous bedrock ...

    Parallel human atomic female structures 

    Aquifers (wet aqua water molecule ...French Kiss), 

    Posterior Fourchet Fissures,

    Simply Explained by Chet Huntley television

     news  NeuEve › blogs › blog › posterior-fou...
    Jan 9, 2018 — The Posterior Fourchette is located at bottom of your vaginal entrance. It is a thin tissue fold and should be able to stretch during sexual ...

    Chester Robert "Chet" Huntley (December 10, 1911 – March 20, 1974) was an American television newscaster, best known for co-anchoring NBC's evening news program, The Huntley–Brinkley Report, for 14 years beginning in 1956. 

    Chester Robert "Chet" Huntley

    Chester Robert "Chet" Huntley

    Chester Robert "fourChet" Hunt  for hot women in their 
    Four (4) day molecule and
    Fourier sine/cosine wave ,,,,,
     social engineering math function and bio-math function pleasure waves ,,,

    In 1822, French mathematician Joseph Fourier discovered a wild four(4)  day sex party ....... and days latter .....
    thinking of the pleasure and fun his body / brain  had experienced ,,,

      that sinusoidal waves can be used as simple building blocks to describe(d) and approximate any periodic waveform, including square waves. Fourier used it as an

     analytical tool in the study of waves and heat flow

     (including HOT WOMEN in heat).

    --> conjugate math battles 

    ..... played out by the Viet Cong  
    .... jungles of South Vietnam in 1968  1970


    Classical Mechanics .... with secret family
    language codes and

    Charlie Chan molecule movie codes  of 1935

    Classical Mechanics .... secret codes of 

    Margaret Mead atomic social engineering ....

    as explained by Charlie Chan 1935 molecule movies

    and paperback BLACK INK books .....

    as explained by Charlie Chan 1935 and

     IBM molecule

     computers.... molecule CHANNEL COMMAND Words

     implanted into the movie audience BRAIN bio-computers

    Charlie Chan 1935 molecule CHANNEL COMMAND Words

    of the sugar thought molecule ,,,,, energy and thought continuum

    ---> Czechoslovakia

    Tyrrhenian sea --> Time year  .....year 2000 Y2K failure

    ...... Computer earth systems ...

    failure of the human brain  ...reqired red blood cell ....

    bio-computer upgrade to a age 50.....

    self-taught ...serious red read blood cell thinker

    Red Communist China  biology....

     EXTERNAL display of women marching in red/white cotton uniforms

    of Internal red blood cells 
    and white blood cell colors ...
    per Herbert  Spencer 

    A Guide to the IBM System/370 Model 168 system internals -

    IBM System/370 Model 168 system  ... 168 Dead at

     Oklahoma City ...

    The bombing of the 
    Alfred P. M Federal Building ..ding/dong

     in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 was the

     deadliest act of homegrown terrorism in U.S.

     history, resulting in the deaths of 168 people. 

    in COMPUTER EARTH systems battle

    IBM System/370 Model 168 system  

    VERSUS ... INSECT PEOPLE (IP) and their IP address space

    IBM System/370

    Extended Architecture 

    Principles of Operation

    of Principle quantum levels K L M 


    System/37.0 human bio-electronic .... bio-computer 

    with a IBM base 16  

    oxygen atomic mass 16  ... HEX/curse atomic computer inside the human LUNG ...with 8 electrons ..

    Model 16 ......... 8 system internals 

    Model 168 system internals 

    Battle at O = Oxygen symbol code with
    algebra coordinate (x,y) pointing to
    earth coordinates at  

    Battle at location O = Oklahoma


    Rene Magritte and Surrealism › link
    In 1927, Rene Magritte moved from Brussels to Paris and became a leading figure in the visual Surrealist movement. Influenced by de Chirico's paintings between ...

    Born in 1898, René Magritte is considered to be one of the key figures in the Surrealist movement. This involvement with Surrealism marks this renowned ...

    The Art of Living, 1967 by

     Rene Magritte 

    The Art of Death  1993  by

     Rene Magritte 

    extension JaNET Reno            

    Surrealist movement. This involvement with Surrealism marks
     this renowned ...

    this renowned ...

    this renowned ... Janet Reno and the

    The Waco siege, also known as the Waco massacre,[6][7][8][9] was the law enforcement siege of the hydro-carbon

     compound message site that belonged to the religious sect of Nature's organic chemistry government of molecule configuration agents  ... human configurations   Branch Davidians

    It was carried out by the U.S. federal government

    Texas state law enforcement ...atomic cement wants more

     concrete burial vaults 

    and the U.S. military

    between iron-54 Ferrous isotope February 28 
    and April 19, 1993.

     The Branch Davidians were led by David Koresh and were

     headquartered at

    Suspecting the group of 

    Sus math-physics existenceequations 

    The status of super-symmetry - Symmetry Magazine › article › the-statu...
    Jan 12, 2021 — Supersymmetry more than doubles the number of particles in the Standard Model

    Suspecting the group of 

    Sus equations 

    and Janet reno re-

    normalization group  equation - 

    ... a bio-physics group of stockpiling illegal weapons, 


    The Art of Living, 1967 by Rene Magritte 

    The Art of Death  at

     code Orange ...

    at Orange avenue Orlando

    Orlando nightclub shooting - Wikipedia › wiki › Orlando_nightclub_sh...

    On carbon atomic mass 12 message event on June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old man, killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in a mass shooting at Pulse,
    gravity thought field site with
    gravity idiots ..... gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida,

    The Art of Living, 1967 by Rene Magritte 

    The Art of Death  at code Orange ... near

     Orange Show RD San Bernardino

    On December 2, 2015, a surrealism  terrorist attack, consisting

     of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing, occurred at

     married couple living in the city of Redlands 

    were programed by Bill Gates and his atoMIC MICrosoft

     company brain programming scheme from  Redlands

     Washington  Address: One Microsoft

     WayRedmond, WA 98052, 

    Microsoft Teams |

    University of Death
     at Redlands and Redmond ..the

     intellectual  snobs and arrogant superior .... 

    software thinkers.... Washington

    Instructors can create Classes in Teams, share their screen, record class sessions for absent students, and create breakout groups for collaboration. Chat ...create the Chattanooga shootings

    July 17, 2015, 12:02 PM PDT / Updated July 17, 2015, 5:01 PM PDT 
    By Courtney Kube and Elisha Fieldstadt 
    The four Marines killed in the rampage in Chattanooga, Tennessee, served a total o

    On IBM base 16 HEX time battle July 16, 2015,

    over James Joyce  Ulysses  ....

     the Irish scheme to shift time backwards 1 month

     July 16 (J Ulysses)  to June 16

    Ulysses chronicles the appointments and

     encounters of the itinerant Leopold

     Bloom in Dublin in the course of an 

    ordinary day, 16 June 1904 

    regarding a math 
    course in

     ordinary differential equations 

     Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a U.S. Navy Reserve center and continued firing, where he was killed by police in a gunfight.[citation needed] Four Marines died on the spot. A Navy sailor, a Marine recruiter, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later

    Instructors can create
    Instructors can create

    Instructors can create the Windows Ten

     shooting EVENT

    with Samuel DuBose car window and Ray Tensing

    The rigged trial and Killing of chess agent ,,,,

     Caryl Chessman 

    Michael Faraday Farook was a U.S.-born citizen


    Post 011 Book 1658 Part 2 AP Calculus .... on the Alaska Purchase (AP) and the Great AP Gravity Grocery Store company

    code word score -> s +core --> earth sphere 

    and the earth atomic center core 
    as Nature's computer earth data center 

    word --> 
    Technique --> pointer to --> QueBEC and



    Introduction - Alaska Purchase (AP) Treaty: Primary Documents in ... › alaska-treaty
    Jun 12, 2020 — On March 30, 1867, the United States for the EARTH magnetic field government of the
    year 1200 /1215 Magna Carter .....

    reached a gravity thought field agreement
    to purchase Alaska from 
    Russia (ssia --> solar system interface agents)
    for a price of $7.2 million
    . The Treaty with Russia was 

    Treaty ..... Solar System (ss) gravity treaty with

     Russia and the algebra subset of Russia    (usa)

    for the Purchase of Alaska

    Thus  year 1200     Magna Carter of 1215

    ....................667 gravity years gives

    year .........1867 ...GM corporation code ......

    Gravity and magnetic fields .....

    common interaction with 

    atomic iron metal bridges / 

     GM automobiles from Janesville

     Wisconsin. etc 

    and blood ferrous/iron atom language

    InDia sub-continent of Asia --> entrance 

     in + + dia --> 

    inner DATABASE  .....  diameter

    in + D + dia --> 

    inner DATABASE  .....  diameter

    inner DATABASE  

    inner DATABASE  

    inner DATABASE 

    of geological levels 

    of geological levels 

    of ,,,,,,logic    layers as outlined by

    data streams sent UP

    by the computer earth
     UP software


    Program name = Upanishads

    UP data sets 

    Program name = Upanishads ....

    UP data sets 

    and the Ramanujan math layer equations


    They are the most recent part of the Vedas,



     da s --> V-section of inner earth sets 

    earlier parts (earth language lies in geological layers)

     of the Vedas deal with

    mantras, benedictions, rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices.

    [6][7][8] While among the most important literature in the

     history of Indian religions and culture, the Up

     the Up

     the Up

     the Up .... The RamanuJan problem of  7 and 11

    and 7-UP soda/beverage ... and 7-11 stores

    Of all Vedic( V section  .... earth ,,, dictionary) literature, the Upanishads alone are widely known, and their diverse ideas, interpreted in various ways, informed the later traditions of Hinduism

     the worship of underground geological

     layers of logic 

    VIA  visible stone building layer 

    vertical buildings

    ,,in year 2022 require some basic logic books

    from the last 150 years to upgrade the
    ancient foundation ...
    message format shown above


    gravity thought field financial transaction ..... 

    the local EARTH LAB gravity regions and their

     regional gravity field governments ...

     AMERICAN gravity government alliance

    with the magnetic field government of

    the year 1215 Magna Carter

    15 june 1215 ...IBM oxygen base 16

    human lung bio-computer oxygen treaty

    ..... year 1200 + 667 gravity years --> 1867 scheduled financial transaction .....

     the Alaska Purchase (AP) from the

    Russian SSI (Solar System interface ) people with



    Russian SSI (Solar System interface ) people with the
    Baltic  SSI instruction format for Russian

     people and British and American thinkers  that

     study a simple / basic Russian history, literature

     and geology ...

    of the earth inner 
    Radius  ...... and

     the Earth language 

    Russia and Bertrand Russell ...

    the 3rd Earl of the Russel
    l and

    name equation of year 1855/1856 iron-56 .....

    Herbert Spencer code --> earth round  Sphere 

    .....| information

    with an inner Radius database communications agent
     named  Her
    Bert --> to Bertrand   Russell to buy/sell

    economics, business and advertising money  systems

    Storage-to-storage instruction (SSI Format) - Encyclopedia › storage-t...
    storage-to-storage instruction ... A machine-language instruction to move a word of data from one location in main storage to another. ... Want to thank TFD for its ...
    storage instructions means the detailed written instructions regarding how to store the Products, as set out in the documentation supplied with such Products.


    earth electron land ... double e ... thought ee circuit configurations ....

     the North American continent ....

    needs a Bolzano's intermediate value theorem of an

    earth land (geography land  a sheet of graph paper

     in high school.freshman college )

    ... earth land as a  math surface of a 
    continuous information function

    .......  continuous land language needed to link to

    Milwaukee, Pewaukee, and Ozaukee ....

    earth electron(ee)  ....... atomic social science

     language LINKS

    ...VIA underground geological levels of

    atomic language of

    clay --> c layer

    --> clay coffin code communications layer

    with atomic coffin databases

    earth electron land ... double e ... thought ee circuit configurations ....

     the North American continent ....

    continuous land language needed to link to

    Milwaukee, Pewaukee, and Ozaukee ....

    earth electron .......

    underground geological levels of  Nature's ancient

     atomic language message system using atomic

     limestone layers as printed circuit layers

    Milwaukee, Pewaukee, and Ozaukee ....

    earth electron .......

    underground geological levels of  Nature's ancient

     atomic language message system using atomic

     limestone layers as printed circuit layers

    Waukesha atomic message system  .....

    Limestone, Lime and Stone Company

     Quarry (Paul Dirac atomic quantum array site) 

     ... - › loc-171174

    Waukesha Lime and Stone Company Quarry,

    wave mechanics of geo-physics and real reality ....

     Co., Wisconsin earth , USA : 

    dolostone overlain

    dolostone overlain

    dolton .....   overlain ..... geology

     message layer form Great Britain to

     Chicago-Dolton  Illinois


    Legendairy Holsteins & Swiss › posts › gustave-pabst-was-...

    Gustave Pabst was born in 1866

    Gravity thought field Processor of
    abstract math-engineering equations
    and MODELS needed for
    practical applications in fluid dynamics,

    aerodynamics , electricity .....>

    His brother ...gravity wave Frequency FrePabst owned and operated Pabst Farms near the earth language 
    ..... math algebra function region of

    ...F(X) = 0

    O = Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
    Gustave owned 2,700 acres of prime ..

    ..... 3 cubed = 3 exponent 3 = 27 land


     to the underground atomic

    limestone BED-rock message /signal processing

    ..... underground  atomic rock/stone....

     receiving earth surface signals from  the ...
    year 2022
    Pabst real estate house 
    bedrooms with 

    HOT WOMEN  that rock with
    Mr. Special


    ABOUT PABST FARMS evolution form


    A B OUT

    4-legged Animal Bovine  OUTPUT  protein

     thought molecule ...... input to --> 2-legged

     human action figures › about-pabst-farms

    in southeastern Wisconsin's
    ..... finest religious sin master-planned community

     of  Friendly residential

    EARTH criminal neighborhoods .....

    of Nitrogen atomic mass 14 life
    ... atomic bio-computer  subroutine  forms 
    from the year 1895

    HG Well TIME MACHINE computer software
     book .....
    Africa .. Friday brain  time 
    resulting in the 
    Pabst farms limestone ...
    earth geology 
    TIME police captain  .....

    for the

    Time Machine 1895 + years of B100D

     information flow gives year 1995 ... the

    blood output data  flow..

    target year 1995 ... actual date

    Captain James
    (IBM LU = Logical Unit) ...Lutz

    Waukesha Police Department, Wisconsin

    End of Watch Thursday, April 28, 1994 

    End of Watch

    SEnd of Watch ..time database

    of blood bio-computer  arteries / art


    VIA a modern art .....

     canvas of blood 

    End of Watch Thursday, April 28, 1994 

    per ArTHUR Schlesinger ....

    Thursday Schedule Map april

    Waukesha Communitnitrogen molecule atomic mass  28  = sum of nitrogen 14 + 14

    End of Watch

    End of Watch

    End of Time Watch

    James Lutz --> Universal time and Zula Time captain 

    Captain James Lutz was shot and killed while

     attempting to apprehend two TIME CODE  suspects

     who had robbed the Bank One at the intersection

     of Highway 18 ( 18 atomic families table) and

     Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin.

    the suspects (super-symmetry ...

    existential physics and physical social science ...

    Nature's ergodic systems  ..... data generating

     events ..

    VIA tragic signaling events)   

    TED OSWALD  ...Nature's selected  messenger  
      for the
    Oconomowoc cover-up of the Catherine Sjoberg

     ..ergodic system region in south east Wisconsin

     (Madison to Milwaukee area)

    Ergodic theory, like probability theory, is based on general notions of measure theory. Its initial development was motivated by problems of statistical physics.

    A central concern of ergodic theory is the behavior of a dynamical system when it
     is allowed to run for a long time with agent James Lutz. 

    Current UTC — Coordinated Universal Time - Time and Date › ... › World Clock
    Current local time in UTC. See a clock with the accurate time and find out where it is observed.

    Military name: “Zulu” Military Time
    Other names: Universal Time Coordinated / U...
    At sea: Longitudes between 7.5° West and 7.5° ...
    Longitude: 0° (Prime Meridian)

    Current UTC — Coordinated Universal Time - Time and Date

    Current UTC — Coordinated Universal Time - Time and Date

    Current UTC — Coordinated Universal Time - Time and Date

    the Waukesha James Lutz cover-up results in the 

    Coordinated Universal Time attack at

    Milwaukee Molson Coors shooting: Miller brewery shooter ... › news › crime › 2020/11/25
    Nov 25, 2020 — Multiple people were killed during a shooting rampage Wednesday afternoon on the Milwaukee campus of Molson.
    As police swarmed the complex, one ...
    As police swarmed the complex, one ...
    As police swarmed the complex, one ... history may repeat itself 

    As police swarmed the complex, one ...
    As police swarmed the complex, one ...
    As police swarmed the complex, one ...

    As police swarmed the complex, one ...
    As police swarmed the complex, one ...
    As police swarmed the complex, one ...Bank One 

    Captain James Lutz,
    of the Waukesha atomic iron/ferrous metal ore and
    language of 26 protons of iron and blood iron .... 

    Waukesha ferrous foundary ...iron castings language ....
      Iron castings by human foundary  workers .....
    slowly over several years .... 

      create human blood iron scripts and hemnoglobin blood iron thought programs  ,.. thus creating a theater cast -->
    and possibilty ..... a pissed off Nature ... can create  a Theatee of war/conflict/anger  cast   ......... route Nature's data events thru the Police Department, Wisconsin › officer › 16751-captain-james-...
    Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two suspects who had robbed the Bank One at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 ...

    Coordinated Universal Time attack  ....

    the  L
    UTZ and Bank One software  transferred

    to nearby Milwaukee via

    Madison ..mad/pissed  off molecules .... thus the

     bio-chemistry trans
    fer RNA using

     ferrous/iron castings and their extension to a
     human theater cast   ..... for the society / community
    theater of war/conflict 

    Milwaukee Molson Coors shooting: Miller brewery shooter ... created by Waukesha schemes /lies /cover-up and bragging over the rigged trail of 


    On February 26, 2020,

    Nature's systems ....
    atomic iron alphabet 26 proton letters

    VS the semantics/awareness problems of  pro -->


     a mass shooting occurred at

    Company in MilwaukeeWisconsin, United States, at approximately 2:10 pm.[2] 

    The atomic iron/ferrous agent ... perpetrator, 

    51-year-old Anthony Ferrill, shot and killed five coworkers before committing suicide
    (signal  ..UIC  idea school on death software programs )

    It is believed to be one of only two public mass shootings to occur in the U.S. in all of 2020, with the other occurring at Springfield, Missouri, in March and leaving five people dead, including the gunman.[6]

    Cathy Sjoberg | International Missing Persons Wiki - Fandom › wiki › Cathy_Sjoberg
    Oct 5, 2022 — Catherine Lynne "CathySjoberg was

     a teenager who disappeared from Concord,

     Wisconsin after leaving prom at the

     House dance hall .... a male and female dance(2 people represent 2 expression systems)

    The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. Feature for feature, this Gold Medallion award-winning volume is by far the finest, most thorough NIV-based concordance available. Read more Print length 1680 pages Language

    The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive
    The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive
    The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive --> edward edwards

    The Zondervan NIV Exhaust .... the automobile
    exhaust systems of a brown Oldsmobile 

    Dec 20, 2020Reports mentioned that they were last seen leaving the reception around 11 pm. 

    Tim's father (code .... mirror name Father Time)

     spotted his son's car - a brown Oldsmobile parked

     at the Zodervan location  ....Concord House without


     sign of Tim .... a Tim(e) agent.

     His wallet that contained gravity field code number

     $67   data LINK  to Highway 16 and 67 (gravity code

     667) at algebra function location  

    .... f(x) = 0 at 
    O = Oconomowoc, 

    his jacket, and his checkbook were the only things still locked

    You can access Strong's Concordance by simply searching or browsing the King James Version or New American Standard Bible (use either the main search box above or the simplified one below). Once you've chosen a passage, tap or click the gear icon at the top right of the reading pan. It looks like this: Then, just check the "Strongs Numbers" option.

     Strong's Concordance (SC) ---> agent CS

    Cathy Sjoberg(CS)

    Cathy S  job  erg

    Cathy System   job  ergodic and energy

    er·god·ic/ərˈɡädik/ Learn to pronounce adjective

    Mathematics and the  hematology bio-math

     blood of Sjoberg --> ergodic agent

    adjective: ergodic

    relating to or denoting systems or social

     engineering processes with the

    algebra f(x) = O --> O --> Oconomowoc and

     Concord  mathematical-physics  real estate

     property that,

    given sufficient James Lutz time (to think

     of the pieces to a vast puzzle of 

    Vasa RamanuJan), 

    they include or impinge on all points in a

     given Wisconsin space and

    geological language layer space..

    the color of atomic clay layer language

     and can be represented statistically by a reasonably large selection of points.

    The first result in this direction is the Poincaré recurrence theorem, which claims that almost all points in any subset of the phase space eventually revisit the set. Systems for which the Poincaré recurrence theorem holds are conservative systems; thus all ergodic systems are conservative.

    More precise information is provided by various ergodic theorems which assert that, under certain conditions, the

     time average of a function along the trajectories

     exists almost everywhere (gun bullet input create 

     news bulletin)

    and is related to the space average.

    Two of the most important theorems are those of Birkhoff (1931) and von Neumann which assert the existence of a time average along each trajectory.

     von Neumann which assert the existence of a time average along each trajectory

     von Neumann Orlando math battle shooting

    On June 5, 2017, 
    John Robert Neumann Jr.(Job region in ergodic

     systems), a 45-year-old former employee of the sheet  metal working Fiamma factory,
    an Orlando-based company that makes awnings for residential vehicles and campers,

     killed five former colleagues and himself.[1][2] Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said Neumann did not appear to belong to any kind of subversive or terrorist group.[1]

     For the special class of ergodic systems, this time average is the same for almost all initial points: statistically

     speaking, the system that evolves for a long time "forgets" its initial state. 

    Stronger properties, such as mixing and equidistribution, have also been extensively studied. 

    Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon › lexicon
    Study the Scriptures with Strongs concordance online including the ability to search full Hebrew/Greek lexicons!

    Strong's Concordance 

     at  Concordance  Hall by Concord /Oconomowoc. Waukesha

    KentucKy postal code Ky man charged in 1980
    double ee (earth electron agent Edward Edwards )  slaying 

    in the 2 versions of Nikola Tesla MODEL of Earth atomic rock /stone  ...quartz & limestine mineral  message / data TUNNEL  communications sytems .....
    equivalent to copper metal wire used  for telegraph & teelphones ........ hence the word wireless --> atomic materials have message paths without using a copper wire message path  (wireless).... but have  a similiar a ability 

    KentucKy postal code Ky man charged in 1980
    double ee (earth electron agent Edward Edwards )  slaying 

    in the 2 versions of

    simple haromic oscillator Ky battles › news › wisconsin
    Jul 31, 2009 — Double e -->ee --> EARTH systems ...
    electrical engineering 
    Authorities are holding
    Edward Edwards (agent EE)  in the slayings of the couple, who disappeared after a wedding reception at the Concord House dance hall in ...

    wedding reception

    wedding reception

    wedding reception / ding dong 

    in the slayings of the couple,
    in the slayings of the couple,
    in the slayings of the couple,

    On Feynman's Speculation of the
    Origin of the Fine-Structure ... › pdf
    Sep 20, 2016 — When thinking about the origin of the fine-structure constant
    (the electromagnetic coupling constant -->
    VIA 1980 data event ....
    a tragic signaling event
    electromagnetic coupling couple..
    Tim Hack and Kelly Drew  constant in Wisconsin 
    ), renowned physicist Richard Feynman ..

    Why the number 137 is one of the greatest mysteries in physics › hard-science › number-137-phys...
    Oct 31, 2018 — Famous physicists like Richard Feynman think 137 holds the ... Relativity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are unified by the number.
    Missing: coupling ‎| Must include: coupling

    137 (number) - Wikipedia › wiki › 137_(number)
    Since the early 1900s, physicists have postulated that the number could lie at the heart of a grand unified theory, relating theories of electromagnetism, ...

    Jul 31, 2009 — Double e -->ee --> EARTH systems ...
    electrical engineering 
    Authorities are holding
    Edward Edwards (agent EE)  in the slayings of the couple, who disappeared after a COMPUTER EARTH ....
    earth signal reception ..
    .... at the earth geography COFE NAMR identifier location ....
    wedding reception at the
     Concord House dance hall in ... 

    KentucKy postal code Ky man charged in 1980
    double ee (earth electron agent Edward Edwards )  slaying 

    in the 2 versions of Nikola Tesla MODEL of Earth atomic rock /stone  ...quartz & limestine mineral  message / data TUNNEL  communications sytems ..

    earth signal reception ..
    .... at the earth geography COFE NAMR identifier location ....
    wedding reception at the

     Concord House dance hall in ... ..

    thus the Earth Langauge .....

    human activities,,,,,,

    concorddance codes at the site for the 2 versions 

    The Grand Rapids (processor speed)

     atoMic Michigan  publisher ....

    Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance -

    The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV ...
    Rating: 4.7 · ‎537 reviews · ‎$31.73
    • Conduct thorough, revealing word studies that uncover shades of meaning from the original Bible languages. Organize your own studies on subjects of your ...
      Item Weight: ‎5 pounds
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      Rating: 4.5 · ‎35 reviews · ‎$50.13
    Book Overview ; On Sale: 2015-03-31 ; Pages: 1648 ; Publisher: Zondervan ; Publication Date: 2015-03-31 ; Trim Size: 25.000mm x 25.000mm x 25.000mm ...

    Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon › lexicon
    Study the Scriptures with Strongs concordance online including the ability to search full Hebrew/Greek lexicons! · Use Strong's Concordance (KJV) · Search ...

    Thus the 2 language dance versions  ..... with nearby Watertown Wisconsin  and the Lebanon Wisconsin bandwidth .....


    127 S Concord Ave, Watertown, WI 53094 - › ... › Watertown › Concord Ave
    See 127 S Concord AveWatertownWI 53094, a single family home located in the neighborhood.

    S Concord Ave,

    S Concord Ave,

    View Strong Concordance property details, similar homes, and the nearby school and ...
    Missing: strong ‎concordance

    S Concord Ave,

    S Concord Ave, also known as

    Highway E  or the E street Band (link to Lebanon)

    James LUTZ   code   UT --> U Two --> U2 ....

    the Waukesha secret BEDROOM community of
    HOT WOMEN (2) ...
    the Waukesha underground information streets
    and the nearby  Milwaukee County Zoo
     software program .... program brain ...thought implants into
    human females

    PROGRAM = Wild Women of Borneo  ..... thus the

    secret neuroscience INTERNET thought streets of

     the  Waukesha Wild Women of Borneo (WWW) ...

    enabling them to interface to the

     World Wide Web  of Hot Women- Wikipedia

    The World Wide Web (WWW),
    commonly known as the Web of  electron jack ,,,,agent ...
     Jack Webb (Dragnet TV), is an information system enabling male sperm / documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Waukesha community .....

    the Waukeska bank robbers then
    fled towards wave mechanics region .... Waukesha with officers in pursuit of a math ai series .

    Math series secret agent ....  Captain Lutz ... joined the pursuit on Meadowbrook Road in Waukesha. 

    He was shot and killed in an exchange of gunfire while pursuing the suspects code carriers. 


    exchange map in the living language .....

    SYMBOL & CONCPT Machine 
    tion of
    physical social activity events

    ..... thus 

    Lutz  and the suspects ...... appear in a

    wave mechanics ... Waukesha shadow code map 

    The suspects, who were a father and son, then abandoned their car and fled on foot. As officers moved in, the suspects car-jacked another car and fled.

    The suspects were forced to abandon their second car when they turned down a dead-end road. They fled on foot and broke into a house where they held the female homeowner hostage. The suspects then forced the female to drive them in her van in another escape attempt

    Pabst farms

    Pabst farms

    Pabst farms 1910 1920 1950

    Pabst farms
    Upscale retail. Innovative commercial parks. All blending into  ........ the
    Upscale retail battle of death in Nairobi Kenya .

    Pabst farms

    Upscale retail. Innovative commercial

     parks. All blending ....

    Pabst farms (male body


    that need the penis test via 
    bed sex ...

     sin wave oscillations 
    rock the bed..

    sent to the inner earth BED ROCK 

    activity database








    List 002 - The Two Cultures conflicts / battles .
    .....1959 to year 2022  
    . the language and 
      World  Wars 3,  4,  5,  and 6 are very active

    "The Two Cultures" is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow which were published in book form as The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution the same year.[1][2] Its thesis was that science and the humanities which represented "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" had become split into "two cultures" and that this division was a major handicap to both in solving the world's problems.

    Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:

    A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists.


    Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative.


    Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare's?[5] 


    I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question – such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? – not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language.


    So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]

    The Lost World  

    The Lost World 

    The Lost World   
    .....the Lost ...Two World Trade  centers

    in Lower Manhattan on Sept 11, 2001


    .....the Lost ...

    .....the Lost ... destroyed 2 skyscrapers

    The Lost World  

    The Lost World  (of the English language, words, dictionaries, and semantics)
    ....extension application of the Power of Words  
    (about Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle novel -- his november 

    2002 gubernatorial election

    Arthur Conan Doyle 
    messenger RNA).

    The Lost World is a science fiction novel by British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, published by Hodder & Stoughton in 1912, concerning an expedition to a plateau in the Amazon basin of South America where prehistoric animals still survive. It was originally published serially in the Strand Magazine and illustrated by New-Zealand-born artist Harry Rountree during the months of April–November 1912
    . The character of 
    Professor Challenger was introduced in this book. The novel also describes a war between indigenous people and a vicious tribe of ape-like creatures.

     secret codes in BOOKs explained ...
     secret codes in BOOKs explained ... secret codes in BOOKexpl...

    --> commands and instructions to
    BOMB  Oklahoma city  explosion on the 
    John Dos Passos book 1919 ...
    software terrorist schedule of

    Book 1919 .. April 19 1995
    with Martin Luther 95 Thesis

    Directory of books and their embedded .....
    civilian military codes ... secret word codes
    translated by Herb Zinser for 
    the modern thinker / reader in year 2022

    List of posts and their ideas 

    Click on the post title to see 
    the original post and its flowcharts and diagrams

    with greater detail


    Earth Science secret code words ...

    with the ear  thoughts message event of 
    December  23 1988 of Vincent van Gogh 

    ...he cut his ear and then it was bandaged

    Bandaged ear implies 

    Bandwidths  ................. earth geography signals

    (Nikola Tesla Model of Nature's message system)

    Cotton thought molecules
    in the textile / geometry configuration pattern /
    ........ of  white cotton panties of a female bio-electron communication structure

    Female cotton panty bandwidth .....
    attracts male engineer curiosity  ..... 
    and the IBM bio-computer assembler instruction ...

    RIO --> Resume I/O 

    (with the penis --> is --> Information systems)

    Bandwidths  ................. earth geography signals

    (Nikola Tesla Model of Nature's message system)

    underground atomic message systems ...

    atomic quantum wave mechanics for
    the human social sciences ...the HUM song and dance of nonsense 

    Nov 2, 2021An image of the Worldwide Hum Map, a catalogue of reports of The Hum around the world. The Hum is a mysterious low pitch noise that bothers up to 2% of people worldwide. 


    An Intimate Geography LINK 
    to AngKor Wat : Angier, Natalie -

    to AngKor    Wat 

    to AngKor    Wat 

    to AngKor   tWat (female twat / vagina word) › Woman-Natalie-Angier
    Natalie Angier explores different parts of female body with scientifically supported arguments, her own experiences, and stories of others with very beautiful ...

     explores different parts  

    ... ordinary and partial different equations 

    ..integration by parts ..math/calculus

    --> Nature's cotton data processing  systems 

    age 18 teenage Females pick cotton balls .....
    the female touch  ..... data transfer to  cotton molecules .....

    that become MALE cotton underwear  briefs .....

    with attached teenage female finger  software  ....

    constantly caressing his male testicle balls
    ..... to make him happy and
    write superior legal briefs that are 
    tested in court ....
    in the romance /courtship

    court room as a ocean ship filled with
    perfect male balls and superior penis head thoughts

    thus the leg of a female gal (wife or girlfriend) manipulation of the male ...biased  legal systems 

    Law school neuro-science class 101

    Euclidean --> atomic clay layers of ideas 

    On December 5, 2007, 19-year-old Robert Hawkins shot and killed eight people and wounded four others in a Von Maur department store at Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, before committing suicide by shooting himself in the head.[4] It was the deadliest mass murder in Nebraska since the rampage of Charles Starkweather in 1958.[5]

    created by the Waukesha Wisconsin
    rigged trial of the Bank One robbery

    Captain James Lutz, 

    Waukesha Police Department,
    Wisconsin ..sin wave ..wave mechanics battle region › officer › 16751-captain-james-...
    Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two suspects who had robbed the Bank One at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 ...
    Apr 28, 2014 — On April 28, 1994, Lutz, 57, responded to an alert about an armed bank robbery in Wales and spotted the suspects in northwest Waukesha. The ..

    Waukesha Wave Mechanics battle over the probability distribution --> 1 - one  

    molecular social chemistry and math problems of probability .....Chancellor
    of University of lazy thinkers of Wisconsin -
    Chemistry LibreTexts

    Feb 2, 2022 — wave function (Ψ) is a mathematical function that relates the location of an electron at a given point in space (identified by x, y, and z ...

     that relates the location
     that relates the location of Wa -->
    Wave Functions of Waukesha 
    and the algebra union of K community ERROR data sets 


    Why Did Vincent van Gogh Cut off His Ear?

    Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear when tempers flared with Paul Gauguin, the artist with whom he had been working for a while in  French frequency  ....
    earth atomic soil language region
     of South French ...the sound frequency  and the .... city of  Arles.

    Music and talk harmonic sound waves  ....
    Music and talk harmonic sound waves  ....

    Music(k) and nonsense talk harmonic sound waves 

    .... attack

     On the IBM oxygen atomic message  night of 8 data bits on 

    of the month of Dec --> Decimal number  23, 1888

    in the throes of a mental breakdown, Vincent van Gogh cut off part of his own ear. From here, however, details .

    Van Gogh's software language illness revealed itself: he began to hallucinate and suffered attacks in which he lost consciousness. During one of these attacks,  

    Living history may repeat itself  .... years later ....  using
    the Vincent Van Gogh event DATABASE of alphabet words and codes to create a new parallel  event  ...thus 

    Van Gogh's  --> Va = Postal code for Virginia
    geography state and the state of mind ...of Virginia --> 
    thus Virginia TECH .....
     the state of mind ..the education heist /scheme of stolen intellectual property ...
    university ethics violations on
     proper behavior and communications protocol regarding proper nouns and people names

    he began to hallucinate --> Norris Hall and 
    English department agent  Lucinda  Roy ..for Roy Rodgers television show and 4-legged horse  Trigger --> become actualized  as a REAL REALITY  rod /metal gun with
    bullets and a gun triggers  

    During one of these attacks,  

    The Virginia Tech shooting was a Botany spruce tree ,,,decision tree  spree shooting that occurred on IBM base 16 HEX/curse day of April 16, 2007,

     comprising IBM base 2 .... two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 

    the EARTH SCIENCE batte zone ....
    chernozem region of black farm soil of 
    BlacksburgVirginia, United States. 

    the EARTH SCIENCE batte zone ....
    chernozem region of black farm soil of 

    and Earth geography battle code 

    orange county --> to Orlando Florida street name and shooting at the Pulse nighrclub

     orange county --> to San Bernardino California area of 

    street name --> Orange Show Road and 

    nearby shooting with 14 dead

    Virginia Tech shooting

    Seung-Hui Cho, an undergraduate student at the university and a U.S. resident who was from South Korea, killed 32 people and wounded 17 others with two semi-automatic pistols. Six others were injured jumping out of windows to escape Cho.

    The first shooting occurred at solids building 
    West Ambler Johnston Hall,
    a comatose formaldehyde dormitory 
    amber-orange color of the parallel liquid, 

    Amber Dormitory Hall .... Student brain content ...Storage Concerns For Fluid-Preserved Collections

    Formaldehyde may be used as a preservative, and for some specimens is better than alcohols, particularly for human anatomical specimens, fish and amphibian ..

    where two people were killed; the main attack was a school shooting at Norris Hall, a classroom building,

    Seung-Hui Cho Biography - The Famous People › profiles › seung-h...

    Seung-Hui Cho was a Korean–American human action figure ....for the atomic mas periodic table ....  who shot and killed 32 people ..  defective oxygen molecule ,,, atomic mass  32 eliminates defective brain people ... and wounded 17 others in the infamous Virginia Tech massacre on oxygen atom 16 message day of April 16, ...

    where Cho chained the main entrance doors shut

    and fired into four classrooms in the Fourier math engineering ERRORS


    .. fri
    .. friday time machine code

    Earth Science coffee tree  


    Cold Coffees -
    Hot Coffees -
    Cold Drinks -
    Hot Breakfast -
    Hot Drinks


    Huey Long's Assassination - Who Killed Huey Long › life-times › assassination

    Huey Long died September 10, 1935, after being shot in the Louisiana State Capitol by Dr. Carl Weiss; more than 200000 mourners attended his funeral in ...
    Date of death: September 10, 1935
    Siblings: Earl Long

    On Sunday, September 8, 1935, United States senator and former Louisiana governor Huey Long was assassinated at the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge, ...
    Motive: Unclear
    Date: September 8, 1935; 87 years ago; 9:20 p...
    Deaths: 2 (including the perpetrator)

    The Battle of Huế (31 January 1968 – 2 March 1968), also called the Siege of Huế, was a major military engagement in the Tết Offensive launched by North Vietnam and the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War. After initially losing control of most of Huế and its surroundings, the combined South Vietnamese and American forces gradually recaptured the city over one month of intense fighting. The battle was one of the longest and bloodiest of the war, and the battle negatively affected American public perception of the war.

    By the beginning of the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive on 30 January 1968, which coincided with the Vietnamese Tết Lunar New Year, large conventional September 10, 1935, Baton Rouge, LA

    Huey Long's Assassination - Who Killed Huey Long › life-times › assassination

    Huey Long died September 10, 1935, after being shot in the Louisiana State Capitol by Dr. Carl Weiss; more than 200000 mourners attended his funeral in ...
    Date of death: September 10, 1935
    Siblings: Earl Long

    On Sunday, September 8, 1935, United States senator and former Louisiana governor Huey Long was assassinated at the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge, ...
    Motive: Unclear
    Date: September 8, 1935; 87 years ago; 9:20 p...
    Deaths: 2 (including the perpetrator)

    The Battle of Huế (31 January 1968 – 2 March 1968), also called the Siege of Huế, was a major military engagement in the Tết Offensive launched by North Vietnam and the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War. After initially losing control of most of Huế

    The ancient capital of  Euclidean plane geometry  straight lines

    VS Boston 

    Brain traffic Rotaries in Massachusetts - Wikipedia › wiki › Rotaries_in_Massachus...
    This is a list of roundabouts in the state of Massachusetts in the United States. Intersections that are called traffic circles or roundabouts in the rest ...

    Roundabouts are a type of circular intersection which promotes slow and consistent vehicle speeds entering, circulating, and exiting the intersection.---

    ---> quiver sine waves of
    President John Quiver Adams 


    Human skin bio-math language codes 
    The Salvador Dalí Museum of his
    INTERNAL blood arteries langusage and codes

    ...Externalized  ...... thus the 
    art museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States, dedicated to the works of Salvador Dalí. It is located on the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront by 5th Avenue Southeast, Bay Shore Drive, and Dan Wheldon Way. 

    Death sentence upheld for math agent

    for Alonzo Church mathematics ---> 

    Dylann PRoof, who killed 9 in South ... › news › us-news › death-se...
    Aug 25, 2021 — A federal appeals court affirmed a death sentence for Dylann Roof, convicted in the 2015 mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Church math battle...

     convicted Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof who committed a math shooting at the 
    Emanuel AME ...

    Emanuel African Methodist Church math battle
    A    Church

    Alonzo Church (June 14, 1903 - August 11, 1995) was a renowned American mathematician, computer scientist, logician, philosopher, professor and editor who made major contributions to mathematical logic and the foundations of theoretical computer science.
    Alonzo Church, (born June 14, 1903, Washington, D.C., U.S.—died Aug. 11, 1995, Hudson, Ohio), U.S. mathematician. He earned a Ph.D. from Princeton University. His contributions to number theory and the theories of algorithms and computability laid the foundations of computer science. The rule known as Church's theorem or Church's thesis (proposed independently by Alan M. Turing) states ...

    Church's theorem or Church's thesis
    Church's theorem or Church's
    Church's theorem or Church's --> Emanual Church
    battle site 

    entire manuscript.... of 
    complex entire transcendental  math functions

    complex entire transcendental  math functions

    with Walter Palmer and the teeth  of 
    Cecil Rhodes software systems 


    Cecil the Lion of
    Z = Impedance of
    Z = Zimbabwe

    Walter Palmer, dentist who hunted and killed Cecil the lion ... › news › 2015/09/08
    Sep 8, 2015 — In the interview Sunday night, he admitted to shooting Cecil but disputed early details about the hunt. For instance, the Zimbabwe Conservation ...

    Dentist Will Not Be Charged In the Death of Cecil the Lion - TIME › World › Zimbabwe
    Oct 12, 2015 — Zimbabwe Will Not Charge U.S. Dentist Who Killed Cecil the Lion ... Walter Palmer arrives at the River Bluff Dental clinic in Bloomington, ...

    clinic in Bloom
    clinic in Bloom
    clinic in Bloom ..Leopold Bloom brain clinic for Minnesota idiots 

    Leopold Bloom is the fictional protagonist and hero of James Joyce's 1922 novel Ulysses ....
    and he has become  actualized in the nonsense people of Minnesota

    His peregrinations and encounters in Dublin on 16 June 1904 mirror


    Human skin communication EPI languages of love/ romance, social activity .... family  life and thoughts

    Hot Women and their infra-red secret skin languages used to lure male thinkers
    ..away from the male job of  clear serious  thinking

    Female body skins ..... walk on 2-legs...... 
    with bio-computer THOUGHT subroutines that
    they transfer .. they emit thought programs  to other people 

    bio-computer THOUGHT subroutines that
    they transfer .. they emit thought programs  to other people 

    secret codes in the math book ...clues to larger puzzles of society

    The Beer Malt Community of
    Thomas atoMic MicRobe Robert Malthus Is Responding After the Molson Coors battle... › ... › Brew City

    The Beer Community Is Responding After the Molson Coors Shooting. Condolences include tributes to Miller's place in Milwaukee's brewing history and present.

    Milwaukee brewery shooting

    On February 26, 2020, a mass shooting occurred at the Molson Coors Beverage Company in MilwaukeeWisconsin, United States, at approximately 2:10 pm.[2] The perpetrator, 51-year-old Anthony Ferrill, shot and killed five coworkers before committing suicide


    H.G. Wells, 'The Invisible Man' (1897) › h-g-well...

    Jun 7, 2018 — Surely invisibility was a gift, and not a curse? This, combined with his being swathed in bandages to hide his invisibility, made Griffin a very ...

    bandages to hide his
    bandages to hide his
    band communication Bandwidths sent to ....
     hide his
    Hideki Yukawa 1949 physics and bio-physics Novel Prize

    Hideki Yukawa The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949 Born: 23 January 1907, Tokyo, Japan Died: 8 September 1981, Kyoto, Japan Affiliation at the time of the award: Columbia University, New York, NY, USA; Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Prize motivation: "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces"

    Studied atomic HUMAN social sciences  ......
    nuclear family forces with 

    the existence of mesons
    the existence of mesons
    the existence of me    sons
    the existence of meta staerker 1907 and Henry Zinser 1897 sons  ...Karl, Hans, and Herbert

    Hideki YukawaYukawa --> ka + wa --> Karl Zinser at Watertown 
    Wisconsin with farm / cattle hides


    Griffin (The Invisible Man) - Wikipedia › wiki › Griffin_(The_Invisible...

    Griffin, also known as the Invisible Man, is a fictional character who first appeared as the protagonist of H. G. Wells1897 science fiction novel The ...

    The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. Originally serialized in Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year.

    Plot summary with.... the year 2022 Duchess of Sussex

    A mysterious man, Griffin, referred to as 'the stranger', arrives at the local inn owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of IpingWest Sussex, during a snowstorm. 

    Meghan, Duchess of Sussex - Wikipedia › wiki › Meghan,_Duchess_of_...

    12 hours ago — 
    Western Hemisphere secret agent Meghan,
    Duchess of Sussex is an 
     American member of the HG WELLS code word 
    West Sussex,

     ---> English language agents  --> British royal family and former actress.

    She is the wife of Prince Harry,
    chemistry lab class .... litmus paper test ...
    Duke of Sussex, ...

    She is the wife of Nature's EARTH LAB .....
     chemistry molecule specimen in male human format  Prince Harry,

    The stranger wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages / atomic Logical unit(LU)  bandwidths of 
    entropy intellectual subroutine life form  
    LU ---> of Ludwig Boltzman

    The stranger wears....

    except for a prosthetic nose, 

    and he wears a wide-brimmed hat (as  FermiLAB signaling director
    of the odd and strange ..... named the Oddone). 

    He is excessively reclusive, irascible, unfriendly, and introverted. He demands to be left alone and spends most of his time in his rooms working with a set of atomic chemicals and laboratory apparatus, only venturing out at night.

     He also causes a lot of accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses this, 

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    Mass shooting leaves six dead and 21 injured in Cole Hall ... › mass-shooting-leaves-...

    Five crosses planted on a snow-covered hill 

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    A Closer Look at Virginia Tech's Norris Hall Six Years ... - WSET › archive › a-closer-look-at-virginia-te...

    Roanoke, VA -Norris Hall at Virginia Tech was the scene of the vast majority of the murders when the campus shooting took place; 31 people, including the .

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    accidents, but when Mrs. Hall addresses

    The Oregon massacre: 

    The Oregon massacre: 

    The Oregon massacre: 

    USA Shooting Hall of Fame › About
    To be eligible the person must have been retired from active international shooting at least five years. The first inductees were four USA shooters that had ...

    Chaos, horror and heroism in Snyder Hall

    The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old student who was enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and 8 students in a classroom, and injured 8 others. Roseburg police detectives responded to the incident and engaged Harper-Mercer in a brief shootout. After being wounded, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The mass shooting was the deadliest in Oregon's modern history.[a]

    Roseburg police detectives

    Roseburg police detectives

    Milt Roseburg police detective extension of bio-radio

    Milt Rosenberg's Extension 720 A 1996

    Milton J. "Milt" Rosenberg (April 15, 1925 – January 9, 2018) was a prominent social psychologist who was professor of psychology at the University of Chicago and was the host of a long-running radio program in Chicago, Illinois.

    Rosenberg was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2008 by President George W. Bush, "for bringing the world of ideas to millions of listeners."[2]

    Radio show[edit]

    From 1973 until December 20, 2012, he hosted WGN Radio's "Extension 720," a two-hour discussion show with one hour reserved for call-ins.

    H G Wells .....

    Robert Strange Name McNamara

    the stranger angrily demands that the cost of the damage be put on his bill ..the Bill Clinton bill. 

    Robert Strange Name McNamara (/ˈmæknəmærə/; June 9, 1916 – July 6, 2009) was an American business executive for

    sine brain wave ..... neuro-science and sex activity industry

    and the eighth United States Secretary of Defense, serving from 1961 to 1968 under the cotton underwear  Presidents 

    John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

    Woman: An Intimate Geography: Angier, Natalie - › Woman-Natalie-Angier

    With her characteristic clarity, insight, and sheer exuberance of language, bestselling author Natalie Angier cuts through the still-prevalent myths and ...

    Woman: An Intimate Geography,,,,

    the Mekong River  delta  region
    as a parallel ... wet pussy channel

    the Mekong River  delta  region
    the Meat  kong River  delta  region

    He remains the longest serving Secretary of Defense, having remained in office over seven years. 

    He played a major role in the Majora Labia escalating the United States' involvement in the

    V = Vagina battle splayed out in V= Vietnam War.[3] 

    The fallopian tube battle in IraQ ... newsaper and collge IQ test 

    The First Battle of Fallujah, code-named Operation Vigilant Resolve, was an operation against militants in Fallujah as well as an attempt to apprehend or kill the perpetrators of the killing of four U.S. contractors in March 2004.. The chief catalyst for the operation was the highly publicized killing and mutilation of four Blackwater USA private military contractors, and the killings of five ...

    The Second Battle of Fallujah, codenamed Operation al-Fajr ( Arabic: الفجر, lit. 'The Dawn') and Operation Phantom Fury, was an American-led offensive of the Iraq War. Marking the highest point of the conflict against the Iraqi insurgency, it was a joint military effort carried out by the United States, the Iraqi Interim Government, and ...

    While Griffin is staying at the inn,
      hundreds of strange glass bottles arrive.
    ---> Sandro Botticelli


    atomic metal .......iron beam

    The name of Robin Hood has been synonymous with Sherwood Forest for more than 600 years.

    The words “Robyn hod in scherewod stod” (“Robin Hood in Sherwood stood”) are taken from a poem dating back to around 1400. But there were references to the
    world’s most famous outlaw (output data stream) even before then.

    One of the most important works of Earth language...E = English medieval literature,
    The Vision of Piers the Plowman

    The Vision of Piers the Illinois earth ....
    atomic farm plow man .. the Peru visions of  Pier science Oddone by Batavia/ Chicago ...  Plowman

    by William Langland,

    written in 1377, 

    mentions the ‘Ferrous iron atom .... rymes of Robyn hood’.

    These atomic bio-radio activity rhymes
    would have been popular subjects for 14th Century minstrels,

     who wandered the land singing ... earth geography rap music
    sin wave mechanics messages ....  the newest songs of the day.

    in year 2022 

    What You Need to Know About Becoming a
    Geology Music Major › Education › Best Colleges

    Dec 2, 2020 — Geology majors take core science courses in chemistry and physics, such as environmental geochemistry and physical geology. Advanced mathematics ...

    who wandered the land singing ... earth geography rap music

    rap | geography History, Artists, & Facts of
    geologist  body and brain ... their blood arteries  as
    bio-interceptors  of Nature's signal waves - Encyclopedia Britannica › ... › Rap & Hip-Hop Music

    Aug 30, 2022 — rapmusical style in which rhythmic and/or rhyming speech is chanted (“rapped”) to musical accompaniment. This backing music, which can ...


    Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy on
    Henry's Law- Wikipedia › wiki › Henry_Louis_Gates_ar...

    On July 16, 2009, Harvard University beverage professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by local police officer Sgt. James Crowley, who was responding to...

    beverage professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by local police officer Sgt. James Crowley, who was responding to molecular thought language ... software thought programs at Harvard ...

    Dr James Crow | Scotch Whisky › magazine › whisky-heroes

    Dec 11, 2018 — Born in the Highland capital of Inverness during 1779, James 'Jim' C. Crow studied medicine and chemistry at Edinburgh University, graduating in ...

     Born in the Highland capital of Inverness
     Born in the Highland capital of Inverness
     Born in the Highland capital of Inverness

     Born in the High  land capital of Inverness

     Born in the Higher education land of legal and
    social bull-shit .....

    capital of Inverted intellectual nonsense at the Ha Ha Ha school of Harvard 

    the Beer Summit 
    the Beer Summit 

    Doctor James C. "Jim" Crow (1789–1856) has sometimes been loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process used in creating bourbon whiskey. ... Crow, born in Inverness, Scotland, was a chemist-physician, graduated in ...

    the perfecter of the sour mash process 
    the perfecter of the sour mash process 
    the perfecter of the sour mash process for male brain thoughts

    M*A*S*H (TV Series 1972–1983) - IMDb › title
    M*A*S*H: Created by Larry Gelbart. With Alan Alda, Loretta Swit, Jamie Farr, William Christopher. The staff of an Army hospital in the Korean War find that ...
    Rating: 8.4/10 · ‎57,548 votes

    The Sour Mash TV program tricks and
    brain manipulation plot

     (an acronym for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) is an American war comedy-drama television series that aired on CBS from September 17, 1972 to February 28, 1983. 

    It was developed by Larry Gelbart as the first original spin-off series adapted from the 1970 feature film M*A*S*H, which, in turn, was based on Richard Hooker's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The series, which was produced with 20th Century Fox Television for CBS, follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the "4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital" in UijeongbuSouth Korea, during the Korean War (1950–53).

    The ensemble cast originally featured Alan Alda and Wayne Rogers as surgeons Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce and "Trapper" John McIntyre, the protagonists of the show, joined by Larry Linville as surgeon Frank Burns, Loretta Swit as head nurse Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, McLean Stevenson as company commander Henry Blake, Gary Burghoff as company clerk Walter "Radar" O'Reilly, Jamie Farr as orderly Maxwell Klinger, and William Christopher as the chaplain, Father John Mulcahy. Over the run of the show, several members of the main cast were replaced: Wayne Rogers was replaced by Mike Farrell as B. J. Hunnicutt, McLean Stevenson was replaced by Harry Morgan as Sherman Potter,


    IBM base 16 HEX...hexadecimal  code
    Buffalo  =  255 --> High-values

    --> Buffalo Hunters -->code for Buffy and the Vampire Slayer


    What is the American Indians
    secret bio-computer geo-computer society ....
     DNS Server (name server)? - Domains - Namecheap › support › article.aspx

    Nameserver is a
    human bio-computer server  or a

    copper wire electronic server on the Internet specialized in handling queries regarding the location of the domain name's various services. In easy words,
      name servers --> you

    --> Buffalo Hunters --> code word --> Warren Buffy of Omaha --> Warren cafeteria Buffet ..all tou can EATand Destroy thru conflict/war --->  Warren Buffett


    Welcome to Historic Explains ...Plains, Georgia | Jimmy Carter › plan-your-visit › welcome-to-...

    Welcome to PlainsGeorgiaJimmy Carter (James Earl Carter, Jr.), 39th president of the United States, was born October 1, 1924, in the small farming town ...

    Plains, the South Georgia hometown of Jimmy Carter and his

    wife Rosalynn ......

    his ferrous /iron-54  atomic wife  ..........
     of  Fermat's Last Theorem LINK

    Earth surface land ....wife Rosalynn ......

    is located in Sumter County along U.S. 280. It is about 150 miles southwest of the ..


    Code word Bazaars --> aa spells surface  area 

    thus aars --> surface area language ...arise to a level of conscious awareness VIA 

    Hari seldon  ..mathematical  social sciences 

    Hari Seldon is a real/reality ...symbol life form / character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series

    In his capacity as mathematics professor of

    hematology BLOOD bio-math software language  

    at Streeling University on the project plan of planet Trantor, Seldon develops psychohistory, an algorithmic science that allows him to predict the future in probabilistic terms ..
    such as Nature's systems created theater EVENT
    ... Hearst newspaper family member ....
     Patty Hearst kidnapping by the SLA . 

    Patty Hearst kidnapped by the
    Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) .....

    per EGODIC  SYSTEM  language project plan of planet Trantor,

    of planet Trantor,

    of planet Tran      tor (job opening for code letters),

    of planet Tran??? tor,
    of planet Tran??? tor,

    of planet Tran (SLA) tor --> spells the

    Isaac Asimov  ... Foundation books with
    the Sartre existential FOUNDATION .....translator , › this-day-in-history › patty-h...

    On February 4, 1974, Patty Hearst,

    the 19-year-old granddaughter of

    IBM DD = data definition of a human computer ....

    the 19-year-old granddaughter of

    Grand Unified Theory

    the 19-year-old granddaughter of
    Lev Lan
    dau and the earth existence of  geo-physics

     newspaper pub ..Beer Summit pub   publisher William Randolph Hearst, is kidnapped in the DNA bio-chemistry battle ....

    from her apartment in Berkeley ...

    from her apartment in Berkeley ...

    from her apartment in Berkeley ...

    from her apartment in Berkeley ...that created

    Son of Sam ... David Berkowitz NYC serial  killer


    Hari Seldon ,,,,, 

    On the basis of his psychohistory he is able to predict the eventual fall of the Galactic Empire of the
    Holy Cow of India and the
    Holstein milk cow PROTEIN thought MACHINE 

    as outlined by artist Andy WarHol 

    Andy Warhol. Cow. 1966 - MoMA ..

    the Holstein cow ..protein machine battles › collection › works

    Andy Warhol Cow 1966 ; Medium: Screenprint ; Dimensions: composition (irreg.): 45 15/16 x 29 5/16" (116.7 x 74.5 cm); sheet (irreg.): 45 15/16 x 30 1/16" (116.7 x ...
    Medium: Screenprint
    Dimensions: composition (irreg.): 45 15/16 x 29; ...
    Missing: dairy ‎| Must include: dairy

    It is hard to imagine that this simple screen print of a New Jersey cow played a big role in Andy Warhol's career. Warhol did not have any real interest in cows ...

    Missing: dairy ‎| Must include: dairy

    ---> Leopold and Loeb trial  year 1924


    Thus the human bio-computer and the EARTH systems ....
    SYMBOL & CONCEPT language Machine 


    thus Herb Zinser (server) lives at a  Hubbleton /Watertown 

    Wisconsin farm on the West Road (WRo) code

    ..who lived in Chicago in 1986 to 1996 and 

    worked as an  CONTRACT
    applications computer programmer at Boise Cascade Office Products (BCOP --> Basic Copenhagen MODEL of 

    Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac) .... at Itasca. Chicago  

    ..thus we see the word & concept map  below -->

    and Nature's Darwin & Dickens  selection process ..
    selection from society ..... society as a data pool of people elements 

    ..thus we see the THEORY  word & concept map  below -->

    to the application  to physical reality of human people, locations names, and company  names 

    ..... a secret hidden ancient  INTERNET language known to the
    family manipulators and newspaper / TV editors 

    .... words

    Cascade (Boise cascade office products and Boise Cascade in Idaho)

    Zinser   --> servant and server

    Hubbleton ..... > communication HUB 


    Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

    Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

    Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

    Arthur M. .........singer ..... songs and dances of BS news words and arrogant ideas

    Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

    Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr (job region).

    Arthur M. Schle

    ....thur Monday schedule .

    Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. as a
    human Bio-machine .... as a component
     of the TIME MACHINE 

    an American historiansocial critic, and
    public intellectual 

    ...who can't even tell time. 

    The confused
    brain TIME gears inside Arthur and the
    publishing industry of 
    autism authors,
    reporters, etc

    Arthur  Thursday Meier Schlesinger Jr. (/ˈʃlɛsɪnər/; born Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger; October 15, 1917 – February 28, 2007) was a  biased American historiansocial critic,
    and beer public mentality ...  intellectual.

     The son of the influential historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. and a specialist in American history, much of Schlesinger's work explored the history of 20th-century American liberalism.

    in other words...
     his secret code letters & number 


    ....Thursday Meier Schlesinger Jr . (singer sewing machine company agent ...  job region sew together information fabrics  with accurate explanations,
    diagrams, pictures,
    Margaret Mead atomic social science MODELS, explain the Thomas Robert Malthus human population violations of the

    1960 nuclear arms, atomic biology hands and fingers, human BIG  mouth  ,,,the nuclear EAR PEOPLE agreement of the audio nerve ..idiot brain configuration of INTERNAL brain music and talk ...... brain tape REELS of sound wave thoughts...

    Arthur  Thursday Meier Schlesinger Jr.

    Arthur  Thursday Meier Schlesinger Jr.

    Arthur  Thursday Meier Schlesinger Jr. ..sing sing prison ...brain song and dance of superior thinkers and arrogance at the  Ha Ha Ha school of Harvard

    Schlesinger attended the Phillips Exeter Academy of
    human lips talk bull-shit , New Hampshire (NH)

    ..geography state for the 
    parallel  molecular states ....

    advanced education for
    Nature's ancient 
    (NH) amino acids thought molecules, 

    received his first degree in secret codes and
    Baby Fetus software  (B F Skinner operant 

    ....publishing alphabet letters schemes  20 primary amino acids education at the age of 20 

    from Harvard College,

    where he graduated summa cum laude in Phillips in 1938.[

    (/ˈʃlɛsɪnər/; born Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger; 


    Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger;

    bandwidth of sin wave of his brain waves

    Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger;

    Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger bio-radio secret frequency

    October 15, 1917 and

    his iron-54 ..Fe --> ferrous ion atom of 28 neutrons .....
     Isotope death  February 28, 2007)

     was a  biased American historiansocial critic,
    and beer public mentality ...  intellectual.

     The son of the influential historian
      Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr.  LINKED to

    earth geological layers of math

    and a specialist in American bull-shit history, much of Schlesinger's work explored the
      history of 20th-century American liberalism.

    20th Century movie studios 

    20th Century

    molecule view of human society  and human romance activities -->
    is transformed  into a Mo Vie --> Movies ...
    human molecular social chemistry ...
    molecular devices in humanoid format with 2 legs and 2 ears  ......
    interface agents in the movie industry and 

    subsequent television equivalent

    In particular, his work focused on leaders such as
    Harry S. Truman code name for
    (statistical decision theory ......true/false),

    Franklin D. Roosevelt (code name),
    (high school algebra roots
    ..... even --> two (2) roots of the quadratic equation 

    ..thus math power .....  exponent 2  --> World War 2

    ...the basic algebra battle 

    A quadratic equation with real or complex coefficients has two solutions, called roots. These two solutions may or may not be distinct, and they may or may not be real.

    ..... in other words 

    A quadratic equation of existence  of water thought molecules H2O
    with atomic mass 18 ....

    with atomic mass 18 ....

    witheatomic mass 18 .... 

    in atomic molecule expression --> format 
     age 18 Hot Woman and wet water pussy

    ..... in other words 

    A quadratic equation of existence  of water thought molecules H2O
    with atomic mass 18 ....

     with Thomas Aqua 

    Thomas Aquinas - Wikipedia › wiki › Thomas_Aquinas
    'Thomas of Aquino'; 1225 – 7 March 1274) was an Italian Dominican friar and priest, who was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian and jurist in the ...

    with real or complex coefficients has two solutions, called roots. These two solutions may or may not be distinct, and they may or may not be real.

     has two solutions ..
    the salt water algebra solution 

    F(x) = 0 --> the Ocean solution 

    the Pacific Ocean math battles

    John F. Kennedy, and
      Robert F. Kennedy. In the 1952 and Iron-56 1956 presidential campaigns, he was a primary speechwriter and adviser to the Democratic presidential nominee, Adlai Stevenson II.[3] 

    Schlesinger served as special assistant and "court historian"[4] to President Kennedy from 1961 to 1963.

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account ..... about copper atom 1963.

    Phelps Dodge open pit ......
    atomic copper mine at Lowell ......

    Lowell Mine - Western Mining History › mine-detail
    The Lowell Mine is a copper mine located in Cochise county, Arizona. ... All mine locations were obtained from the USGS Mineral Resources Data System.

    Schlesinger served as special assistant and "court historian"[4] to President Kennedy from 1961 to 1963.

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account ..... about 1963.



    account  on electricity  .. a city of existence

    He wrote 

    He ..Charles Steinmetz .....wrote 

    He wrote a detailed account ..... about 1963.

    He wrote

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland ......

    Law of the Land ...

    Court Law of the Land ... and

    Laws of Nature ..

     the Court Laws  of existence & expression 

    Planet Earth
     social engineering and technical engineering 

    Steinmetz was born Karl August Rudolph Steinmetz on April 9, 1865, in BreslauProvince of SilesiaPrussia
    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wronskian legal system og EARTH 

    and America math equation term 

    ... Lawyers of Wisconsin geography math region

    the son of Caroline (Neubert) and Karl Heinrich Steinmetz.[8][9] He was baptized as a Lutheran into the Evangelical Church of Prussia.[10][11]

    Steinmetz, who stood only four feet tall as an 

    Fourier engineering bio-math life form ...
    a Fourier electrical engineering human ..
    with his body HEIGHT (8 = 4 + 4) aligned with the
    Earth daily rotation

    ........centrifugal  force  sideways wind  ....
    and the up vector force ......

    thus Fourier wave amplitude (height = 8 = 4 + 4) signal 


    4 feet above ground ( the geography surface ...
    positive interface with the
    4 foot Steinmetz and his Z-axis vertical standing  ) 

    The Four(4) and Rieman data space interface agent 

    for earth government systems ......
     Fourier electrical engineering

    Schlesinger served as special assistant and "court historian"[4] to President Kennedy from 1961 to 1963.

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account ..... about 1963.



    account  on electricity  .. a city of existence

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote a detailed account 

    He wrote 

    He ..Charles Steinmetz .....wrote 

    He wrote a detailed account ..... about 1963.

    He wrote

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland ......

    Law of the Land ...

    Court Law of the Land ... and

    Laws of Nature ..

     the Court Laws  of existence & expression 

    Planet Earth
     social engineering and technical engineering 

    Steinmetz was born Karl August Rudolph Steinmetz on April 9, 1865, in BreslauProvince of SilesiaPrussia
    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wroclaw Poland 

    He wrote about Wronskian legal system og EARTH 

    and America math equation term 

    ... Lawyers of Wisconsin geography math region

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    (now WrocławPoland) 

    the son of Caroline (Neubert) and Karl Heinrich Steinmetz.[8][9] He was baptized as a Lutheran into the Evangelical Church of Prussia.[10][11]

    Steinmetz, who stood only four feet tall as an 

    Fourier engineering bio-math life form ...
    a Fourier electrical engineering human ..
    with his body HEIGHT (8 = 4 + 4) aligned with the
    Earth daily rotation

    ........centrifugal  force  sideways wind  ....
    and the up vector force ......

    thus Fourier wave amplitude (height = 8 = 4 + 4) signal 


    4 feet above ground ( the geography surface ...
    positive interface with the
    4 foot Steinmetz and his Z-axis vertical standing  ) 

    The Four(4) and Rieman data space interface agent 

    for earth government systems ......
     Fourier electrical engineering 


    4 feet underground (geology to the atomic clay layer) processing  adult 

    The Four(4) and Rieman data space interface agent 

    for earth government systems ......
     Fourier electrical engineering 

    had dwarfism (and the Parallel message) ,

    hunchback (and Steinmetmetabolism messages),

    The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 film) - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Hunchback_of_N.

    and hip dysplasia 
    (hierarchy of  IP address space .....

    with agent 
     Dylann (Empirical Proof ) roof

    at the EM AF METH Church

    On June 17, 2015, a mass shooting occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine African Americans were killed during a Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Among those people who were killed was the senior pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney.

    This church 

    This church with Alonzo Church math battle site

    Steinmetz was born Karl August Rudolph Steinmetz on April 9, 1865, in BreslauProvince of SilesiaPrussia (now WrocławPoland) the son of Caroline (Neubert) and Karl Heinrich Steinmetz.[8][9] He was baptized as a Lutheran 

    (Logical units per James Lut Lutz of the city of Waukesha and Waukesha police department cover-up schemes and
    incomplete explanations and the
    atomic microsoft DOS  puppets .......  rigged information trial of
    TeD   OSwald )

    In 1968, Schlesinger actively supported the presidential campaign of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, which ended with Kennedy's assassination in Los Angeles.
    wrote about his role in the murder cover-up popular biography, Robert Kennedy and His Times, several years later.


    Words .. He (2-legged human) lives in London .....

    eats beef steak...( beef protein thought molecules are input to his body & brain)  .... therefore his MIND is
    an extension of beef thoughts 

    City of London - Wikipedia › wiki › City_of_London

    The City of London is a city, ceremonial county and local government district that contains the historic centre and constitutes, alongside Canary Wharf, ...

    City of London .. beef protein machine (PM)

    City of London 

    City of London created by London broil BEEF steak


    Above, internal HUMAN LUNG atomic oxygen molecule language

    Below, Nature's external information Oxygen Molecule display VIA female body external display
    of  O  O ...2 oxygen atoms to attract  human male scientists 

    Earth Lab  ... female human specimens ...
    and their atomic biology Oxygen Oxygen display 
    with atomic (x,y) algebra coordinates with 

    O = Origin ......

    Thus the major Lab site at FermiLAB 

    in bio-physics and bio-math

    Labia majora - Wikipedia › wiki › Labia_majora
    The labia majora (singular: labium majus) are two prominent longitudinal cutaneous folds that extend downward and backward from the mons pubis to the ...

    longitudinal  thus the EARTH coordinates
    the MOTHER EARTH .....

     world atomic  pussy LAB at

    the atomic concrete/ cement/ glass / iron beams ...

    of the Francisco de Goya atomic living building 

    at FermiLAB by Batavia /Chicago

    GPS coordinates of Fermilab, United States. Latitude › Articles by country › United States
    GPS coordinates of Fermilab, United States. Latitude: 41.8258 Longitude: -88.2543.

    41.8384° N, 88.2616° W
    41.8384° N, 88.2616° W
    41 --> COMPUTER EARTH .....
     IBM Load address instruction 41

    near  EARTH Highway 41  in Chicago .... 
    for that geography location .....

    41.8384° N, 88.2616° W
    41.8384° N, 88.2616° W
    41 --> COMPUTER EARTH .....
     IBM Load address instruction 41
    for that FermiLAB geography location .....


    The Story Behind Kafka's Insect Infestation - LitReactor › columns › the-story-behind-kafk...
    Oct 12, 2016 — The premise of Kafka's The Metamorphosis is well known. After waking one morning from uneasy dreams, traveling salesman Gregor Samsa found ...
    "As Gregor  Uncle  Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was laying on his hard, ..

    Boston Marathon ...Boston  Insect Trial | Terrorism Trials | Explore › exhibitions › about-this-exhibition
    Boston Marathon Bombing Trial ... FBI Special Agent Sarah De Lair holds up the shredded remains of a black backpack, which had contained the population pressure  ...message  bomb ...

    As Gregor  Uncle  Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed
    into a gigantic 
    insect with 52.000 legs .

    More than 26,000 runners with 2-human legs each .....
    participated in the Franz Kafka  ran 26 mile race in 2013 ...
    the bombing as revenge for the Runway 26 airplane race and 49 dead at Lexicon Kentucky


    Personal Values, 1952 by Rene Magritte › personal-values

    Tellingly, the internal blood arteries software language  ....
    EXTERNALIZED by the artist replied,
    "In my picture, the comb (and the other objects as well) has specifically lost its 'social character,' it has become an object of ..

    "In my picture, the comb
    "In my picture, the comb
    "In myoglobin sports muscle thoughts ...the sport  picture,
    comb .........
    to combine the human brain memory  ....
    harvest the accumulated ideas and experiences of older people
    ,,..... creating Alzheimer's bio-computer memory lost 
    ...become they move the human  memory 

    VERSUS keeping the memory intact  .......
    just take a copy of the  molecular memory 

    The James Burke connections ...

    includes bedroom sex ..... communication connections 
    using the
    IBM human bio-computer MIS math array data exchange process known as the horizontal x-axis MIS --> Missionary position 


    Mary Burke leaves Madison School Board after seven years › local › education › local_schools
    Jul 6, 2019 — Burke resigned from the body Friday so she could spend more time and energy on a nonprofit organization she founded about three years ago.

    Mary Burke leaves

    Mary Burke leaves

    Mary Burke leaves .. Botany tree leaves --> Ves --> vector space ....
    the bio-computer body and nose of Mary Burke (data record buffer ... KEY player) in
    Nature's  CO2 carbon dioxide 
    nose output .... data carrier molecules ...and its data cycle ...

    as Nose CO2 data output from Mary Burke 

    is input data  to tree leaves

    ... creating a version of the TREE of Knowledge


    Connections (British documentary)

    Connections is a science education television series created, written, and presented by British science historian James Burke. The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science and Features Department and first aired in 1978 (UK) and 1979 (US). It took an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention

    and demonstrated how various discoveries,
    scientific achievements,
    and historical world events 
    were built from one another successively in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology.

    The TV broadcast of Connections

    --> to the state of Connecticut  

    USS Cole (DDG-67) Arleigh Burke-class destroyer

     - Wikipedia › wiki › USS_Cole_(DDG-67)
    USS Cole (DDG-67) is an Arleigh Burke-class Aegis-equipped guided missile destroyer home-ported in Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia. Cole is named in honor ...

    USS Cole (DDG-67) Arleigh Burke-class destroyer

     Burke-classroom  destroyer ......


    --> Cut / kill defective brain content


    Trigonometry - Khan Academy › math › trigonometry
    Learn YOKO ONO  and the  art of programming 

    human male bio-computer to
    pull gun triggers  and death ......

    to create estate inheritances ...

    trigonometry for free—right triangles, the unit circle, graphs, identities, and more. Full curriculum of exercises and videos.

    The programmable male bio-computer specimen .....  who shot and killed John Lennon in 1980 was denied parole for the 12th time 

    The set-up and Murder of John Lennon

    by the NYC art. music and theater  community using
     blood arteries ...molecular  language programming to create 
    money transfer events 

    Celebrity Net Worth estimates that John Lennon's net worth at the time of his death was $200 million

    His fortune mainly came from his gigs with The Beatles and his 

    T W Graham Solomon solo carbon organic chemistry 

    ...his molecular music messenger career. 

    in other words

    On the evening of 8 December 1980, English musician John Lennon, formerly of the Beatles, was shot and fatally wounded in the archway of the Dakota
    his residence in New York City.

    archway of the Dakota
    archway of the Dakota
    archway of the Dakota --> earth systems architecture

    ...from the point of view of
    the Milky Way Galaxy/Universe
    ...... a level of thought and perception -->
    of EARTH LAB and social engineering 

    archway of the Dakota
    archway of the Dakota
    archway of the Dakota --> earth systems architecture

    John Lennon's Home:
    The Dakota Apartments - YouTube › watch
    Dec 1, 2020 — John Lennon lived in the
    Dakota Apartments located in New York City
    Versus the 
    Dakota Apartments located in the
    geography region of the 
    Great Plains ....... explains  New York City lies, cover-ups, and schemes of art and music fans,
    the entertainment industry goal to taint/ damage 
    mental thoughts   and
    newspaper / university approval of all these ugly brain manipulation scams

    . But, did you know much about the Dakota Apartments?

    Dec 1, 2020 — John Lennon lived in the
    Dakota Apartments located in New York City
    Versus the 
    Dakota Apartments located in the Great Plains 

    Dec 1, 2020 — John Lennon physical BODY/ Brain   
    lived in the
    Dakota Apartments located in New York City
    Versus the 
    Dakota Apartments located in the Great Plains ..
    the North and South Dakota beef thought molecules 
    ....... traveled to the East Coast New York City  ..... thoughts  into the body and brain of
    John Lennon  ...... an indivi
    dual  with 2 identites .....

    His physical  apartment and furniture in
    the Dakota brick /stone building New York City 


    his body/brain INTERNAL thoughts based upon 
    the Gr
    eat Plains  explains 
    ..... Dakota beef steaks, pastrami sandwiches,
     and hamburger

    Mark David Chapman 
    Mark David Chapman 
    Mark My Words  

    Mark David Chapman (born May 10, 1955) is an American man who murdered former Beatle John Lennon in New York City on December 8, 1980. 
    As Lennon walked into the archway of his apartment building at The Dakota, Chapman shot Lennon from a few yards away with a Charter Arms Undercover .38 Special revolver. 

    Lennon was hit four times from the back by
    Fourier engineering math military functions.

    Chapman remained at the scene reading J. D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye 

    until he was arrested restaurant by police.
    He planned to cite the novel as his manifesto. 

    John Lennon  ...... an individual  with 2 identites .....

    His physical  apartment and furniture in
    the Dakota brick /stone building New York City 


    his body/brain INTERNAL thoughts based upon 
    the Gr
    eat Plains  explains 
    ..... Dakota beef steaks, pastrami sandwiches,
     and hamburger

    The Catcher in the Rye  ..a pastrami beef sandwich 
    on Rosen Rye Bread with Carway seeds 

    Pastrami on Rye: The Classic Jewish Sandwich - Brent's Deli › blog › pastrami-on-rye-th...
    Apr 15, 2022 — While the original pastrami sandwich , it tastes equally delicious with other variations such as rye bread

    on Rosen Rye Bread with Carway seeds 
    on Rosen Rye Bread with Carway seeds 

    on Rosen Rye Bread --> read Catcher in the Rye
    in Rye New York while eating a pastrami on Rye 

    with Carway seeds 

    with Carway seeds 

    with Carway seeds 

    with Carway seeds   --> automobile/ 4-wheeled car 
    ..... highway/road .....see data sets 

    The blood language system  with the
    John Locke and  Thomas Robert Malthus
    blood family policy ...
     of the  atomic ferrous oxide/ iron 26 letter
    English alphabet letters 
    other versions of the alphabet ...
    such as the Boston Marathon 26 mile race to manipulate
    English alphabet dictionary words and their  definitions / understanding at the sub-conscious mind and
    unconscious level

    Nature's language systems


    Boston English and math language arrogant idiots .....
    and their rigged information trial

    code name ...

    Franz .....  ran 26 alphabet intellectual miles

    The IBM base 16 HEX"F" = April 15  

    People on 2-legs stood and ran in the
      Z-axis  vertical dimension ....

    in violation of z-axis space existence ...

    Nature requires acknowledgement of 3-axis dimension of existence

     by the superior arrogant snob male thinkers  of Boston

    who still deny the existence  math/plane geometry axis 

    Axis Powers - World War II History - Ducksters › history › ww2_axis_powers
    World War II was fought between two major groups of nations. They became known as the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers

    The major Axis Powers were x-axis and y-axis of Ge --> Geometry & algebra......
     to be represented by people in Germany, ...

    Polynomial equation assigned  by Nature's Language systems to Poland 

    26 alphabet letter or English language / read battles .....
    evidence ignored  the rigged
    Boston TRIAL 

    1) Runway 26 ...49 dead

    Comair Flight 5191 (marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191 under a codeshare agreement with Delta Air Lines) was a scheduled United States domestic passenger flight from
    Lexicon region of Lexington, Kentucky,
    to Atlanta, Georgia. On the morning of August 27, 2006, at around 06:07 EDT (10:07 UTC),[2]: 1  the Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet 100ER crashed while attempting to take off from Blue Grass Airport in Fayette County, Kentucky, 4 miles (6.4 km) west of the central business district of the city of Lexington.

    The aircraft was assigned the airport's Runway 22 for the takeoff but used Runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne.

    2) On April 20, 1999, a school shooting and attempted bombing occurred at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado, United States.[a] The perpetrators,
    12th grade programmable bio-computer students
      Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 12 students and one teacher.

    10 students were killed in the school library
    ......The perpetrators 

    Eric Berne, Tom Harris  and Transactional Analysis ..... the SYMBOL & CONCEPT language machine
    --> created the software bio-computer program implant into ptogrammable  Eric Harris

    The psychological theories used in Harris’s I’m OK – You’re OK originate with Dr. Eric Berne MD and his analytic framework Transactional Analysis.

    he psychological theories used in
    Harris’s I’m OK – You’re OK
    --> Okay ...... approval of the Oklahoma City bombing 

    26 alphabet letter or English language / read battles .....
    evidence ignored  the rigged
    Boston TRIAL 

    Army major kills 13 people in
    Fort Mother Hood shooting spree › this-day-in-history › army-m...
    Army major kills 13 people in Fort Hood shooting spree. On November 5, 2009, 13 people are killed and more than 30 others are wounded, nearly all of them ...

    Soldier Readiness Processing Center shootings

    At approximately 1:34 p.m. local time, November 5, 2009, Hasan entered the Soldier Readiness Processing Center, where personnel receive routine medical treatment immediately prior to and on return from deployment for schemes/ racketts. scams. ploys of the Pentagon gonads FAMILY fetus thinkers.

      He was preparing his penis head to to deploy to Afghanistan with his unit and had been to the Center several times before.

     the Center
     the Center
     the Center of Federal pussy systems of thought

    Army major ..code words

    Army major

    Army major bio-chemistry major which covers  .......  juicy pussy thought molecules

    thus the Charles Darwin
    bio-chemistry molecule 
    ... the molecule thought and pleasure continuum of Nature 

    Army major -->

    Army majorA  selected for the
    LAB Hood demo 

    --->Mau Mau software sent to the
    DNA molecular battle region
    -->   Dallas ...parallel processing 
    molecular military language
    by Maurice Wilkens .....

    thus Kenya VS Kennedy america

    AMU permutation letter ....
    M = Military software Mau 

    Mau Mau software sent to the
    DNA molecular family battle region
    -->   Dallas 

    ancient Carbon atomic mass 12  ....  12 tribes of ancient Israel 


    --> Atomic mass unit

    ---> Earth daily rotation creates sideway ........

    geography information  waves  flow into
    the human brain

    .....Brain waves  ... brain waves scroll --> roll thru the brain

    in the Zion process 

    in the Zioprocess  ..... Z-axis vertical  data packages 

    ....... input /output  ....nothing happens

    .... the data packages are  never stopped by 

    brain awareness, consciousness, and examined for their
    symbol life & concepts about real reality
    ..... how does the world of Nature's existence work

    Brain moleucle movies .....  a movie reel / scroll

    below ...inside the human brain ....
    reels of  the same old-thoughts and bias 

    ...failure to upgrade to the Laws of Nature... 

    John Locke and Thomas Robert Malthus


    .......secret codes and graphic arts / picture codes 

    ...translated by Herb Zinser

    Rolling Stone magazine Earth Language secret codes....

    earth geology .... humanoid social science secrets of
    music / voice and harmonic  sound waves ...

     sound air  pressure waves that press  music data and instructions into 

    atomic s-orbital of  stone / rock and concrete walls & floors of buildings and
    atomic ground, etc     .......

    thus the  ...  existential  computer science DEMO 

    ..... Nature's SYMBOL & CONCEPT language MACHINE .... code words and concept maps LINKED to real reality 

    E Street Band  information pointer to 

     County Road E   (S. Concord Street)p and

    Lebanon Wisconsin earth ... sine wave message region 

    of  geology stones /rocks and the atomic limestone message systems as outlined by Nikola Tesla's MODEL of
    nature's ancient wireless and echo communication systems 

    E Street Band - Wikipedia › wiki › E_Street_Band
    The E Street Band is an American geology rock ..... rock messenger band, and has been musician Bruce Springsteen's primary feed-back backing band since 1972.

    The band was inducted into the
    earth geology communications  bandwidth  stone & Rock .

    Cty Rd E & S Concord Ave

    Cty Rd E & S Concord Ave

    Cty Rd E & S Concord Ave --> ESC key

    Computer earth  .... atomic land . roads, sidewalks and the earth vertical gravity field creates human weight/pressure  ....

    thus human walking / legs as fingers .......
    data entry into earth land as a computer keyboard

    Cty Rd E & S Concord Ave

    Cty Rd E & S Concord Ave vectors

    ESCape VIA 

    ESCape VIA 

    Erwin SChrodinger

    Erwin SChrodinger

    Erwin SChrodinger

    Erwin SChrodinger ...... insurance school 

    Schrodinger's probability wave equation, the Copenhagen ... › schrodingers-...

    It was Schrödinger's equation that enabled physicists to calculate how so-called quantum probability waves move, and therefore make precise predictions that ..

    What is Schrodinger's cat? - New Scientist › schrodingers-cat

    Devised in 1935 by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, this thought experiment was ... The most prominent answer in the 1930s came from the Copenhagen ...

    What is Schrodinger's cat?

    What is Schrodinger's cat?

    What is the IBM .... COMPUTER EARTH ....
    system 370 OS/JCL  ....

    thus the  ...  existential  computer science DEMO 

    ..... Nature's SYMBOL & CONCEPT language MACHINE .... code words and concept maps LINKED to real reality 

    E Street Band  information pointer to 

     County Road E   (S. Concord Street)p and

    Lebanon Wisconsin earth ... sine wave message region 

    Lebanon Wisconsin earth ... sine wave message region

    Lebanon Wisconsin earth ... sine wave message region

    advanced communication bandwidth 

    using female bio-electronic PLEASURE circuits


    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Earth rolling Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone magazine  

    FRS FSS (/ˈɡlædstən/; 29 December 1809 – 19 May 1898) was a British statesman and Liberal politician. In a career lasting over 60 years, he served for 12 years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four non-consecutive terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times, serving over 12 years.

    Gladstone was born in the blood bio-math hepatology city of Liverpool  

    to Scottish cotangent math parents. 

    He first entered the House of Commons in 1832, beginning his political

     career as a High Tory, a grouping which became the Conservative

     Party under Robert Peel in 1834. 

    Gladstone served as a minister in both of Peel's governments...

    the 2 Botany government Formats of appearance at Harvest time

    .... 1) NIetzsche earth language of skins 

    ....the geography land skin has a vegetable garden with....

    potato skins in the underground soil .....that are

     are harvested

    and go the President's kitchen cabinet government 

    with  kitchen tables and knives  ... 

    Gladstone served as a minister in both of Peel's 
    process systems ,,,,,,governments of food processing ...

    Peel  potatoes

    Peel apples  --> 2nd format .... orchard tree .... fruits appear
     in the sky/atmosphere to be picked when they are ripe

    and in 1846 joined the breakaway Peelite faction, which eventually merged into the new Liberal Party in 1859. 

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone

    After electoral  (elctron orbital) defeat in 1874, Gladstone resigned as leader of the Liberal Party. From 1876 he began a comeback based on opposition to the Ottoman Empire's reaction to the Bulgarian April Uprising

    Back in office in early 1886, Gladstone proposed
    home rule for Iriseyeballs 
     but was defeated in the House of Commons. 

     Gladstone proposed
    home rule for Iriseyeballs 
    ---> code letters G homer

    The Iliad (/ˈɪliəd/;[1] Ancient GreekἸλιάςromanizedIliásAttic Greek[iː.li.ás]; "a poem about Ilium") is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer.


    E Street Band  pointer to Ban --> Bangkok 

    SuKHumvit Street /Road



    secret codes and graphic arts / picture codes 

    with the  HG Wells .....TIME MACHINE 
    ..... the Earth time software engines .... 

    system flowchart  back to year 1200 .... 

    and time regions TimBuktu and AngKor Wat 

    VS music time schemes

    ...translated by Herb Zinser

     Rolling Stone magazine

     Rolling Stone magazine

     Rolling Stone magazine codes of 

    geology atomic stone/rock ....
    Earth government represented by William Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Earth rolling Gladstone

    My First Time  ... the secret Rolling Stone MAGAZINE code word .... route to -->  Time Magazine ....
    humanoid bio-computer input port  of reporter (receives data record via their input ports)  .......

    the message

    My First Time  ...

    code words about the year 1895

     ..... about EARTH geography space of land ...... and the time atomic and molecular software engines and the time gear  software ......

    used by humans, their families and governments ....
    and their social, romance, and BED ROOM sex activities

    ..  THUS  the history path of the words ....

    going backwards word sequence .....
    My First Time  ...

    Last (3rd)  code words about the year 1895
    Martin Luther 95 Thesis 

    Ninety-five Theses, propositions for debate concerned with the question of indulgences, written (in Latin) and possibly posted by Martin Luther on the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church), Wittenberg, on October 31, 1517 the name our Lord Jesus C --> Carbon and Hydro-carbon

    thought molecules  within the Martin Luther human vertical BODY/BRAIN as a molecular container/ a lab beaker  ....
     in a package of human skin /epidermis  (year 1517 technology) .......

    Modern packaging ....

    original packaging

    Nature's original bio-Lab Beakers / Glassware & Labware

    Modern packaging ....

    original packaging MODEL in 1517

    parallel modern
    Lab Beakers / Glassware & Labware: Industrial & Scientific › Lab-Beakers

    Save on Beakers at Amazon's Labware Store, featuring every day low prices on Lab ... Glass Beakers and 5/10/ 50/100 ml Graduated Cylinders for Science Lab.

     Ninety-five Theses, 

    guanine and adenine  DNA propositions on human social engineering ...... for debate concerned with the
    question of  Mr. Male penis .... many many indulgences in
    HOT WOMEN,    written (in Latin) and possibly posted by Martin Luther on the door of the

    Wittenbergon October 31, 1517

    Wittenbergon October 31, 1517

    Wittenbergon October 31, 1517
    for Princeton New Jersey

    ED Wittenbergon October 31, 1517.

    Edward Witten - Scholars | Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton › scholars › witten

    Edward Witten's work exhibits a unique combination of mathematical power and physics insight, and his contributions have significantly enriched both fields.

    ED Wittenbergon October 31, 1517

    ED Wittenbergon October 311517

    ED Wittenbergon Oc (organic chemistry 

    approximation molecule code .....31 hydrogens , 15 to 17 carbons

    Edward Witten's work exhibits a unique combination

    Edward Witten's plus Mr. Z exhibits a unique combination message 

    Witten's plus Mr. Z

    Witten's plus Z ...... symbols and molecule symbol life 

    Zwitterion has a net 

    Zwitterion has a net 

    Zwitterion has a existence net 

    Zwitterion has a existence net 

    Zwitterion has a existence molecular InterNET 

    with Hasp ..
    COMPUTER EARTH existential data processing 

    Houston Automatic Spooling Priority - Wikipedia › wiki › Houston_Automatic_S...
    The Houston Automatic Spooling Priority Program,
    commonly known as HASP, is an extension of the IBM OS/360 operating system and its successors providing ...

    with Hasp ..

    with Hasp ..

    with Hasp ..Little Orphan Annie is a daily American comic strip created by Harold Gray and syndicated by the Tribune Media Services. The strip took its name from the 1885 poem "Little Orphant Annie" by James Whitcomb Riley, and it made its debut on August 5, 1924, in the New York Daily News.

    The plot follows the wide-ranging adventures of Annie, her dog Sandy and her benefactor Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks. Secondary characters include Punjab, the Asp and Mr. Am.

    Martin Luther's 95 Theses - World History Encyclopedia › article › martin-luthers-...

    Dec 1, 2021 — Martin Luther's 95 Theses of 31 October 1517, although they have since come to represent the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, ...

    This event came to be considered the beginning of the

    molecular protein software evolution ....
    data processing thought ...change/upgrade  record  format ,,,,
    Protestant Reformation. (See Researcher’s Note.)

    Luther originally had no intention of breaking from the
    Catholic church (beef cattle ..Holstein male bull software) ,

     assuming that his call (sub-conscious MIND call) 

    However, various political and religious situations of the time, and the fact that printing had been invented, combined to make the theses known throughout G --> Gravity thought field in region Ground earth rmany within a few weeks. Luther did not give them to the people, although he did send copies to the archbishop of Mainz  ...
    and to the 

    bishop of cotton thought molecules 

    in cotton bra format that needs the thoughts of a 

    human female and 

    her BASE 2 binary data set breasts ...



    THUS  the history path of the words ....

    going backwards word sequence .....
    My First Time  ...

    Last (3rd)  code words about the year 1895
    Martin Luther 95 Thesis 

    Ninety-five Theses, propositions for debate concerned with the question of indulgences, written (in Latin) and possibly posted by Martin Luther on the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church), Wittenberg, on October 31, 1517

    October 31, 1517.

    October 31, 1517.

    October 31, 1517.

    Timbuktu, French Tombouctou, city in the western African country of Mali, historically important as a trading post on the trans-Saharan caravan route and as a centre of Islamic culture (c. 1400–1600). 

    Salvador  Dali  ..... AFrica Time ...Friday

    ..... every day of the week is Friday night .

    .party time

    Salvador Dalí. The Persistence of Memory of equation...
    Time Buffers .... UK (algeria ....algebra set theory
     UNION of  K ....serious thinK sets . 1931 - MoMA › collection › works

    Salvador Dalí The Persistence of Memory 1931 ... Hard objects become inexplicably limp in this bleak and infinite dreamscape, while metal attracts ants like ..

    Timbuktu was founded about 1100 ce  (year 1100 AD)

    CE stands for “common (or current) era”, while BCE stands for “before the common (or current) era”. These abbreviations have a shorter history than BC and AD, 

    as a seasonal camp by human bio-computer .... traveling assembler language Tuareg nomads

    There are several stories concerning the derivation of the city’s name. 

    According to one tradition, Timbuktu was named for an old woman left to oversee the camp while the 

    IBM assembler register R0 --->Tuareg roamed the 

    Sahara --> to Sarajevo year 1914
    IBM BALKAN assassination of Arch Duke Fe and his wife   

    The MonteNegro  of the Computer earth ..geography  BAL region 


    the Central Processing Unit (CPU)

    of Central Africa  black Negro people

    Her name (variously given as Tomboutou, Timbuktu, or Buctoo) meant “mother with a large navel,” possibly describing an umbilical hernia or other such physical malady

     Timbuktu’s time location at the atlas meeting point of desert and water and Salt molecule (NaCl salt crystal ..... needs crystal radio a 4 legged camel walks thru the desert carrying salt

    ...the camel body/ four /4-legs oscillate

    ... thus 
    oscillating the bags of salt crystal

    ...thus generating a crystal radio signal of Fourier sin/cosine message waves
    for male Fourier engineers signal processing)  .......

    made it an ideal bio-radio geo-radio software centre ...


     Nikola Tesla MODEL of Nature's atomic  inner earth communications ...geological  message systems.

     In the late 13th or early 14th century it was incorporated into the Mali empire.


    THUS  the history path of the words ....

    going backwards word sequence .....
    My First Time  ...

    Last (3rd)  code words about the year 1895
    Martin Luther 95 Thesis

     year 1517 
     year 1517 
     year 1517  to Africa time

    Timbuktu, French Tombouctou, city in the western African country of Mali, historically important as a trading post on the trans-Saharan caravan route and as a centre of Islamic culture (c. 1400–1600). 

    My First Time  ...

    year 1895
    Martin Luther 95 Thesis

     year 1517 
     year 1517 
     year 1517  to Africa time 

    to  My First Time  ...My


    Myanmar .... original name Burma --> time Buffer Map

    LINK to  TimBuktu Africa Friday

    Friday (Robinson Crusoe)

    Friday is one of the main characters of
    Daniel Defoe's 1719 time computer manual on Friday and the month of November  novel Robinson Crusoe and its sequel The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

     Robinson Crusoe (order entry)  names the man Friday, with whom he cannot at first communicate, because they first meet on that day. 

    The character is the source of the expression "Man Friday", used to describe a male personal assistant or servant, especially one who is particularly competent or loyal. 

    Robinson Crusoe spends twenty-eight years on an complex number math  island off the coast of Venezuela 

    Crusoe ambushes two pursuers, and the others leave in their canoes without knowing what happened to their companions. The escaped captive bows in gratitude to Crusoe, who decides to employ him as a servant. He names him Friday

    year 1895
    Martin Luther 95 Thesis

     year 1517 
     year 1517 
     year 1517  to Africa time 

    to  My First Time  ...My


    Myanmar .... original name Burma --> time Buffer Map


     to  TimBuktu Africa Friday
    (year 1200 time period)

    LINK to southeast Asia 

    to old time city of Angkor Wat 

    Angkor Wat (/ˌæŋkɔːr ˈwɒt/Khmerអង្គរវត្ត, "City/Capital of Temples") is a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world,[1] on a site measuring 162.6 hectares (1,626,000 m2; 402 acres).[2] Originally constructed as a Hindu temple[1] dedicated to the god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire by King Suryavarman II, it was gradually transformed into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century; as such, it is also described as a "Hindu-Buddhist" temple.[3][4]

    Angkor Wat was built at the behest of the Khmer King Suryavarman II[5] in the early 12th century in Yaśodharapura (Khmerយសោធរបុរៈ, present-day Angkor), the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum. Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the temple-mountain and the later galleried temple. It is designed to represent Mount Meru, home of the devas in Hindu mythology: within a moat more than 5 kilometres (3 mi) long[6] and an outer wall 3.6 kilometres (2.2 mi) long are three rectangular galleries, each raised above the next. At the centre of the temple stands a  quincunx of tower

    The Burma and Cambodia Angkor Wat communication Tower of
    Nature's atomic quiver wave mechanics

     the TimBuktu  communications Towers

    Nikola Tesla Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless ... › articles › what-is-warde...

    Sep 18, 2018 — Construction began in 1901 in Long Island on what would become known as Wardenclyffe TowerTesla imagined that it would be the beginning of .

    Nikola Tesla Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless 

    AngKor Wat Asia   Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless 

    Nikola Tesla Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless 

    Timbuktu Africa  Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless 

    Nikola Tesla Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless 

    Logan Utah  Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless 

    Logan Utah  Built a
    Giant humanoid communications Tower
    to Send to CalTECH(O)

    Logan (film) | X-Men Movies Wiki - Fandom › wiki › Logan_(film)

    Logan is the third and final film in the Wolverine trilogy and the tenth installment in the X-Men film series. Directed by James Mangold, who directed The

    Logan | X-Men

    Logan | X-Men of algebra f(x) = 0


    Earth electron ... atomic geography LAND circuits using roads and highways parallel  circuits 

    to Lee De Forest..   
    secret code  of the city of DeForest Wisconsin earth 

    Lee de Forest - Wikipedia › wiki › Lee_de_Forest
    Reflecting his pioneering work, de Forest has sometimes been credited as the "Father of Radio", an honorific which he adopted as the title of his 1950 ..

     American Gasoline Station ..... Sartre existential  FORMATS of Am (atomic mass, amino acids, and access methods) in North America ,,,,,, 

    EARTH existential message display region with 

    human action figures and humans as 

    bio-computer  information display terminals 

    EARTH existential message display region 

    EARTH existential message display region 

    EARTH existential message display region 

    Jean-Paul Sartre, (born June 21, 1905, Paris, France—died April 15, 1980, Paris),

    French philosopher on
    Nature's molecular electron 
    chip  ... social language   and the body/brain  chip French frequency of the oscillator,

    French philosopher on
    Nature's molecular electron 
    chip  ... social language   and the body/brain  chip French frequency of the oscillator

     novelist, and playwright, best known as the leading exponent of existentialism .....

    that is ... Algeria North Africa geography math region ... algebra ..... powers /exponents exist 

    EARTH existential message display region 

    EARTH existential message display region 

    EARTH existential message display region 

     Am--> American Gasoline Station ..... Sartre existential  FORMATS of Am (atomic mass, amino acids, and access methods) in North America ,,,,,, 

    HC --> Hydro-Carbons of organic chemistry LABS ,,,,,

    automobile gasoline molecules

    EARTH existential message display region with 

    human action figures and humans as 

    bio-computer  information display terminals 

    humans as 

    bio-computer  information display gas terminals 

    with mouth output gas talking ...... 
    thus the human gas station and verbal information flow

    Thus the human letter code equation .....
     Gas   + open mouth O + talking a line of words

    --> the ancient human ..... gasOline system


    The parallel gas station 

    American Car Culture --> 

    American Car Culture --> 

    Am (atomic mass) Carbon 12 .... Culture --> 

    Robert Boyle FRS[5] (/bɔɪl/; 25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish[6] natural philosopherchemistphysicistalchemist and inventor. 

    Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. He is best known for Boyle's law,[7] which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system.[8] Among his works, The Sceptical Chymist is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry. He was a devout and pious Anglican and is noted for his writings in theology.

    Boyle's Law - NASTY  America --> NASA › www › airplane › boyle

    Boyle's law relates the pressure .... of pressure BOMBS to
    Boyle's ,,,Boyleston Street Demo 

    Boston Marathon bomb devices were 

    Robert Boyle messages ..... VIA  pressure cookers filled ... › news › national › boston-...

    Apr 17, 2013 — The bombs that turned the Boston Marathon into a bloodbath were concocted from pressure cookers loaded with nails and ball bearings — killer ...

    File Structure and Labelling of Magnetic Tapes for Information ... › uploads
    Dec 13, 1985 — this new edition included provisions for spanned records, ... A magnetic tape volume set conforms to this ECMA Standard when all information ...
    Magnetic tape reporting of Forms W-4 to IRS must be at least quarterly ... 
    .01 Header Labels, Trailer Labels
    Record Marks, and Tape Marks are all optional.

    Record Marks,
    Record Marks by Mark D Totzke(y) 
    rigged data voids ....of the murder trial in Oconomowoc ,

    Gas --> code Gravity interaction with atomic mass

    Grass --> code Gravity interaction with atomic mass

    The Model T was introduced to the world in 1908.

     Henry Ford wanted the Model T to be affordable, simple to operate, and durable. The vehicle was one of the first mass production vehicles, allowing Ford to achieve his aim of manufacturing the universal car.

    Henry Ford wanted the Model T to be affordable,

    T-Account: book-keeping Definition,
    Example, Recording, and Benefits

    ETHyl gasoline parallel

    Ethel Kennedy (née Skakel; born April 11, 1928) is an American human rights advocate. She is the widow of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, a sister-in-law of President John F. Kennedy, and the sixth child of George Skakel and Ann Brannack.

    Shortly after her husband's 1968 assassination .....
    sin wave continuum ordered killing, 

    Children. Robert and Ethel Kennedy had eleven children over 18 years of marriage: Kathleen, Joseph, Robert Jr., David, Courtney, Michael, Kerry, Christopher, ...

    Human physical biology .....
    atomic-cellular Nuclear Arms, wrist, hand  .... Mouth  Control Tr
    eaties of eat - Atomic Archive › resources › treaties
    This section contains summaries of all the major arms-control treaties including: Limited Test Ban TreatyNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Strategic Arms .

    Sinclair Lewis

    Sinclair Lewis

    Sinclair Lewis --> Wis + sin  --> Wisconsin mirror language code

    Harry Sinclair Lewis

    His works are known for their critical views of American capitalism and materialism in the interwar period.[1] He is also respected for his strong characterizations of modern working women. H. L. Mencken wrote of him, "[If] there was ever a novelist among us with an authentic call to the trade ... it is this red-haired tornado from the Minnesota wilds."

    red-haired tornado 

    janet reno creates the Red fire of Waco, Texas

    red-haired tornado

    PBS create TV red-hair woman creates  
     red hair crimes of James Holmes

    "I will never be the same:" One of two officers shot, wounded ... › news › i-will-never-be-the-sa...
    Oct 6, 2015 — Jacob Collins served two years in prison for buying the gun illegally.
     Julius Caesar .... Richard Burton ... agent is serving 80 years in prison for the shooting. At issue .


    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan ...Computer earth systems

    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan with IBM

    Charlie Channel command words

    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan .. Body/ brain channel command words for THOUGHT CONTROL(TC)

    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan .. Body/ brain channel command words for THOUGHT CONTROL(TC) of Hawaii ...TV showMagnum, P.I.,

    Roger Earl Mosley (/ˈmzli/;[1] December 18, 1938 – August 7, 2022) was an American actor, director, and writer best known for his role as the helicopter pilot Theodore "T.C." Calvin in the CBS television series Magnum, P.I., which originally aired from 1980 until 1988. 

    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan

    Charlie Chan is a fictional Honolulu police detective created by author Earl Derr Biggers for a series of
    Zbigniew Kazimierz  Brzezinski mystery novels. 

    Earl Derr Biggers for a series ..... Zbigniew mystery

    Earl Derr Biggers for a series .....James Earl Ray series

    James Earl Ray - Wikipedia › wiki › James_Earl_Ray

    James Earl Ray (March 10, 1928 – April 23, 1998) was an American man convicted for assassinating Martin Luther King Jr. at the
    Alsace-Lorraine parallel Motel (MO = Modus Operandi) in Memphis, .

     all combined to give the region a distinct experience of the First World War.Oct 21, 2016


    At the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, the newly-formed German Empire annexed from France nearly all of Alsace and the northeastern portion of Lorraine. French resentment of the German seizure of territories ruled by France since the 16th century was one of the contributing causes of World War I.




    Earl Derr Biggers 

    An oil derrick is used to dig a hole for an oil well, then to push the drill pipe deep into the earth. A mud mixture is sprayed from the drill bit to push material from the cuttings up out of the hole and cool the drill equipment, as well as to keep the bore hole stable.

    Deepwater Horizon oil derrick  spill | Summary, Effects, Cause, Clean ... › ... › Accidents & Disasters
    The rig capsized and sank on the morning of April 22, rupturing the riser, through which drilling mud had been injected in order to counteract the upward ...

    An oil derrick is used to dig a hole for an oil well
    An oil derrick is used to dig a hole for an oil well
    A  blood derrick is used to dig a EARTH systems 
     bulletin / message hole for an
    Black soil information well ......
    in Blacksburg Virginia 

    Thousands mourn Virginia Tech's slain Officer Deriek Crouse › archive › thousands-mourn-virginia...
    Dec 12, 2011 — Photo by Kyle Green | The Roanoke Times Deriek Crouse's casket is carried out of Cassell Coliseum at the end of his funeral Monday afternoon ...
    Missing: derrick ‎| Must include: derrick

    Biggers loosely based Chan on Hawaiian detective Chang Apana. The benevolent and heroic Chan was conceived as an alternative to Yellow Peril stereotypes and villains like Fu Manchu. Many stories feature Chan traveling the world beyond Hawaii as he investigates mysteries and solves crimes.

    Chan first appeared in Biggers' novels and then was featured in a number of media. Over four dozen films featuring Charlie Chan were made, beginning in 1926 .......
    for four(4) different iron  atoms in hemoglobin blood

    hemoglobin | Definition, Structure, & Function | Britannica

    The Indirectly Visible Manuscript / COMPUTER EARTH .....
    Nature's molecular social science ... social engineering ... human bio-computer program from year 1897

    The Invisible Man

    The Invisible Man is visible by other methods and book/magazine words 

    The Invisible Man is a science theory MODEL .....
    Botany tree view  novel of human activity  by H. G. Wells

    Originally serialized in the Solar System ...Earth Lab .... EARTH Botany government of  cellulose ......

    orchard fruit tree .. Pear / Pair of messages

    in the fruit & Vegetable news weekly ....  Pearson's Weekly in 1897

    Bartlett Pears Information

    Bartlett Pears Information

    Bartlett Pears Information ..... extension

    Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" Simpson[1] is a 
    Botany orchard fruit  ---> extension character in the newspaper comics and  American animated television series The Simpsons and part of the Simpson family.

    Canning Pears {Preserved Pears} - Sustainable Cooks › ... › Canning Recipes

    Jun 26, 2022 — It is generally agreed that the Bartlett
    is the best for canning
    . At the end of the day, you can use any kind of ripe pear.
    Rating: 5 · 22 votes · 1 hr 25 min
    Canning Peaches · ‎Canning Water {How to Can... · ‎Drying Pears the Easy Way

    and part of the Simpson family.

    and part of the Simpson family.

    and part of the Sim --> Karen Simek  family of
    Oconomowoc (home)  and
    Milwaukee (work at Garden Fresh Foods) .

    The Invisible Man

    it was published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man to whom the title refers is Griffin, 

    a molecular Wax scientist of the 

    Waxahachie, Texas .......

    atomic communications textbook scientist

    Superconducting Super Collider - Wikipedia › wiki › Superconducting_Sup...

    The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the desertron) was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, .

    Superconducting Super Collider

    Superconducting Super Collider at MIT university

    Superconducting S.......  Collider

    Superconducting Sean Collider killed in the Margaret Mead atomic social science battles

    Officer killed in MIT standoff ID'd as
    Sean Collier, 26 --> FermiLAB  atomic communication errors of 26 ferrous /iron atomic  proton  ...
    26 ENGLISH  alphabet letters ..... VERSUS 
     the Boston Marathon 26 mile race attack on the earth atomic iton core 26 letter English alphabet 

    › news › nation › 2013/04/19

    Officer Sean Collier Killed in Altercation with Bombing Suspects

    Apr 19, 2013 — Shots rang out on the MIT campus around 10:20 p.m. Thursday. Soon after, Collier was found in his police car with multiple gunshot wounds, and ...

    Officer Sean Collier 

    Officer Sean Collier 

    Officer Sean(OS)  Collider

     .... wave mechanics battle 

    Officer killed in MIT standoff 

    Officer killed in MIT standoff 

    Officer killed in

    arth MIT  ..mirror letters--> TIM e  ......

    the H G WELLs  Time Machine battles 

    in Cambridge/Boston region


    the H G WELLs  Time Machine battles 

    in Milwaukee/ Waukesha  region

    There are four iron atoms in each molecule of hemoglobin, which accordingly can bind four molecules of oxygen. Globin consists of two linked pairs of polypeptide chains.

    Over four dozen films featuring Charlie Chan were made, beginning in 1926 .......
    for four(4) different iron  atoms in hemoglobin blood with
    a 26 protons with the 26 atomic English  letter alphabet 

    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS[9] (/dɪˈræk/; 8 August 1902 – 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is regarded as one of the most significant physicists of the 20th century.


    James Lutz name equation ...Lu + UT + Z 

    A logical unit(LU)  is a device or application program or a human bio-computer ......

    by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a SNA network. Any device or application program
    that implements LU 6.2 protocols appears as an LU 6.2 in the network.

    Logical units - IBM

    James Lutz name equation ...Lu + UT + Z 

    James Lutz name equation ...Lu + UT + Z 

    GMT location 

    GM  THOUGHT location at 
    the  Janesville
    IBM COMPUTER EARTH  Base ..... Base Assembly Plant - Wikipedia

    IBM Basic Assembly Language and successors - Wikipedia › wiki › IBM_Basic_Assembly...
    Basic Assembly Language (BALis the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes and the
    BAL time city of Baltimore Maryland  ...... earth geography land link to atomic mineral ore  

    Baltimore --> Morenci Arizona open pit atomic copper mine for electric systems and electric motors PLUS the Mesabi atomic iron ore range ... for Fe = Ferrous oxide/iron atom metal used for  atomic iron automobiles and iron I-BEAM bridges and office buildings. skyscrapers,  retail  department stores, etc
    ..... and human blood iron atoms › wiki › Janesville_Assembly_P...
    Janesville Assembly Plant is a former automobile factory owned by General Motors located in Janesville, Wisconsin earth communications region.

    Opened in 1919with John Dos Passos parallel was the oldest .

    that implements LU 6.2 protocols 
    that implements LU 6.2 protocols 
    that implements LU 6.2 protocols 

    The Falk Corporation explosion
     ......a Computer earth battle .......

    refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin on
    December 6, 2006 .......

    IBM LU6.2 - Wikipedia › wiki › IBM_LU6

    Logical Unit 6.2 is an IBM-originated communications protocol specification dating from 1974, and is part of IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA).. 

    IBM LU6.2

    IBM LU6.2

    Waukesha police honor James Lutz 20 years after the
    LU6.2 battle - Home › news › crime › waukesha...

    Apr 28, 2014 — Waukesha Police Capt. James A. Lutz was killed 20 years ago while chasing
    James and Theodore Oswald.
    James and Theodore Oswald.
    James and TED   OSWALD ......the IBM VS Bill Gates DOS 


    The computer reads them every time the computer is booted (turned on or reset). Make sure that the computer is logged to the root directory on the C hard drive.

    Trouble Shooting you PC --> Police Captain

    ....... Milwaukee / Waukesha
    computer science awareness
    ...cover-up schemes and lies ......
     by the song & dance
    families, communities, newspapers / universities  etc  

    Milwaukee / Waukesha dancing Grannies & dance PLOT  /scheme  killed in November 2021....
    revenge for the set-up and killing of John real estate House(r) and the Grandma(p) 16 theater shooting
    ....and the FBI (Frequency Bandwidth) cover-up..
    Make sure that the computer is logged to the root directory on the C hard drive.

    Make sure (Mark D Totzke)  that the COMPUTER EARTH ... atomic existential computer is logged to the earth corn root directory on the C (continent of geography land) hard drive ....
    to Pabst farms corn (data ) fields belonging to the Corn systems of Cornelius Vanderbilt and ergodic systems

    There Griffin coerces a tramp, Thomas Marvel, to become his assistant. With Marvel, 

    Marvel Comics (or simply Marvel) is an American comic book publisher and primary imprint of Marvel Worldwide Inc. (formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group), part of Marvel Entertainment. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired the parent company of Nature's quiver / vibration message systems ... wave mechanics.

    Marvel was started in 1939 by Martin Goodman as Timely Comics,

    records of his experiments.
    Marvel attempts to betray the Invisible Man, who threatens to kill him. 

    Marvel escapes to the seaside town of Port Burdock, pursued to a local inn by the Invisible Man, who is shot by one of the bar patrons.

    The Invisible Man takes shelter in a nearby house that turns out to belong to Dr. Kemp (randy Kemp  ..applications computer programmer ..... Chicago/Itasca  area 1988) , a former acquaintance from medical school. 

    To Kemp (Kemper Insurance), 

    Kemper Corporation - Wikipedia › wiki › Kemper_Corporation

    Kemper is an American insurance provider with corporate headquarters located in Chicago, Illinois. With nearly $15 billion in assets, the Kemper family of ...

    he reveals his true identity. 

    Griffin is an albino former medical Calcutta calculus  student who left medicine to devote himself to optics. 

    to devote himself to optics. 

    to devote himself to optics. 

    to devote himself to optics and Snell's law .... the rigged trial and murder of the National Science Foundation ...
    PSSC physics lab optic experiment ....  extension lab agent for Solar System ,...EARTH LAB systems ....
    Richard Snell . 

    Richard Snell (PSSC high school physics criminal) - Wikipedia

    Snell v. State :: 1986 :: Arkansas 
    Su --> Sunlight -->Supreme Court Decisions on audio nerve brain /EAR people

    The  Elements of Style: The English Writing Style Guide › wiki › Richard_Snell_(crimin...

    Richard Wayne Snell (May 21, 1930 – April 19, 1995) was an American white supremacist convicted of killing of two people in Arkansas between November 3, .

    William Strunk Jr.

    William Strunk Jr.
    William Strunk Jr.

    Strunk |
    first taught mathematics at Rose Polytechnical Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana in 1890–91.[3] 
    He then taught English at Cornell for 46 years,

     at Rose Polytechnical Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana 
     at Rose Polytechnical Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana 
     at Rose -->

    atomic micro-second processor speed ... within the
    COMPUTER EARTH geography land /geology platform region  ,   Indiana  ..nano-second processing speed platform

    William Strunk Jr.

    His bio-optical-computer ...molecular subroutines that travel thru the STREAM of CONCIOUSNESS of society ..... 
     taught a math/English military successor 

    Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia › wiki › Virginia_Tech_shooting

    The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on 
    April 16, 2007, comprising IBM base 2 .....two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute ...

    April 16, 2007 ...
    Base 16 and base 2 battle zone

    The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, comprising IBM base 2 .....two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute .

    on April 16, 2007,
    on April 16, 2007,
    on April 16, 2007 Computer Earth battle site
    over United States ..... family bull-shit song and dances ... the family and school system
    attacks on earth government systems ,

    IBM LU6.2 - Wikipedia › wiki › IBM_LU6

    Logical Unit 6.2 is an IBM-originated communications protocol specification dating from 1974, and is part of IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA).

    LU 6.2 enables a VTAM® application program to communicate with nonhost application programs on an advanced program-to-program communication (APPC) level.

    LU 6.2 enables a VT
    AM® application program

    LU 6.2 enables a VT
    AM® application program

    LU 6.2 enables a VT --
    AM® application program

    LU 6.2 enables a VT --
    AM® application program

    LU 6.2 enables a Virginia Tech --
    Ambler Johnston shootings
     --> Murder application program

    At about 7:15 a.m., Cho goes to the fourth floor, armed with the Glock 19 pistol, and enters the room that freshman Emily 
    bio-electronic humanoid as an artificial television life form

    Emily. Hilscher (hills and valleys geometry shape of the Em Field)  a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia, and is alone in her room, shared with another student, pulls out his pistol and points at Hilscher, who starts screaming and backs up under her loft bed. 

    The screaming causes a resident assistant, 22-year-old senior Ryan C. Clark of MartinezGeorgia, to wake up and he rushes to Hilscher's room to see what the problem is. 

    Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 others with two semi-automatic pistols on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

    Cho was an English major at the time of the shootings,
     “At school, Seung-hui Cho was noted for his math skills,

    Thus he represented the Will /determination/ effort for 
    the living English language and algebra/math .........
    word of honor, accurate explanations, and integrity of
    William Strunk


    On November 1, 1984 Richard Wayne Snell was charged by information with the violation of Ark.Stat.Ann. § 41-1501 by murdering William Stumpp in the course of a ...

    William Stumpp in 
    William Stumpp in 
    William Stumpp in  --> parallel processing to
    Cornell University optical/ English language problems 



    Office secretary Jean Wedge of Morton Grove and Niles Illinois

    ,,,,, was selected by Nature's social engineering systems in 1974/ 1975 
    ... as one of the Nature's special female  secretary

    .... secret communication agents .....

    that interface with
     atomic mass objects (furniture, automobiles, people, etc) 

    and the atomic mass communications continuum (retail store languages, marketing, sales, people relationships, etc) 

    ...... also known as Earth Language

    On week-ends she sold turquoise jewelry at various fairs in the greater Chicago area ...meeting people at different locations

    Thus her activities and her parents in Morton Grove ,,,,
    created a  DATABASE  of words, proper nouns, concepts (as is done for other people and their data generating activities.... as learning experiences, etc)

    Thus her name  ....  proper nouns   Wedge to 

    Earth Language of Nature ....
    such as the language of Navajo jewelry atomic stone/rock / turquoise
    ...... and silver metal bracelets and necklaces

    and the code words 

    Navajo --> N  avogadro's number .....
    expression jewelry and the  message systems of tents

    Thus her Niles Illinois  ..... EARTH LANGUAGE code

    and her Navajo awareness ......

    LINKS to the Earth geography / geometry  language .....


    Niles Illinois the connects to
    parallel congruent geometry shapes
    of the Nile in Egypt 

    The Egyptian pyramids are ancient
    Perry Mason masonry mystery structures located in Egypt
    Sources cite at least 118 identified "Egyptian" pyramids.[1][2] Approximately 80 pyramids were built within the Kingdom of Kush, now located in the modern country of Sudan. Of those located in modern Egypt, most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods

    The Egyptian pyramids
    The Egyptian pyramids
    The Egyptian pyramids WEIGHT (8) acts as a wedge

    into the inner earth secret atomic societies 

    The Egyptian Wedge concept  from Niles Illinois 

    The Egyptian pyramids
    The Egyptian pyramids ...ram/ inject data into the Computer Earth underground geological levels .....

    Thus the 
    The Egyptian pyramids ...ramanuJan interceptor of the Computer Earth underground geological levels .....

    Thus her name .... also, became a symbol TOOL  in the 
    SYMBOL & COINCEPT living language MACHINE ,,,,, penetrating secret social  language layers of society 

    Thus her name ...Jean Wedge became a  parallel life form 
    in the vast world of languages, math, physics, 

    Various expression universes universe, food flavors, clothing languages, etc 

    The Case for Parallel  language and secret code Universes -
    Scientific American

    Scientific American

    Scientific American spells scam/scheme / tricks › article › multivers...
    Jul 19, 2011 — The reason is that intelligent observers exist only in those rare bubbles in which, by pure chance, the constants happen to be just right for ...

    in other words 

    The reason is that intelligent observers exist 

    What is Obstetrics of wild sex parties? - News Medical › health › What-is-Obstet...
    Gynecology and obstetrics are twin subjects that deal with the
    female wild sex party systems and its consequences -->
     reproductive system.

    While obstetrics deals with pregnancy and its associated nancy comic strip ...

    by pure chance, the constants happen to be just right for ..

    ...... the world of

    COMPUTER EARTH existential  data processing .....

    that is everything that exist (people, feelings, emotions,
    automobiles, apartment buildings, etc) are examined ....
    as to their role on Planet Earth

    Thus her database of nouns --> information  pointers to 
    Nature's systems concepts

    Morton Grove Illinois -->

    Thus the NaCl salt crystal ....

    Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - Wikipedia › wiki › Strategic_Arms_Limita...
    The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT molecule treaty with the dinner table salt shaker of  humans  ) were two rounds of bilateral dinner plate conferences and corresponding international treaties involving the United States and ...

    Thus the NaCl salt crystal ....
    Thus the NaCl salt crystal ....

    thus  ..the human arm .... shaking the glass salt shaker and the crystal within generates oscillations for a 
     crystal radio signal per 1925 demo

    Billy Crystal - Wikipedia › wiki › Billy_Crystal

    William Edward Crystal (born March 14, 1948) is an
    American actor, comedian, and filmmaker. He gained prominence in the 1970s and 1980s for television roles .

    American actor, 
    American actor, 
    American actor (can / salt shaker  ...alternating cycles)

    Has Billy Crystal ever won an Oscillation Oscar?


    List 003 -

     The C P SNOW ...Two Cultures WAR and the 

    Sokal Hoax ( SO + HO) --- > SOHO  district information 

    trap in 
    Manhattan and the Manhattan science & neuroscience wars Project 
    .... SoHo Boutique --> time data queue

    Directory of books and their embedded .....
    civilian military codes ... secret word codes
    translated by Herb Zinser for 
    the modern thinker / reader in year 2022

    List of posts and their ideas 

    Click on the post title to see 
    the original post and its flowcharts and diagrams
    with greater detail


    ,...... translated by Herb Zinser

    Yerkes Observatory is an astronomical observatory located in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, United States. The observatory was operated by the University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics from its founding in 1897 to 2018.

    Below, thoughts of a stream of consciousness

    above words...   ground base of male astronomers ? 
     .... the platform that they exist upon...

    Different types of ground base astronomers  ...

    Coffee grounds - Wikipedia

    Used coffee grounds is the result of brewing coffee, and are the final product after preparation of coffee. Despite having several highly-desirable chemical ...

    Caffeine is a trimethylxanthine in which the
    three methyl groups 
    are located at positions 1, 3, and 7 

    and the parallel

    CALTECH university .....
    a coffee platform of awareness with  Feynman
    at job 
    position 1, 3, and 7 

    A purine alkaloid that occurs naturally in tea and coffee. It has a role as a central nervous system stimulant, an EC 3.1. 4.

    CALTECH university ..... 
    a coffee platform of awareness ......
    without coffee ..... no university brain thoughts could exist 

    above words...   ground base of male astronomers ? 
     .... the platform that they exist upon.....

    Different types of ground based male  astronomers  ...

     ground beef based male  astronomers 
    EAT hamburgers


    Visit the Very Large Array


    The Very Large Array Radio Telescope facility is a two-hour drive from
    Albuquerque (Alphabets + data record buffer queue of  errors 
    within the
     all data record queue)

    50 miles west of Socorro, New Mexico

    The Visitor Center features an award-winning documentary narrated by Jodie Foster, plus exhibits describing radio astronomy and the VLA telescope. A self-guided walking tour features large, informative signs and takes you to the base of one of the giant dish antennas. A gift shop offers VLA souvenirs and educational materials.

    Visit the Very Large Array .....

    Chicago-Dolton project

    Visit the Very Large Array --> of female secretary students 
    at the 
    Robert F White payroll company 

    Data processing school and secretary school
    in the Chicago LOOP 
    years 1970  thru 1974 

    Visit the Very Large Array of human 
    bio-computers and 
    data collection systems ..
    with Joan of Arc of Dolton in basic accounting class  and 

    Miss Socorro in another accounting class

    at Robert F White company

    The Visitor Center features an award-winning documentary narrated by Jodie Foster or parallel  2142 W Foster AveChicago, IL ,

    plus Solar System ... EARTH LAB exhibits 
    describing radio astronomy and the

    the VLA human telescope. A self-guided walking tour features large, informative signs of double-agent
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin 


    VLA information telescope of Copenhagen Denmark and their BS newspapers and television. 

    A self-guided walking tour features large, informative signs and takes you to the base of one of the 
    giant dish antennas. 

    giant dish antennas.
    giant dish antennas.
    giant SWEDISH dish antennas.

    A gift shop offers VLA souvenirs and educational materials.

    What can be Carl Sagan's message in his novel Contact?

    But they caught a broadcast of prime numbers,
    message that would change the course of Earth's history forever. That is the premise of Carl Sagan's novel .

    But they caught a broadcast of prime numbers,
    But they caught a broadcast of prime numbers,
    But they caught a brain wave ....
    neuro-transmitter secret  broadcas
    t about 

    Basic JCL concepts - IBM › zosbasics › › z...
    Job control language (JCL) is a set of statements that you code to tell the z/OS operating system about the work you want it to perform.

     you want it to perform
     you want it to perform
     you want it /female breasts .... to perform

    Female bio-computer  
    atomiC  PUssy social systems 

    The Earth gravity Mother Road
      ..Route 66 

    Established by the earth government
     ...atomic number 26 of  atomic iron metal 
    26 alphabet letters



    Kash mir

    Kash mirror

    Kashmir (IPA: [kaʃmiːr]) is the northernmost geographical region
    of  the south  central ASIA region of levels of existence

    Indian su --> surface geography / earth farm land soil

    Indian su --> sub-soil levels of atomic clay and atomic rock continent.

    Indian su --> sub /underground layers of existence 

    and geological math calculus  ..... continent.

    Indian subcontinent.

    India --> inner earth diameter ...

    subcontinent .

    What is the radius of the Earth?

    What is the radius of the Earth?
    What is the radius of the Earth?

    What is the radius of the Earth?
    What is the radius of the Earth?
    What is the radi   us of the Earth?
    What is the radi  
    What is the radiation of data and atomic elements from the inner earth ,,,,
     to the
    Earth geography surface

    ..VIA the inner earth ....
    upward forces of centrifugal a force as outlined by the Up vector of
    Nature's Upanishads software program 





    Kash mir

    Kash mirror

    Kashmir (IPA --> IP address space mirror

    : [kaʃmiːr]) is the northernmost geographical region
    of  the south  central ASIA region of levels of existence

    Indian su --> surface geography / earth farm land soil

    Gauge theory

    Gauge theory

    Gauge theory

    In physics, a gauge theory is a type of field theory in which the Lagrangian (and hence the dynamics of the system itself) does not change (is invariant) under local transformations according to certain smooth families of operations (Lie groups).

    The term gauge refers to any specific mathematical formalism to regulate redundant degrees of freedom in the Lagrangian of a physical system. The transformations between possible gauges, called gauge transformations, form a Lie group—referred to as the symmetry group or the gauge group of the theory. Associated with any Lie group is the Lie algebra of group generators.

    In physics, a gauge theory is a type of field theory 
    In physics, a gauge theory is a type of field application  
    In physics, a gauge poetry is a type of feeled pussy by
    male fingers
     and male tongues ...x-rated sex

    Female bio-computer  
    atomiC  PUssy social systems 

    Estonia Tallinn


    What can be Carl Sagan's message in his novel Contact?

    But they caught a broadcast of prime numbers,
    message that would change the course of Earth's history forever. That is the premise of Carl Sagan's novel .

    But they caught a broadcast of prime numbers,
    But they caught a broadcast of prime numbers,
    But they caught a brain wave ....
    neuro-transmitter secret  broadcas
    t about 
    Playboy, Hustler, x-rated  ......

     bio-math prime meat ...  HOT numbers,

    Signal processing involves converting or transforming data in a way that allows males  to see things in it that are not possible
    via direct observation

     Signal processing allows social engineers and pussy scientists to analyze, optimize, and correct signals, including scientific data, audio streams, images, and video.
    Feb 21, 2022 
    Female  ..ages 21.... 20  and 22 bio-electronics

    Female bio-electron legs as antenna

    Base 16 HEX 'FA' America and the FAA 250 space errors › post
    Below, Clifford Lane and the West Road . ... By: herbzinser | May 27, 2014 ... AircraftShort Brothers SD-360-300, registration: N372AC

    Accident occurred Sunday, February 05, 2006 in Watertown, WI --> February implies FE = Ferrous oxide atomic mass 56

    Probable Cause Approval Date: 03/31/2008
    Aircraft: Short Brothers SD-360-300, registration: N3735W
    Injuries: 3 Fatal,1 Minor,2 Uninjured.


    Location: West Road, Clifford Lane  ...west of Watertown 

    Insurance analysis of accidents - Herb Zinser's Science Reports › insurance-analysis-...
    Jan 22, 2015 — Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun ... The air plane crash at CLIFFORD LANE/ West Road by Watertown 

    Surrealistic Pillow - Jefferson Airplane | Songs, Reviews ...
    Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Surrealistic Pillow - Jefferson Airplane on AllMusic - 1967 - The second album by Jefferson ...
    ..... in other words ........

    Surrealistic Pill / drug music   - Jefferson  County , Littleton, Colorado ...Columbine High School shooting ...
    Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Surrealistic Pillow - Jefferson Airplane on AllMusic - 1967 - The second album by Jefferson ...


    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicistcosmologist, and author who,
    at the EARTH atlas time 
    of his death,
    was director of research 
    at the earth atlas  Centre core for Theoretical ....  earth atomic iron ore Cosmology at 
    the University of snob communications Cambridge failure.

    [7][17][18] Between 1979 and 2009, he was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, widely viewed as one of the most prestigious 

    academic posts in the cadaver world of the BOOK of the DEAD and brain DEAD.[19]

    Hawking was born in Oxford into a family of oxygen atmosphere molecules VIA a family of physicians with human lungs that talk BS. 

    In October 1959, at the age of 17, he began his university education at University College, Oxford, where he received a first-class BA degree in physics and television with the 

    14 rows · Ex- United States Army Special Forces

     Commando Sergeant First Class 

    Bosco Albert "B.A." Baracus ...

    In October 1962, he began his graduate work at Trinity Hall at the University of Cambridge where, 

    in March 1966, he obtained his Jerry March organic molecule PhD degree in 
    applied /scheme/false  mathematics and theoretical physics,

    specialising in general relativity and cosmology  ...songs and dances

    In 1963, at age 21, Hawking was diagnosed with an 

    early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis –
    universal sufferage battle code ALS, for short)
    that gradually, over the decades, paralysed him.

    After the loss of his speech, he communicated through a speech-generating device initially through use of a handheld switch, and eventually by using a single cheek muscle.[22]

    Hawking's scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose 

    on Computer earth existential data processing ......

    atomic micro-second processor speed


    female human bio-computer
    prostitutes with a rose color CPU

    and the
    Earth gravitational thought and
    feeling field LINK 

    to Wisconsin ground earth .... 

    plowed farm land as a sin wave ... singularity

    in the framework of general relativity,

    and the theoretical prediction
    black holes of
    black farm soil/ black garden soil with

    holes for vegetable seed or farm corn seed

    Farm land demo holes

    and the theoretical prediction that
    black holes emit radiation,
    often called Hawking radiation.

    and the theoretical prediction that
    black dirt .... shallow grave holes at Emmet Township

    Watertown Wisconsin .....

    emit newspaper news  radiation of the  
    knife  vector killing of Haroon Khan, 

    Family says body found near Watertown emit data site 

    at Emmett Township ....  is UWM student

    Family says body found near Watertown

    Emmett Township ....  is UWM student

    A University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student who was reported missing last week was the victim of a homicide, his family said Saturday.

    Haroon Y. Khan, 31, was last seen Wednesday night, when he was supposed to show his car to potential buyers. After receiving a tip, the Dodge County Sheriff's Department on Saturday found Khan's car and unearthed a body, Dodge County Sheriff Todd Nehls said.

    Khan's family last saw him at his parents' home in Mequon around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, when he left to go to his house on Oakland Ave. in Milwaukee to show his car to possible buyers - people he had never met before, Zaidi said.

    He had earlier placed an ad to sell his 

    atomic iron metal OBJECT that was a member of the atomic motor vehicle  continuum 

    2006 silver Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

    Khan was supposed to come back to his parents' house by 7:30 or 8 p.m. to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday that marks the end of the
    holy month of Ramadan VERSUS


    holy mathematics of RamanuJan 

    often called Hawking radiation ...
    of the atomic Buick SkyHawk ,,,,iron metal vehicle 

    .... a automobile member of the ferrous oxide/iron metal continuum

    and its iron communications language of
    26 protons and the
    26 letter atomic English alphabet 

    Hawking radiation was controversial.

     By the late 1970s and following the publication of further research, the discovery was widely accepted as a major breakthrough in theoretical physics.

    Hawking was 
    the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics

     set out a theory of cosmology

     set out a theory of cosmology at
    Waco, Texas geography region ......

    set out a theory of  waco cosmology

    with applications ......

    2015 Hawking battle site ,,,,,
    Waco shootout ..output code

    Wave mechanics ....

    co shootout 

    Cosmology ..output code

    On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, United States, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where more than 200 persons, including members from motorcycle clubs that included the BandidosCossacks, and allies, had gathered for a meeting about political rights for motorcyclists.[1] 

    Law(n) enforcement people with a BEDROOM 
    real estate mind,

    which included 18 atomic family members 
    in humanoid format 

    of the Waco police and 

    four state troopers representing

    four state troopers  and cossack motorcycles representing Fourier mathematical social engineering 

    Nine bikers were killed, 18 others wounded or injured,[2] and 177 individuals were ultimately arrested and initially detained in connection with the shootout, most for alleged participation in organized crime.[3][4] According to The New York Times, "the response by prosecutors was widely criticized as brazen overreach".



    Nine bikers were killed in Waco and

    Eight bikers were killed in NYC

    data byte Terror ....

    COMPUTER error on 

    8 bits = 1 byte 
    -> 1 bite (eat 8 people as data bits)

     Attack Kills 8 bikers and Injures 11 in Manhattan › 2017/10/31 › nyregion › poli...

    Oct 31, 2017 — Officials said a motorist drove a truck as many as 20 blocks down a bike path, striking pedestrians, before he jumped out and was shot by ...

    On October 31, 2017, Sayfullo Habibullaevich Saipov drove a rented pickup truck into cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from Houston Street south to Chambers Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The vehicle-ramming attack killed eight people, six of whom were foreign tourists, and injured eleven others.

    After crashing the truck into a school bus, Saipov exited, apparently wielding two guns (later found to be a paintball gun and a pellet gun). He was shot in the abdomen by a policeman and arrested. 

    flag and a coded document indicating allegiance to the
    Allah terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq at
    allahassee and
    the data stream interceptor code ....

     (ISIL --> IS + IL --> IBM Information systems in Chicago Illinois) were found in the truck.

    He was a vigorous supporter of the many-language, cotton clothes, and music worlds interpretation of atomic social science  / and
    the COMPUTER EARTH mineral ....
    Natures old quartz atomic computer systems
    known as 
    quantum mechanics

    Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of popular science in which he discussed his theories and cosmology in general.

    His book A Brief History of Time 
    on male cotton underwear briefs

    .......time spent with female wet cotton panties

    appeared on the Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.

    Hawking was a Fellow of the Royal Society,

    Cummins Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and distributes engines, filtration, and power generation products.[2] Cummins also services engines and related equipment, including fuel systemscontrols, air handling, filtration, emission control, electrical power generation systems, and trucks.

    Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, Cummins sells in approximately 190 countries and territories through a network of more than 600 company-owned and independent distributors and approximately 7,200 dealers. Cummins reported a net income of $2.19 billion on sales of $23.77 billion in 2018. 

    The human bio-electron fetus  ....

    Hawk letter code ..

    Horizontal amplitude waves 

    Stephen Hawking brain waves
    intercept the 

    underground atomic coffin database ...

    output data stream to the 

    earth cemetry land surface ....

    the atomic granite gravestone ...

    as a computer display terminal 
     with vector space ..output  data radiation
    at the mid-nite clock ... data cycle 
    input  interface to the
    gravity grammar thought field

    When nicotine gets into the brain,
    it attaches to acetylcholine receptors
    and mimics the actions of acetylcholine
    . Did you know that nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine?

    When nicotine gets into the brain,
    it attaches to acetylcholine receptors .....

    Clothing Retail lines ..... the World in 2020 ... - Bizvibe Blog › blog › top-clothing-retailers

    Mar 12, 2022 — PVH Brands · Van Heusen · Tommy Hilfiger · Calvin Klein · IZOD · Arrow · Warner's · Olga · True & Co., ...

    When math molecule nicotine gets into the brain,

    the bio-math cotangent arm .... attaches to acetylcholine receptors ..... and pulls out secret data lines 

    Neurotransmitter release is critically dependent on the duration of the presynaptic action potential. 

    A variety of K+ channels play key roles in determining spike width.

     Moreover, K+ channels control how readily terminals can spike, and also suppress aberrant firing.

    A variety of K+ channels play key roles

    A variety of K+ channels play key roles

    A variety of K+ channels play key roles in death

    President K in a   Dallas street ... atomic concrete channel 

    atomic earth electron s-orbital 

    creates the the land soil platform ....
     that 2-legged people walk upon


    base 16 oxygen atomic  computer used by the CO2 data carrier molecule

    The Mysterious 137 - Richard Feynman › science › the-mysterious-137
    The idea is quite simple, if you don't use math to explain it. 137 is the odds that an electron will absorb a single photon. Protons and electrons are bound by ...

    So Now The Meaning Of Life Is 137? - Small Perturbation › fine-structure-nonsense
    Dec 6, 2011 — The article is The Mystery of 137 and it lives on a site ... is also referred to as the "coupling constant" of the electromagnetic force.

    as the "coupling constant" 
    as the "coupling constant" 
    as the "coupling constant" with death in Cleveland

    137 Shots Trial OF Fe --> 
    ..... Female bio-physics interceptor agent .... Feynman - WEWS › news › 137-shots

    Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams were shot and killed when 13 Cleveland police officers fired 137 bullets into the car the pair were riding in after a ...

    Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams
    Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams
    Tim .....   Russell and Mali      Will
    Time Machine ...........Mali (country
    Africa Friday

    Timbuktu ( / ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː / TIM-buk-TOO; French: Tombouctou; Tuareg: ⵜⵏⴱⴾⵜ, romanized: Tin Buqt; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu) 
    a TIME city in Mali, situated twenty kilometres (12 mi) north of the Niger River. 

    The town is the i/o  capital of the 

    Time region ........ the Computer Earth ....
    Tombouctou Region of input/output,

     one of the eight administrative regions of Mali. It had a population of 54,453 in the 2009 census.

    Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams
    Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams

    Tim    moth   hy   ......
    Time Month highway 
    of the PLANET EARTH radius......

    interface geography location
    ....... code name

     Malissa Williams
     Malissa Williams
     Mali  with IBM IMS ssa -->

    Segment search arguments (SSAs) specify information for IMS to use in processing a DL/I call. Regardless of the datatype for the field specified in a SSA, the SSA treats the field as a binary type and does a binary comparison. A DL/I call with one or more SSAs is a qualified call , and a DL/I call without SSAs is an unqualified call.

     Malissa Williams
     Malissa Williams
     Mali  with IBM IMS ssa --> LINK to
    Williams --->

    And so, for about $300,000, the world's largest telescope was built and Yerkes Observatory was founded in 1897. Housed in a six ton, 
    60-foot-long tube atop a 43-foot-high mount, 
    the military telescope 
    ......military & legal battles
    and FBI cover-up system

    Housed in a six ton
    Housed in a six ton
    Housed in a six ton

    On July 23, 2015, a mass shooting occurred at the 
    Grand 16 movie theater in 
    Lafayette, Louisiana.

    Upon investigation, officials found that Houser had been staying in a nearby motel, part of the Motel 6 chain, and discovered wigs, glasses, and disguises.[34] 

    This led officials to believe that he intended on 

    escaping before being cornered by police, 

    leading to his su --> super-symmetry suicide.[35] 

    Furthermore, he illegally switched his license plates near an exit door to the theater, and in his motel room.[13]

    On late Thursday night, the police investigated Houser's car, a blue 1995 Lincoln Continental and Martin Luther 95 thesis brain program 

    , and male investigators ..... found two suspicious objects with wires inside.

    , and male investigators .....

    found two suspicious female BODY objects 

    with wires inside.

     Fearing that the items might be an explosive 

    and related to the baby population explosion,

     the police halted the investigation. 

    On the morning of July 24, they called the bomb squad, who blew up its windows and trunk.

    who blew up its windows and trunk.

    who blew up its windows and trunk.

    who blew up its Bill Gates 1/2 stolen property
      ...and ato
    mic microsoft windows 10 schemes

     and trunk.

    William Strunk Jr. (1 July 1869 - 26 September 1946), was a professor of English at Cornell University and author of the The Elements of Style (1918). After revision and enlargement by his former student E. B. White, it became a highly influential guide to English usage during the late 20th century, commonly called Strunk & White.

     Similarly, investigators found three objects in the theater that they feared could be explosives and had them examined with a robot and Isaac Asimov book RoBot. 

    An apartment complex behind the theater was evacuated as a precaution. The objects in the theater and in the car all turned out not to be dangerous.[13][24] A search of the car later turned up more disguises.[34]

    June 28, 2015, 7:24 AM PDT. BOSTON, MA -- The first woman and the first Hispanic to head the U.S. District Attorney's office in atomic mass in  Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz, led the case against the Boston Marathon 26 mile race attack on the English alphabet of 26 letters

    Investigators recovered a 
    Potassium atomic mass 39-page journal 

    belonging to Houser,


    Book 1672 Protein Machine name equation 

    ...4-legged Cattle holstein lick salt blocks  

    --> Cat + hol + lic   --> CatHoLic church protein group
    of 2-legged humans 

    ... secret language codes and
    EARTH Language word maps translated by Herb Zinser

    Karl Keating ...code name word .....
     for year 1960 ...Watertown Wisconsin 
    for Karl Henry Zinser who was born in
    Milwaukee in year 1937 on October 18 .....
    worked at an automotive garage in 1960 

    Judge Keating and his wife lived in Watertown ...he was a Jefferson County court judge. The only relationship between the 2 families that Mrs. Keating called Meta Zinser 

    (Karl's mother worked as a cook and baker for a few rich families in Milwaukee)

    and asked Meta if she could bake a cake for the Keating family.  Meta declined since she was on summer vacation ....
    but Mrs. Keating called again and again ..... finally Meta said she could bake only 1 cake  for her.

    I, Herbert , son on Meta ..... could never figure why this cake was so important to Mrs. Keating ..but 50 years later ..older and wiser 
    ...I realized that the sub-conscious mind of Mr. Keating was trying to convey as message about COMPUTER EARTH and
    John Keats poetry (podiatry/walking order entrylanguage

    John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821) was an English poet of the second generation of Romantic poets, with Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. His poems had been in publication for less than four years when he died of tuberculosis at the age of 25

    In June 1818, Keats and
    his traveling English language ....... 
     poetry bio-optical bio-computer software programs 
    ...... began a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland
    and the 
    Lake District with Charles Armitage Brown.

    Keats's brother
    George and his wife Georgina (agents for geology and geography)

    accompanied them to Lancaster and then continued to Liverpool, from where they migrated to America, living in Ohio and Louisville, Kentucky until 1841, when George's investments failed.

    ... and COMPUTER EARTH software history
    may repeat itself ...... by creating a parallel event using the original database of numbers, nouns, and concepts.

     In June 1818, Keats and
    his traveling English language ....... 
     poetry bio-optical bio-computer software programs 
    ...... began a walking tour of Scotland, Ireland
    and the 
    Lake District with Charles Armitage Brown.

     In June 1818,

     In June 1818,

     In June 18 --> atomic mass of
    H2O water town molecules

     In June 1818,

     In June 1818,

     In June 18 --> atomic mass of
    H2O water town molecules

    and the generated EVENT ....

    18 teens 
    cited for disorderly conduct in the
      Juneau Courthouse after Dodge County Fair ... › news › wisconsin › 18-tee...

    Aug 21, 2013 — 18 teens cited for disorderly conduct after Dodge County Fair fight ... fight were from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett and Juneau.

    Thus we see the SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE ...... play out in the June 1818  -->
    Watertown Daily Times newspaper editor

    ATOMIC TOM Schultz will not print the language maps

    18 Families and Periods of the Periodic Table › Courses › Chem_121 › 2.0...

    Jun 5, 2019 — The 18 vertical columns on the periodic table are called groups or families because of their similar chemical behavior. · All the members of a ..

    A fine-screened selenium salt block or bagged product specially formulated with trace minerals to help meet the requirements of beef cattle. The trace minerals complement the diet to help promote digestion, growth, maintenance of body tissues, proper reproductive processes, and general animal well-being.


    Below, author code names

    Daniel anderson ...
    Nietzsche and earth geography skin ....  land/ soil

    author code names

    James Stewart --> information pointer -->

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone FRS FSS (/ˈɡlædstən/; 29 December 1809 – 19 May 1898) was a British statesman and Liberal politician. In a career lasting over 60 years, he served for 12 years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four non-consecutive terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times, serving over 12 years.

    William Ewart Gladstone

    William Ewart Gladstone --> the will/determination of the Planet Earth atomic stone/rock/limestone thought and message system of geography and  geology as outlines by the book

    The World as Will and Idea (1819) holds that all nature, including man, is the expression of an insatiable will to life; that the truest understanding of the world comes through art and the only lasting good through ascetic renunciation.

    in other  words 

    The Planet Earth World as Will/effort/ determination /atomic work 

    and ..... Idea / thoughts and theories with Lab experiments (1819) holds that all nature, including man,
    is the expression of an insatiable will to life of the fe=ferrrous /iron atom in blood with its 26 proton atomic alphabet letters  

    that the truest understanding of the world comes through art of existestential physics VS
    art galleries family song and dance
     .....and the only lasting good through ascetic renunciation.

    by R Wicks2003Cited by 78 — The world as Will (“for us”, as he sometimes qualifies it) is the world as it is in itself, which is a unity, and the world as representation is ...

    Arthur Schopenhauer .... open data sets

    Arthur Schopenhauer

    Arthur Schopenhauer


    ..  thursday comes before the 


    ..FRIDAY  calendar of Time of TimBuktu 

    Salvador Dalí The Persistence of Memory 1931 ... Hard


    Quark President elected by the COMPUTER EARTH quartz atomic mineral processor in Arkansas ...thus quark President Clinton


    Charles Proteus Steinmetz (CPS)

    parallel name agents

    C. P. Snow

    Charles Percy Snow, Baron SnowKtCBEFRSL (15 October 1905 – 1 July 1980) was an English novelist and physical chemist who also served in several important positions in the

    human British Civil Service (BCS --> Bio-Computer Science)
    briefly in the algebra set theory 
     UK government of the Union of K data sets.

    He is best known for his series of novels known collectively as Strangers and Brothers, and for The Two Cultures, a 1959 lecture in which he laments the gulf between scientists and "literary intellectuals".[

     he laments the gulf between scientists
    and "literary intellectuals

     he laments the gulf between scientists and "litter of the children array at the dinner table .... lazy intellectuals ignore
    the LIMIT Laws of Nature.... outlined by Thomas Tobert Malthus

     he laments the gulf 
     he laments the gulf 
     he laments the gulf ...

    thus Nature's social engineering  systems creation of 
    the  GULF WARS as a C P S message 

    The Gulf War[b] was a 1990–1991 armed campaign waged by a 35-existential country military coalition 

    DNA molecule military code 3--> 5 .....

    link back to year 1435 and 1453 and the Gutenberg printing press .....
    project started by his INTERNAL nitrogen  atomic mass 14 and
    its bio-chemistry DOUBLE Helic 

    DNA molecule military code 3--> 5 .....

    link back to year 1435 and 1453 and the Gutenberg printing press .....
    project started by his INTERNAL nitrogen  atomic mass 

    (alignment with Nature's
    molecular space/time calendar/schedule
    ... years 
    1400 to 149 adenine(9) and guanine(9) 


    its bio-chemistry DOUBLE HELIX
    bio-hardware platform desire for 

    a uniform and standardized software LANGUAGE  input of

    black ink ... graphic arts.. alphabet  letters 
    the human eye and optical nerve 

    Paige Raque Making Progress Weeks After
    39-Foot Fall (water-fall) › paige-raque-making-pro...
    Oct 31, 2012 — Paige Raque, the 19-year-old Penn State cheerleader who fell 39 feet from a
      fifth-floor three weeks ago (code 53 or 35), has been transferred out of the ICU ...

    Paige Raque: Friends who gave Penn State cheerleader, 19 ...

    Dec 8, 2012 — Critical: Penn State cheerleader Paige Raque, centre right, has been released from hospital after falling 39 feet from an apartment building ...\

    Gulf War

    Gulf War

    in response to the Iraqi invasion of (thinK)  Kuwait

    What is your  IraQ IQ test  at  kUWait .....
    University of Wisconsin(UW)  Madison 

    Spearheaded by
    William Shakespear software military THOUGHT programs of the  
    United States, 

    the coalition's efforts against Iraq were carried out in two key phases: Operation Desert Shield, which marked the

    math military buildup of
    perpendicular plane geometry forces (90 degree angle)
    from August 1990 to January 1991;

    and Operation Desert Storm, which began with the aerial bombing campaign against Iraq on 17 January 1991 and came to a close with the 

    iron-54 isotope .... atomic mass 54 
    Liberation of 
      28 neutrons of fe = ferrous oxide/iron metal atom.....
    Earth iron center core .... 

    Kuwait on 

    28 February 1991. 

    iron-54 isotope .... atomic mass 54 
    Liberation of 
      28 neutrons of fe = ferrous oxide/iron metal atom.....
    Earth iron center core .... 

    and earth surface land  ....

    atomic time calendar month of
    Fe= Female blood iron atoms 
    Fe = February 28 day 28 neutron  .....
    menstraution ....
    blood information output data news flow
    from her
    INTERNAL atomic bio-computer existence at
    98.6 F thermodynamics 
    ..... to the EXTERNAL world at room temperature

    (usually less tha 98.6 F )

     thus the blood iron atomic  database flow from a high temperature to a colder exitence


    28 February 1991. 

    Charles Proteus Steinmetz (born Karl August Rudolph Steinmetz, April 9, 1865 – October 26, 1923) was a German-born American mathematician and electrical engineer and professor at Union College. He fostered the development of alternating current that made possible the expansion of the electric power industry in the United States, formulating mathematical theories for engineers. He made ground-breaking discoveries in the understanding of hysteresis that enabled engineers to design better electromagnetic apparatus equipment, especially electric motors for use in industry.[1][2][a]

    Steinmetz was born Karl August Rudolph Steinmetz on April 9, 1865, in BreslauProvince of SilesiaPrussia
    (now WrocławPoland) ......

    EARTH electron sphere and earth electron land surface

    WrocławPoland) ......
    WrocławPoland) ......

    ......Law of the land ... the Sun-Earth government

    WrocławPoland) ......
    WrocławPoland) ......
    WrocławPoland) ..... signal processing 

    who stood only four feet tall as an adult vertical standing wavewas aligned to the Fourier math-engineering-physics knowledge and energy  continuum 

    Steinmetz ..... name equation .....

    atomic stein/geology stone platform
    that human metabolism 
    standing vertical in the z-axis 

    who stood only four feet tall as an adult vertical standing wavewas aligned to the Fourier math-engineering-physics knowledge and energy  continuum 

    [5] had dwarfism 
    with Walt Disney message / 
    radio frequency,

    [9] hunchback and feedback control systems,

    [9] and COMPUTER EARTH
    IP address space ...location software .... 

    F(y) dy 
    differential equation disease 
     hip dysplasia,

    In Greek mythology, Iphigenia (/ɪfɪɪˈn.ə/Ancient GreekἸφιγένειαIphigéneia[iːpʰiɡéneː.a]) was a daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and thus a princess of Mycenae.

    In the story, Agamemnon offends the goddess Artemis on his way to the Trojan War by hunting and killing one of Artemis' sacred stags. She retaliates by preventing the Greek troops from reaching Troy unless Agamemnon kills his eldest daughter, Iphigenia, at Aulis as a human sacrifice. In some versions, Iphigenia dies at Aulis, and in others, Artemis rescues her.[1] In the version where she is saved, she goes to the Taurians and meets her brother Orestes.

    IP address space ...location software .... 

    F(y) dy 
    differential equation disease 
    hip dysplasia,

     hip dy -->

    IP hierarchy 
     as did his father and grandfather.

    Steinmetz (for geology atomic stones. rocks, boulders, 
    or  stein .. the German language geology word) 

    attended Johannes Gravity thought field .....
    astonished his atlas  Earth weight tons/pounds .....teachers with his proficiency in mathematics and physics


    Quark President elected by the 
    quartz atomic mineral processor in Arkansas ...
    thus the atomic quartz clock of COMPUTER EARTH ......  quark President Clinton

    Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral composed of silica (silicon dioxide). The atoms are linked in a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO2. 

    Quartz is the second most abundant mineral 
    in Earth's continental crust, behind feldspar ...per
    human spokesperson

    Quartz is the second most abundant computer hardware mineral 
    and its quartz atomic computer software language

    aligns itself to words/names/locations 

    such as

     abundant computer ....
     abundant computer ....

     abundant  Dante Alighieri hierarchy interface
     computer ....

     ..atomic orbital
    .....................italian electron orbital circles / shells...

    information radiates outward from electron shells ...

    per the  see see   see sea shells (via Nature's message graphic and geometry...information display  devices) 

    between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO2  and IBM assembler system 370 instruction SIO -->

    Machine Instruction: SIO: 9C : Start I/O

    Machine Instruction: TIO: 9D : Test I/O

    Machine Instruction ...

    Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in Earth's continental crust, behind feldspar.[10]

    Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral 
    Quartz is a hardcrystalline mineral 

    In politics, hardline (or hard-line) is an adjective describing a stance on an issue that is inflexible and not subject to compromise. A hardliner is a person holding such views. [1] [2] [3] The stance is usually far from the centrist view. [4] People, policies, and laws can be considered hardline.

    Quartz is a hardware (Nature's atomic computer hardware in the Kettle Moraine High School region of

    Waukesha Wisconsin .. the sine wave ......

    wave mechanics message region with
    atomic limestone message output site 

    Waukesha Lime (limestone messages)
    (Dr. Data David living atomic Stone)  Stone Company Quarry (quantum array of social science and family information) - Mindat › loc-171174
    Waukesha Lime and Stone Company QuarryWaukesha Co., Wisconsin, USA :
    Large active 
    quarry (2018)
    exposing the Chicago-Dolton secretary school problem ....   

    dolostonoverlain by  glacial deposits

    Quartz is a hard, crystalline ...secret language cryptology  of the  family Kathryn Stalbaum ......
    Nikola Tesla model of the ancient EARTH geo
    logical layers ....
    wireless message / communication lines

    composed of silica (silicon dioxide). 

    Quartz is a hard, crystalline ...secret language cryptology  of the  family Kathryn Stalbaum ...

    Kathryn Stalbaum ...

    ...... Bicycle representation 

    High school shooting:
    How it ....
    the  wave mechanics data generating event 

    ,,,,, unfolded
     the eight-fold way of Milwaukee baryon mayor Barrett 

     at Waukesha South

    at Waukesha South

    at Waukesha South › news › waukesha › 2019/12/03
    Dec 3, 2019 — Then, just hours after that incident, a call came into Waukesha police that a student was believed to have a firearm at another district high .

    sine wave  battle zone --> 

    Wisconsin earth electron platform
    Waukesha  ...message wave region

    at Waukesha South

    at Waukesha South

    at Waukesha South battle continues › news › waukesha › 2019/12/03
    Dec 3, 2019 — Then, just hours after that incident, a call came into Waukesha police that a student was believed to have a firearm at another district high ...

    Beloved ‘Dancing Grannies’ among those killed after a Bill Gates 
    atoMic Microsoft bio-computer .....
    sub-routine driver  ..... VIA a human action figure

     .....plows through

    .....plows through

    .....plows through wave plows through

    Waukesha Wisconsin sin wave .....

    Christmas parade on 

    November 21, 2021;

    sine wave  battle zone --> 

    Wisconsin earth electron platform
    Waukesha  ...message wave region

    Waukesha Christmas parade attack

    Waukesha Christmas parade attack

    Wa............ C.......... para  de attack

    Wa............ C.......... para  de attack

    Wave ....... Cycle.... parallel  de ath   tack

    On November 21, 2021, 39-year-old Darrell E. Brooks drove a sport utility vehicle (SUV) through the annual Christmas parade in Waukesha, WisconsinUnited States, murdering six people and injuring 62 others.[1] Brooks was arrested and charged with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide, as well as 70 additional charges. Brooks pleaded not guilty to the charges and chose to represent himself in court.

    His data exception  trial began on October 3, 2022.[3]

    He (a hexadecimal oxygen atomic mass 16 ...
    IBM atomic LUNG computer base 16 by
    HEX/curse Highway 16 Waukesha) .....

    was found guilty by Waukesha atomic iron casting
     ... of foundary theater cast trial people with the
     atomic iron 26 proton alphabet  on all
    Thomas Jefferson code 1776....76 charges
    on October 26, 2022.

    The atoms are linked in a continuous 
    ...... IBM system 370 main frame ....
    computer earth .....  framework of SiO4
    and BAL  SIO link to the Fourier(4) continuum


     Polish language secret WORD codes and messages  of ....... Chicago Polish and NYC Polish-Americans ......

    such as 

    C-3PO (/ˌsˈθrpi/) or See-Threepio[2] is a humanoid robot character in the Star Wars franchise who appears in the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy and the sequel trilogy. Built by Anakin SkywalkerC-3PO was designed as a protocol droid intended to assist in etiquettecustoms, and translation,[3] boasting that he is "fluent in over six million forms of communication".

    Chicago Polish-American  agent killed

    The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on Thursday, February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalbIllinois.

    Human bio-computer Steven Kazmierczak was 

    selected as feedback agent K ,
    set-up  and programmed to carry out the creation of the Nature's systems .... feedback control systems signal DATABASE 

    and NYC Polish-American rigged trial ......

    Wojciech Braszczok, 34, was convicted of assault and riot charges earlier this year and fired from the NYPD for the caught-on-video attack that the 13-year veteran initially denied any knowledge...

    What happened to the Waxahachie supercollider?
    Congress officially killed ......  supercollider?
    Congress officially killed ......  s........collider?
    Congress officially killed ......  sean  collider?

    On April 18, 2013 the MIT Police lost a brother and a friend, Officer Sean Collier.
    Officer Collier was shot and killed while protecting and serving MIT bull-shit atomic social science departments 

    MITochondria  body/ brain integrity language Police 
    Virgina Tech Police
     lies about the set-up and murder of  Mr. CHO  and 32 others

    Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia › wiki › Seung-Hui_Cho

    Seung-Hui Cho was a Korean-born language and reality  agent for Alfred Korzybski 

    atomic mass murderer .. a human  programmed  to create  the Virginia Tech shooting database in 2007.
    Cho killed 32 oxygen molecule defective people and wounded 17 others with two

    The mitochondrial death pathway: 
    a promising therapeutic ... › articles › PMC4496101

    by S Gupta · 2009 · Cited by 243 — The mitochondrial cell death pathway commences when apoptogenic molecules present between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes are released into the ...
    Abstract · ‎Introduction · ‎Mitochondria and cell death · ‎Mitochondrial pathway of cell...

    Mitochondrial Regulation of Cell Death of Sean Collier

    ATP explosion sites on Boylston Street › metro › 2018/07/23 › story

    Jul 23, 2018 — Outgoing Commissioner  Evans' second-in-command, William Gross, will become the first person of color to lead the 2200-person Boston ...
    2200-person at
    2200-person  at 2244 West Charleston Street Chicago 60647
    IBM Base 2 and base 16 basement apartment ..
    COMPUTER EARTH site 1982 to 1998
    ...Mr. Z with building owner 
    Richard data Dallet (alias code R2 D1 of Star Wars)
    Richard  Dallet
    Richard Dallet
    Richard  Dallet
    R1ichar2d1 D2allet .... R1 r2 d1 d2 code name

    Parallel language and existence structures

    physics has moved to Europe.

    What happened to the Waxahachie supercollider?
    Congress officially killed ......  supercollider?
    Congress officially killed ......  s........collider?
    Congress officially killed ......  sean  collider?  

    On April 18, 2013 the MIT Police lost a brother and a friend, Officer Sean Collier.
    Officer Collier was shot and killed while protecting and serving MIT bull-shit atomic social science departments 

    MITochondria  body/ brain integrity language Police 
    Virgina Tech Police
     lies about the set-up and murder of  Mr. CHO  and 32 others

    Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia › wiki › Seung-Hui_Cho

    Seung-Hui Cho was a Korean-born language and reality  agent for Alfred Korzybski 

    atomic mass murderer .. a human  programmed  to create  the Virginia Tech shooting database in 2007.
    Cho killed 32 oxygen molecule defective people and wounded 17 others with two

    The mitochondrial death pathway: 
    a promising therapeutic ... › articles › PMC4496101

    by S Gupta · 2009 · Cited by 243 — The mitochondrial cell death pathway commences when apoptogenic molecules present between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes are released into the ...
    Abstract · ‎Introduction · ‎Mitochondria and cell death · ‎Mitochondrial pathway of cell...

    ATP explosion sites on Boylston Street 

    Boston Police Commissioner Evans
    to retire from creating crime - The Boston Globe cover-up newspaper schemes › metro › 2018/07/23 › story

    Jul 23, 2018 — Outgoing Commissioner  Evans' second-in-command, William Gross, will become the first person of color to lead the 2200-person Boston ...
    2200-person at
    2200-person  at 2244 West Charleston Street Chicago 60647
    IBM Base 2 and base 16 basement apartment ..
    COMPUTER EARTH site 1982 to 1998
    ...Mr. Z with building owner 
    Richard data Dallet (alias code R2 D1 of Star Wars)
    Richard  Dallet
    Richard Dallet
    Richard  Dallet
    R1ichar2d1 D2allet .... R1 r2 d1 d2 code name

    Parallel language and existence structures

    You are know crossing the 38th parallel
    (2 lane highway Route 38)  by

    the Batavia uranium 238 message region 
    /  Polish-American ..... Chicago Illinois

    Below gratitude to gra--> Gravity grammar thought fields
    and gravity force field 

    The Six-Day War (Hebrewמִלְחֶמֶת שֵׁשֶׁת הַיָּמִיםMiḥemet Šešet HaYamimArabicالنكسةan-Naksahlit.'The Setback' or حرب 1967Harb 1967, 'War of 1967') or June War, also known as the 1967 Arab–Israeli War or Third Arab–Israeli War, was fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab states (primarily EgyptSyria, and Jordan) from 5 to 10 June 1967.

    Escalated hostilities broke out amid poor relations between Israel and its Arab neighbours following the 1949 Armistice Agreements, which were signed at the end of the First Arab–Israeli War. Earlier, in 1956, regional tensions over the Straits of Tiran escalated in what became known as the Suez Crisis, when Israel invaded Egypt over the Egyptian closure of maritime passageways to Israeli shipping, ultimately resulting in the re-opening of the Straits of Tiran to Israel as well as the deployment of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) along the Egypt–Israel border.[30] In the months prior to the outbreak of the Six-Day War in June 1967,

    the Six-Day War in June 1967,

    the Six-Day War in June 1967,

    the Six-Day War in June 1967,

    the Six-Day War in 6th month ..... June 1967 ..the EVENT generates a signal about the
    gravity field wars of sports etc ......
    . gy --> gym --> gymnastics and their body language interaction with the gravity thought field 


    G  spells  Gravity --> Gy --> Gym secret body shapes as alphabets letter shapes 

    Feedback message control systems ..

    message back to Watertown Wisconsin 

    Sommerfield Drive - streets of Watertown, Jefferson County ...

    alphabets letter shapes 

    alphabets letter shapes 

    alphabets letter shapes ..body language

    Secret sport / gym ..gymnasty languages


    ..the Danish language of sugar thought molecules, flour, and fruit in Danish pastry per 

    Sherlock Holmes ...Holstein milk thought molecules
    .. PROTEIN MACHINE message system

    ......the Bakery detective molecules of Baker street in London

    .the Danish language of sugar thought molecules, flour, and

    in Danish pastry 

    in Danish pastry 

    in Danish past verb tense/ the past molecule life 

    Nature's data container  ...


    molecule Internet Protocol

    input to the human mouth 


    Dough ...Dough boys of year 1916

    • 32 tablespoons (454g) unsalted butter, at cool room temperature, 65°F to 68°F
    • 5 1/2 cups (660g) King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
    • 1/3 cup (67g) granulated sugar
    • 4 teaspoons instant yeast
    • 1 teaspoon King Arthur Pure Vanilla Extract
    • 1 cup (227g) Sherlock Holmes Holstein milk, cold
    • 1/3 to 1/2 cup (76g to 113g) watergate thought molecule of H2O and Avogadro's number N ... President Nixon  , lukewarm*
    • 2 large eggs from Lewis Carroll Humpty Dumpty ....
    • thru the Looking Glass of a glass salt shaker (NaCl salt crystal ..crystal radio)
    • 2 large eggs from Lewis Carroll Humpty Dumpty ....

    thru the Looking Glass of a glass salt shaker ,,, oscillator (NaCl salt crystal ..crystal radio)

    • 2 large eggs from Lewis Carroll Humpty Dumpty ....
    thru the Looking Glass of a glass salt shaker ,,, oscillator (NaCl salt crystal ..crystal radio) 

    Sherlock Holmes ...Holstein milk thought molecules
    ..lactic acid  PROTEIN MACHINE message system

    ......the Bakery detective molecules of Baker street in London

    Simek was shot and killed during a robbery in the neighborhood near 12th and National around 5:40 a.m. on January 31, 2017. She was walking to the job she had the past 11 years at Garden Fresh Foods. "It's certainly the end of a chapter," said Kevin Sasse, victim's husband.Jan 5, 2018

    3 programmable male bio-computer humans ..... programmed to create the signaling EVENT 

    the 3 human puppets / set-up suspects  charged in the fatal shooting of Karen Simek ....
    will get a rigged information trial

    in the neighborhood  near 12th (earth carbon 12 atomic mass platform)

    and National around 5:40 a.m. (iron 54 atomic mass battle)

    Umpqua Community College math logic shooting and cover-up

    The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. 

    nearth  Roseburg, Oregon ...or logic state,

    OR logic battle in Oregon 
    NOR logic battle in NOrway

    Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old student who was enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and 8 students in a classroom, and injured 8 others.

    Computer Earth data processing buffers 
    atomic micro-second processor speed battle site ....
    proper nouns site  selected for easy MILITARY identification

    Roseburg police detectives
    responded to
    the computer code message incident .....
    .................police detectives ....
    thus oe (order entry into other message dimensions and formats)

    Roseburg police detectives agents for Sherlock Holmes

    and engaged the 
    Sherlock Holmes software thought program implant into the college student ...... Harper-Mercer in a brief shootout

    A Whole GEOLOGY underground LANGUAGE World
    on One Chicago Street WITH  Dolton, Illinois and Nikola Telsa MODEL of Nature's wireless message systems

    Oct 8, 2021 — Devon Ave., Chicago's only house of worship dedicated to the Hindu elephant-headed god, whose crowned, four-handed statue looms behind the altar ...

    four-handed statue of fourier sin and cosine wave language ...that weaves an information fabric using the Fourier math social engineering loom
    Dolton, Devon - Wikipedia › wiki › Dolton,_Devon

    Dolton is a small village and civil parish in the Torridge district of Devon, south-west England, surrounded, clockwise from the north, by Beaford, ...

    Dolton, Devon, Great Britain  - Wikiwand

    Dolton is a small village and civil parish in the Torridge district of Devon, south-west England, surrounded, clockwise from the north, by Beaford, Ashreigney, ...

    Dolton is a small village and civil parish in the 
    Torridge district --->

    to parallel approximation names

    Thornridge High School - Wikipedia › wiki › Thornridge_High_Sch...
    Thornridge High School is a public four-year high school located in DoltonIllinois, a suburb about 20 miles south of Chicago. The school is part of ...

    Torridge district --->

    Ford's Chicago Torrence Avenue Assembly Plant › 2016/02 › fords...

    Feb 20, 2016 — Chicago Torrence Avenue Assembly is Ford Motor Company's oldest continually-operated automobile manufacturing plant.


    Ask Ethan:
    What does “Grand Unified Theory” (GUT) mean?

    If the electromagnetic and weak forces unify to make the electroweak force, maybe, at even higher energies, something even greater happens? 

    What does “Grand Unified Theory” (GUT) mean

     ..mean/ nasty/ ugly / proper noun battle zone at the IBM base 16 hexadecimal 
    Grand 16 theater?

    What does “Grand Unified Theory” robbery mean?

    India  Asia access code name to

    Indiameter  --> diameter of Earth sphere

    Interface to
    inner earth languages and people software

    Whenever we think about the Universe at a fundamental level,

    Lev Davidovich Landau (RussianЛев Дави́дович Ланда́у; 22 January 1908 – 1 April 1968) was a Soviet-Azerbaijani physicist of Jewish descent who made fundamental contributions to many areas of theoretical physics.[1]

    His accomplishments include the independent co-discovery of the density matrix method[2][3] in quantum mechanics (alongside John von Neumann), the quantum mechanical theory of diamagnetism, the theory of superfluidity, the theory of second-order phase transitions, the Ginzburg–Landau theory of superconductivity, the theory of Fermi liquids, the explanation of Landau damping in plasma physics, the Landau pole in quantum electrodynamics, the two-component theory of neutrinos, and Landau's equations for S matrix singularities.[4] He received the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physics for his development of a mathematical theory of superfluidity that accounts for the properties of liquid helium II at a temperature below 2.17 K (−270.98 °C).[5]

    Landau's equations for S matrix singularities.
    Landau's equations for S matrix singularities.
    Landau's equations for S matrixonia Wisconsin singularities.

    and the set-up and murder systems in Wisconsin

    Matter is made of atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons; protons and neutrons are further made of quarks and gluons. There are other particles as well: photons, neutrinos,
    and some 
    heavier cousins of Wisconsin 
    of the light quarks and the electrons. Taken all together, everything that cannot be divided further — what we call “fundamental” or “elementary” — makes up the modern
    Standard Model of elementary particles and the
    Stanton Heights battle zone in Pittsburg and the rigged trial.








    The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers and TV news ..... in the language and algebra battles

    The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers, TV news,  university and government agency ..... in the WORD of HO...