Topics covered in this Blog Post
* the attack on EARTH geography systems ..Tropic of Cancer , Equator. etc
with the Chenequ Wisconsin COMPUTER EARTH systems
.......................equate / Equator site of the publishing industry cover-up of
the murder / war casualty Harry Quadracci
* war casualty .. Boy Scout Sam Hengel by the Marinette community
approval of the attack upon EARTH systems
* Solar System BOTANY wars ... chlorophyll green pigment military codes
* Green Bay Packers
* assembler language
* the brain Septum battle played out on Sept 11,2001
* the Watertown Massachusetts boat message of Tsarnaev for Watertown Wisconsin
and the Far Horizons GIFT Shop in Watertown< Wisconsin
* Wisconsin Dells geological printed circuit board of Nature's earth electrons
* Nelson Mandela explains David Nelson bio-chemistry at UW Madison
* David Nelson and the modern
.... Battle of Trafalgar / Alan Sokal Science wars
* Nero Wolfe books on Neuro --> the Neuroscience wars played out
in Yugoslavia and Montenegro
* iron atom mass 55 and red blood cell iron
* hemoglobin
* Paleontology specimen .. Leon Lederman
* Salt molecule
* Nero Wolfe neuron books and Montenegro ......
STATES of MIND ..Countries of MIND .. geography regions of the brain and
their languages and reality databases of experience
* neurotransmitters
* West 35th Street New York City and Nero Wolfe brownstone .....
his brownstone building of geology rock atoms ...atom mass gravity field ....that pulls/collects data from the human data bio-container ......
giving the rock/brownstone atoms a human thought LIFE ...
as explained by David Living Stone in Africa ... and the Pueblo and Anasazi Indians who lived inside rock houses and caves ...
imparting human thoughts to the ROC K (Region of Convergence ... thinK).
Thus West 35th Street brownstone address and its living DNA code 3 ---> 5)
* the I-35 W bridge collapse cover-up
* Samuel DuBOSE and the Bose -Einstein Condensate (BEC)
* BEC ..... The 5th State of matter
* Samuel DuBose killed in the BEC .... COSINE phase wars as explained by the
SIN waves of geo-physics interceptor
.... bio-math bio-physics agent Ray TenSINg
* the Waco Texas cosine battles
* the bio-math cousin (Cosine life) shooting from Marysville Pilchuck High School
* Zoe Galasso killed in revenge for the murder of Travis Zoellick in Wisconsin and the cover-up of this murder
* The American ZOE Zoetrope WARS
* The Standard Model physics and bio-physics standards
* St.Bernard's church copper antenna/steeple AND
Nikola Tesla wireless
* BEC and the 5th Sate of Matter
* Ross Perot and EDS
* Computer Earth data entry
* amino acid /protein political science
* Montenegro and Hertz waves of Heregovinia
* potassium K-channel neurotransmitter
* Neuro action potential and triggers
* the K-channel assassination of Robert K ..Kennedy
* Earth magnetic field and magnetic pole
* Cincinnati Ohio secret codes ...vaccine
* the vaccine (bullet) injection process ..... death of Samuel DuBose
* CSA ..Common System Area
* astrophysics code ....East ---> E ast
* Binary wars explained by...... Osama Binary Laden
* the Load Address X ... death instruction for LAX Hernandez
* the volume intestinal gas dynamics DEMO in Las VeGAS
* Floor 32 and Oxygen molecule 32
* 43 floors and Max Project Plan Planck time 43
* Mandalay Bay Road and Bayes Theorem
* message for Watertown Wisconsin
Sc = Sub-conscious Sc= school problems
* the S. 12th Street air plane landing message about carbon 12
* John Locke and the Social Contract with Nature
* Malcolm X college math class with the Galapagos / St.Cruz Island agents in Santa Cruz Califormia and Chicago Illinois
* Katl MaRX explains K,L,M atomic social medicine RX
* Principle quantum airline KLM
* Baghdad
* Perdue Chicken proteins and Bethesda dairy farms
Purdue University human protein machines and their BS social thoughts
* Pabst Holstein dairy farms VS Purdue and other universities
* featherless bipeds
* horsepower of electric motors
* Joe Tiller explains Emmet Till and farm soil field tillage laws
* the farm black dirt ...PLOW equation and violations by
the citizen, community, FED Government intellectual errors and
* farm agriculture equipment ..iron PLOW and the
ripple/wave of the earth geography surface
* EARTH daily rotation every 24 hours and
EARTH yearly rotation .... attacked by cities and communities ...
approved by
the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture
* Nitrogen cycle problems and the decomposition of Emmet Till
* Oxygen AMU --> AMMUNITION at Floor 32 Las veGAS
* the SOCRATES battle code
* Oxygen molecule 5th State of Matter ......
Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) battle with
Samuel Du Bose
* O = Oxygen President O = Obama
* O = Oberlin college problems
* atomic orbitals and BT corn violations of the
Z atomic communications continuum LAWS
..... atomic mass ...mass communication laws
* Fe = Ferrous oxide iron atom
* Joe Rosenthal and the Rosen-Einstein language bridge
* Iow Jima death creates
American soldier COFFINs for the earth black hole/ grave hole/ wormhole ....
... different words .....
with a common
denomi.Nator CONCEPT language ... and
...............Nato military words, nouns, ideas OF
..............N atom(s) ...
of existentialism and the atomic table ....
N = Avogadro's number ... military code
* the double-decker BUS (such as used in London)
explains the 2 levels of existence
* Book 19 19 --> marines invade on Feb 19,1945
* Oklahoma bombing on April 19, 1995
* code-> 100 pound pole rose --> EZRA Pound and Pole-Americans
* surrealism
* blood arteries language
* relative byte address
* the Savings & Loan Association industry kidnapping explained by Hearst Publishing
* the parallelepiped data pipeline
*..................ele --> the elephant CIRCUS RING
..... circle/ring and parallelepiped EARTH geometry wars VS human people
* O = Oxygen and the O = Octagon House
* Rosen Rye bread influence on the Rose-Einstein proton proper noun ....
communications / language ...word bridges
* leo --> nucleotide messenger agent code
* Uncle Leo
* Battle of Iow Jima creates EARTH LAB human specimens for wormholes
* Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms
* OSiris .... Egyptian god of the Underworld and Under Writer Labs .....
earth soil / clay ..... coffin communications electron FLOW systems
* OSiris and the GOD of ZerO, ZerOS and ZerOES
* Sunlight / energy and the earth soil/land surface
* the Zin earth electron THOUGHT circuit
* the Vin circuit of Vincent
* electron circuit pins and the PIN BALL Wizard song --> Wi Z code
* Wisconsin Dells geological layers as a printed circuit board
* Marines
* Messenger RNA
* data streams of consciousness
* Emanuel SwedenBORG and his Captain PiCard BORG extension
* the Emanuel African church shooting
* nitrogen 7 links to the BORG numbers
* Descent of Man ... Charles Darwin descent of man DEMO into
the soil/clay coffin layer Charleston South Carolina
* David Baldacci secret codes
* Grand Central Publishing secret identity
* Ag = silver and the Ag continuum
* copper atomic mass 63 signals and codes
* codes for Principia Mathematica
* Waiting for Godot
* Far Horizons Sarasota
* algebra set theory
* electric motors and Washington DC
* Poles and electricity terminology
* Zbigniew Brezezinski and Pole shoes
* Chicago Pole Shoes theory
* code name ...Mr. Fry explains potato / French fry information path and feedback system
* COMPUTER EARTH data entry systems
* DuPage county ..double page count (2) ... missing 1 page
* Las Vegas shooting
* hydroelectric power and the
S = Solar System Supreme court decision ROE VS WADE
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
about atomic chemistry --> atom and molecule social chemistry expressions and the Carl Jung subconsciousness GROUP MIND secrets of the farmer/agriculture collective or university collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em ...employee) life forms
with EARTH LAB identifier em ( employees), gravity field life, and molecule human life forms.
Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the atomic / molecular Collective Unconscious of a community or society (GROUP MIND) that elects a President or Congressman
- .
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1968) Carl Jung
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Carl Jung summary - Sonoma State University
Sonoma State University
We review Nature’s EARTH geography regions and the people DEMO messages at those locations. For example, Nature's EARTH LAB in year 1957 ....
blood Heme group IRON-57 isotope and the year 1957 .... math integration by parts became a major project of Nature’s brain engineering projects for the advancement of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.
This INTERNAL brain ROCKET SCIENCE project was announced to the world VIA the EXTERNAL display events in LITTLE ROCK(ET) , Arkansas at Central High School
… a geography location with Central Nervous System education facilities.
Nature is interested in the existence of integrated human beings ( that are using the calculus integration by parts … philosophical extension –> integration parts of concepts, ideas and facts to understand and explain Sartre existentialism and its applications).
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English DictionaryExample Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
A language world?
A certain view or perception of events?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology
with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface
using 3-dimensional, vertical, standing humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings
... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Let’s look at an example of the SECRET codes embedded within a newspaper article about society and the atomic collective group mind.
Tropic of Cancer ..... the Carl Jung collective unconscious GROUP MIND ...... the human PLOT to destroy EARTH
Why We're Losing the War on Cancer .......
the attack on the EARTH systems and earth geography surface ...
Tropic of Cancer
(Fortune, 2004) | Fortune › Health › Cancer
The year was 1978, not long after my 15th birthday, and I'd sneaked into my brother's bedroom. There, on a wall of shelves that stretched to the ceiling, were the ...
Tropic of Cancer under attack from society - Wikipedia
Jump to Geography - The Tropic of Cancer, also referred to as the Northern Tropic, is currently 23°26′12.9″ (or 23.43691°) north of the Equator. It is the most northerly circle of latitude on Earth at which the Sun can be directly overhead.
Tropic of Cancer | geography |
Tropic of Cancer WAR casualty ...
the age 15 Boy Scout Sam Hengel murder
(Fortune, 2004) | Fortune › Health › Cancer
Mar 22, 2004 - A version of this article appears in the March 22, 2004 issue of Fortune. It's strange to think that I can still remember the smell after all this time.
The year was 1978,
not long after my 15th birthday,
and I'd sneaked into my brother's bedroom.
There, on a wall of shelves that stretched to the ceiling, were the .
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies in the
EARTH host system ... earth geography host platform .....
Tropic of Cancer latitude 23 wars ...
23 classmates hostage, police said. Authorities are ... His family described Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, loved his iTouch and was an avid outdoorsman.
23 classmates hostage, police said.
23 classmates hostage, pol ice said.
23 ........mates host ... North Pole /Arctic ice said
the magnetic field flow lines and their data fields
code color ---> green .... green pigment chorophyll
the Solar System Botany wars
the Green Bay Packers football,
Buddhist problems with tree buds, and others, the official website of the
green pigment expression system .....
the humanoid FORMAT of expression using
Nature's cotton uniforms with color green
EARTH LAB specimen identifier --> Green Bay Packers
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from
code--> Sepik --> Septum (brain) ink (printer/publishing) information river wars .....
played out on at Two Towers of Sept 11,2001
played out on at Two Towers of Sept 11,2001
Septum pellucidum - Wikipedia
The septum pellucidum (translucent hedge) is a thin, triangular, vertical double membrane separating the anterior horns of the left and right lateral ventricles of the brain. It runs as a sheet from the corpus callosum down to the fornix.
Absence of the Septum Pellucidum Information Page | National ...
Jan 10, 2018 - Definition. The septum pellucidum (SP) is a thin membrane located at the midline of the brain between the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain. It is connected to the corpus callosum -- a collection of nerve fibers that connect the cerebral hemispheres.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain.
the two cerebral hemispheres, or halves of the brain WAR at the Two Towers.
Six months later, the man who found Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in his boat ...
Oct 16, 2013 - WATERTOWN — After six months of film producers, book writers, and a legion of tourists trouping to his door, David Henneberry wants to set the record straight and demystify what has become a legend. The retired technician was heralded for his bravery following a flurry of initial reports that suggested he ...
Images show Tsarnaev message on Watertown boat - The Boston Globe
Images show Tsarnaev message on Watertown boat - The Boston Globe
Images show Tsarnaev message on Watertown boat -
Parallel existential Images and proper nound ....
show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev message on Watertown boat -
Watertown Massachusetts ..... set theory laws of atomic mass
................... Mass .....set ... 2 or more relationships
Watertown Wisconsin ..sin wave function region
Parallel existential Images and proper nound ....
show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev message on Watertown boat -
Far Horizons Imports - Cards & Stationery -
413 E Main St, Watertown and Sarasota (S area ..... System area) › Event Planning & Services › Cards & Stationery
Watertown, Wisconsin. In the shop you will find jewelry, a large variety of cards, Russian nesting dolls, music, candles, incense, and accessories to name just a few. Many items are Fair Trade from places such as Indonesia, Mexico and Russia. We also carry Christmas ornaments ...
In the East Coast --> Milwaukee --> Sarasota data generating path
--> Jack Kahn, SR and JR ....
people convergence site / society DATA shop (luxury resort)
you will find jewelry (the Kahn family ... Russian Jewish heritage and
their grandfathers textile language fortune ,
a large variety of cards
(the Scarsdale New York Mend family code for Dmitri Mendelevee periodic table dimensions of atomic expression, thoughts, and feelings
and Mendel's genetics LINK to
Nelson Mandel SOUTH AFRICA earth electron soil/ ground and underground printed circuits that resurface by the EARTH Wisconsin Dells geological layers of atomic rock
(Nature's printed circuit board layers of human society at the summer people site)
--> Jack Kahn, SR and JR ....
people convergence site / society DATA shop (luxury resort)
you will find jewelry (the Kahn family ... Russian Jewish heritage and
their grandfathers textile language fortune ,
a large variety of cards
(the Scarsdale New York Mend family code for Dmitri Mendelevee periodic table dimensions of atomic expression, thoughts, and feelings
and Mendel's genetics LINK to
Nelson Mandel SOUTH AFRICA earth electron soil/ ground and underground printed circuits that resurface by the EARTH Wisconsin Dells geological layers of atomic rock
(Nature's printed circuit board layers of human society at the summer people site)
with nearby University of Wisconsin bio-chemistry ....
secret intellectual supremacy society with EARTH LAB specimen
named David Nelson
(in the university communications ..THOUGHT CONTROL prison camp)
secret intellectual supremacy society with EARTH LAB specimen
named David Nelson
(in the university communications ..THOUGHT CONTROL prison camp)
, Russian nesting dolls,
incense, and Paul Dirac ... quantum accessories .....
to name just a few.
to name just a few.
David L. Nelson | Emeritus | Biochemistry |
the UW-Madison social science THOUGHT CONTROL campus
Contact and research information for UW-Madison Biochemistry Emeritus Faculty member David L. Nelson.
Professional Services | David L. Nelson | Emeritus | Biochemistry | UW ...
Professional Services for UW-Madison Biochemistry Emeritus Faculty member David L. Nelson.
Battle of Trafalgar - Oct 21, 1805 -
At sea, Lord Nelson and the Royal Navy consistently thwarted Napoleon Bonaparte, who led France to preeminence on the European mainland. Nelson's last and greatest victory against the French was the Battle of Trafalgar, which began after Nelson caught sight of a Franco-Spanish force of 33 ships. Preparing to engage ...
Nelson, Trafalgar and the Meaning of Victory | History Today
The Battle of Trafalgar, as Seen from the Mizen Starboard Shrouds of the Victory, oil on canvas painting by JMW Turner, c. 1806, Tate BritainOn October 21st, 1805
Nelson: researcher, teacher and a
Carl Jung atomic , molecular collective unconscious MIND ....
thought collector at the university
Science and the Alan Sokal Science wars | host ...
Lehninger Principles of WAR
Biochemistry molecules
Nelson (N= Nitrogen elements of DNA of the 4th of July ... 4 DNA)
.......Michael M. Cox --> Code oxygen base 16 hexadecimal life form
with a proper noun need self-awareness and
atomic mass communications theory VS
the FCC & the mass communication industry of supremacy
over all existences and expressions
David L. Nelson is Professor
in Nature's military Department of Biochemistry
at the
Un --> Unconscious
Un --> University of Wish ... Wisconsin, Madison.
He is also the
Academic Program Director for university
Ac --> Academy Award performances by
professors in the social psychology wars ........ I had never taken a course in biochemistry during my undergraduate career and this book has proven invaluable in my PhD career.
Nero Wolfe --> nero --> neuron military language books
- Wikipedia
Nero Wolfe is a fictional character, a brilliant, oversize, eccentric armchair detective created in 1934 by American mystery writer Rex Stout.
Wolfe was born in Montenegro and
keeps his past murky. He lives in a luxurious brownstone on West 35th Street in New York City, and he is loath to leave his home for business or ...
Wolfe was born in Montenegro and
keeps his past murky. He lives in a luxurious brownstone on West 35th Street in New York City, and he is loath to leave his home for business or ...
Missing: markov kucic
Red blood cell - Wikipedia
Red blood cells (RBCs), also called erythrocytes, are the most common type of blood cell and the vertebrate's principal means of delivering oxygen (O2) to the body tissues—via blood flow through the circulatory system. RBCs take up oxygen in the lungs, or gills of fish, and release it into tissues while squeezing through the ...
red blood cell | Definition, READ Functions, & Facts |
red blood cell and their self-education efforts about science & society
Paleontology - Wikipedia
Paleontology or palaeontology (/ˌpeɪliɒnˈtɒlədʒi, ˌpæli-, -ən-/) is the scientific study of life that existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene Epoch (roughly 11,700 years before present).
What is Paleontology? - (UCMP), Berkeley
Invertebrate Paleontology: Study of invertebrate animal fossils, such as mollusks, echinoderms, and others. Vertebrate Paleontology: Study of vertebrate fossils, from primitive fishes to mammals. Human Paleontology (Paleoanthropology): The study of prehistoric human and proto-human fossils.
Paleontology - American Museum of Natural History
Paleontology - American Museum of Natural History
Am --> atomic mass Na - sodium ....
Natural History of sodium chloride salt MOLECULE
.... SALT social science activity DATABASE
Nero Wolfe in Montenegro.: Rex Stout: 9783502518242: ...
Rex Todhunter Stout was an American writer noted for his detective fiction, particularly the 33 novels and about 40 novellas that featured the detective Nero Wolfe and his assistant Archie Goodwin between 1934 and 1975. In 1959, Stout received the Mystery Writers of America's Grand Master Award. The Nero Wolfe corpus ...
Missing: markov kucic
Nero Wolfe in Montenegro.: Rex Stout: 9783502518242: ...
Rex Todhunter Stout was an American writer noted for his detective fiction, particularly the 33 novels and about 40 novellas that featured the detective Nero Wolfe and his assistant Archie Goodwin between 1934 and 1975. In 1959, Stout received the Mystery Writers of America's Grand Master Award. The Nero Wolfe corpus ...List of wars involving Montenegro ...... with Nero Wolfe CLUES
- Wikipedia
List of wars involving Montenegro ... CLUES of Nero Wolfe
- Wikipedia
Wolfe was born in Montenegro and keeps his past murky.
He lives in a luxurious brownstone on West 35th Street in New York City.
He lives in a luxurious brownstone on West 35th Street in New York City.
West 35th Street
West 35th Street
West 35th Street
...... DNA 3 --> 5 social engineering direction
...... DNA 3 --> 5 social engineering direction
Wolfe was born in Montenegro and keeps his past murky.
He lives in a luxurious brownstone on West 35th Street in New York City.
He lives in a luxurious brownstone on West 35th Street in New York City.
West 35th Street
West 35th Street
West 35th Street --> W 35 --> 35 W battles
Nero Wolfe in Montenegro ... states of mind and
Nations (determiNATION, etc)
Nero Wolfe in Montenegro
Nero Wolfe in ..... te negro
Nero Wolfe in ......ten negro (black person)
Shooting of Samuel DuBose (black ink messenger)
and Ray Ten Tensing (white cellulose paper SYMBOLISM
with Solar System sunlight ray)
- Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate and a suspended driver's license. Tensing fired after DuBose started his car. Tensing stated that DuBose had begun to drive ...
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Accused: Raymond Tensing
Ray Tensing, Sam DuBose: Everything you need to know before ...
Shooting of Samuel DuBose (black ink messenger)
and Ray Ten Tensing (white cellulose paper SYMBOLISM
with Solar System sunlight ray)
Shooting by Satyendra Hindu Bose and BEC
Shooting by Satyendra Hindu Bose and BEC
Shooting of Samuel DuBose in the 5th State of Matter ,,,,
cosine wars - Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose,
On July 19, 2015, in C................ O ..... S ................Bose,
On July 19, 2015, in C................ O ..... S ................Bose,On July 19, 2015, in COS --> Cosine wars
A cosine wave is a signal waveform with a shape identical to that of a sine wave , except each point on the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier than the corresponding point on the sine wave.
What is cosine wave? - Definition from
A cosine wave is a signal waveform
(and existential platform) with a shape identical to that of a sine wave , except each point on the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier than the corresponding point on the sine wave. A cosine wave and its corresponding sine wave have the same frequency, but the cosine wave leads the sine wave by 90 degrees of phase
A cosine wave is a signal waveform
(and existential platform) with a shape identical to that of a sine wave , except each point on the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier than the corresponding point on the sine wave. A cosine wave and its corresponding sine wave have the same frequency, but the cosine wave leads the sine wave by 90 degrees of phase
the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier
the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier
the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier
the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier ..
in Nature's INTELLECT .... Wise man cycle ....
the 3 Wise Men (3/4) and
the 4th Wise man (1/4) .... needed ...
the 4th Wise man (1/4) .... needed ...
Wise --> Wisconsin SE (South-East)
the Earth Language equation of
....................... Chenequa ... the Pine Lake
solution of Harry Quadracci and Sussex Wisconsin
solution of Harry Quadracci and Sussex Wisconsin
region ...
the water molecule continuum ... Quadratic equation
solution for Watertown thinkers and intellectuals
the water molecule continuum ... Quadratic equation
solution for Watertown thinkers and intellectuals
Shooting of Samuel DuBose in the 5th State of Matter ,,,,
cosine wars - Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose,
On July 19, 2015, in C................ O ..... S ................Bose,
On July 19, 2015, in C................ O ..... S ................Bose,On July 19, 2015, in COS -->
Cosine wars VS Sin function
(represented by Nature's systems geo-math
bio-math agent Ray Ten..sin..g)
(represented by Nature's systems geo-math
bio-math agent Ray Ten..sin..g)
Shooting of Samuel DuBose in the 5th State of Matter ,,,,
cosine wars in Waco Texas
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia
Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists. Waco police, including a SWAT team, had ...
Bandidos, Cossacks ..... motorcycle
Bandidos, Cossacks .............. cycle
Band dos, Cos
Bandwidth Dos (2) Cosine cycle signal / mnessage
...... sin wave function CONFLICT .... posts
Instagram video about 15-year-old high school shooting ...
Feb 18, 2018 - Aaron Chen posted a video on Instagram Sunday morning about his bio-math cosine cousin Peter Wang, who was one of the 17 people shot and killed Feb. 14
at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Police say Nikolas Cruz, 19, used an assault rifle to shoot up his former school in Parkland.
Missing: mary philschech
Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting - Wikipedia
Missing: philschech
What cosine/sin function problems
Led Jaylen Fryberg To Commit the Deadliest High School ...
Andrew Fryberg (his cousin), Nate Hatch (another cousin), Gia Soriano, Keryn Parks ... Carmen Lopez takes a selfie with Jaylen Fryberg on October 23, 2014, one day before the shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, when they were in art ...
Marysville High School Shooting Victim Zoe Galasso Remembered
Nov 1, 2014 - Galasso was sitting with her friends in the cafeteria of Marysville Pilchuck High School on Oct. 24 when the 15-year-old gunman, Jaylen Fryberg, opened fire. Galasso was fatally struck in the head before the shooter — who was cousins with two of the victims — took his own life, police said. A motive for the ...
(his cousin)
(his cousin)
(his cousin)
(his cou sin)
(his cou sin)
(his cou sin) 180 degree letter rotation
(his con sin)
(his con sin)
(his con sin)
(his consin)
(his consin)
(wis consin) .. sin function connection to ZOE
(his cousin)
(his cousin)
(his cousin)
(his cou sin)
(his cou sin)
(his cou sin) 180 degree letter rotation
(his con sin)
(his con sin)
(his con sin)
(his consin)
(his consin)
Mom of Marysville Victim Zoe Galasso .....
killed in revenge for the murder/cover-up
of Travis Zoellick at Emmet Township WisconSIN... SIN region
Nov 11, 2014 - She lost her child as well," Galasso told NBC station King 5 in an emotional interview about how her life changed when 14-year-old daughter
Zoe was shot dead at Marysville-Pilchuck High School on Oct. 24. The gunman, 14-year-old homecoming prince Jaylen Fryberg, lured his victims to his lunch table ...
Missing: galsi
Zoe was shot dead
Zoe was shot dead
Zoe was shot dead
Zoe was shot dead by the same
Wisconsin DATCP .....
Zoey Brooks human protein machine ......
approved bio-optical computer subroutine
that killed parallel agent Zoe ... Zoellick
Wisconsin DATCP .....
Zoey Brooks human protein machine ......
approved bio-optical computer subroutine
that killed parallel agent Zoe ... Zoellick
Travis Zoellick (20) was murdered after killing a
Pakistan-American man ... in the
.........standard model Name wars
........ n-Ame ... PROPER noun
............................... ROPE of Europe heritage software links.... . .... .......
Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and ...
Travis Zoellick
On Wisconsin: Landmark church gets a
Nikola Tesla $1.2 million copper makeover in ...
Watertown WisconSIN centerpiece stand out even more, ... the almost 200-foot-tall tower of pipes from Badger Scaffolding in Green Bay will slowly be dismantled, revealing the finished work by Langer Roofing of
The Wardenclyffe Laboratory & the World Wireless .......
Emmet Street in Watertown .....
The Wardenclyffe Laboratory & the World Wireless .......
year 2018 ....
St.Bernard's copper antenna / steeple at Em site
Emmet Street in Watertown .....
sin function region of Wiscon.SIN
.. - Tesla Research
Shooting of Samuel DuBose in the 5th state of matter battle - Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose,
On July 19, 2015, in C................ O ..... S ................Bose,
On July 19, 2015, in C................ O ..... S ................Bose,
.....................2015 ... number 20, 15 and 10 (Ten.sing)
and 5 (DuBose representing BEC 5th state) .....
20, 15, 10. 5 ----> project milestones
year 2000 (the 4th wise man needed from Wisconsin)
year 1500 (Gutenberg printing, Columbus, Leonard da Vinci,etc)
year 1000
year 0500
year 0000 . Jesus Christ Latin (JCL) etc
Job Control Language - Wikipedia
Job Entry Control Language. On IBM mainframe systems Job Entry Control Language or JECL is the set of command language control statements that provide information for the spooling subsystem – JES2 or JES3 on z/OS or VSE/POWER for z/VSE.
Basic JCL concepts - IBM
Job control language (JCL) is a set of statements that you code to tell the z/OS® operating system about the work you want it to perform. Although this set of statements is quite large, most jobs can be run using a very small subset.
COMPUTER EARTH ......2-legged podiatry legs walking ...apply pressure/weight
.. 2-legs (like 2 fingers) data entry into the earth geography / land surface
as a data entry keyboard
..molecule code words
---> pro-independence camp in -->
(human) protein (machine) of sports and their thoughts
code --> herz --> hertzian waves and Nsero Wolfe
Nero Wolfe Series by Rex Stout - Goodreads
Montenegro -- birthplace of Nero Wolfe - The Wolfe Pack
Feb 19, 2018 - Click here to read why Nero Wolfe is Montenegrin (and it's not because of Irene Adler's whereabouts that year). The Wolfe Pack has had occasion to learn more about Montenegro: In 2006 Wolfe Pack members convened at Bona Fides Garden for a delicious traditional Montenegrin dinner prepared by the ...
The Role of Potassium K Channels in the Regulation of Neurotransmitter ...
by LO Trussell - 2008 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Neurotransmitter release is critically dependent on the duration of the presynaptic action potential. A variety of K+ channels play key roles in determining spike width. Moreover, K+channels control...K Channels and neurons in author Rex Stout and their output messages
The Yugoslavia EXTERNAL wars .... information display ..
of INTERNAL software battles
of INTERNAL software battles
Neurotransmitters and receptors ....
data generating EVENTS ...... tragic signaling FORMAT
on the Earth geography surface-
University of Bristol
K Channel. K ions. Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations of certain ions (charged atoms) across their cell membranes. Imagine the case of a boat with a small leak ... Thus there is a high concentration of sodium ions present outside the neuron, and a high concentration of potassium ions inside.
Potassium Channels | K+ Channels of the K = Kennedy family
| Tocris Bioscience › Pharmacology › Ion Channels
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
As newlyweds, the couple moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, where they lived while Robert Kennedy finished his last year at the University of Virginia Law School.
The couple had eleven children; Kathleen, Joseph, Robert Jr., David, Courtney, Michael, Kerry, Christopher, Max, Douglas, and Rory.
The couple had eleven children; Kathleen, Joseph, Robert Jr., David, Courtney, Michael, Kerry, Christopher, Max, Douglas, and Rory.
Kennedy family - Wikipedia
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage, Ca2+, n
This large family can be regulated by voltage,
California .... regulations at the Hotel Ambassador
California .... regulations at the Hotel Ambassador
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia
........sin nation .. sin wave ordered attack on
humanoid RFK --> radio frequency K
Kneeling beside him is a 17-year-old busboy who was shaking Kennedy's hand when Sirhan Sirhan fired the shots. On June 5, 1968, 42-year-old presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was mortally wounded shortly after midnight PDT at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.
Victim: Robert F. Kennedy
Date: June 5, 1968; 49 years ago; 12:15 a.m. ...
Non-fatal injuries: 5 (Paul Schrade, William W...
Location: Ambassador Hotel; Los Angeles, Cal...
Bobby Kennedy is assassinated - Jun 05, 1968 -
Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated in the spring, igniting riots across the country. In the face of this unrest, President Lyndon B. Johnson decided not to seek a second term in the upcoming presidential election. Robert Kennedy, John's younger brother and former U.S. Attorney General, stepped into this breach ...
Magnetic field fluctuations and reversals ...
affect human blood iron ..
consequently human behaviors, create crimes,
affect human blood iron ..
consequently human behaviors, create crimes,
and brain THOUGHT reversals ...
thus EARTH magnetic pole and the
pole political idea / ideology conflicts
thus EARTH magnetic pole and the
pole political idea / ideology conflicts
code word--> Chichen --> chi --> chicago and
the book ... catch 22 RD project
at 2244 West Charleston Street, Chicago
... basement location for the C. P . SNOW ....
TWO CULTURES social science problem
code word ... resort ..... re sort ....
society DATABASE ....... data record sort
IBM System/370 - Wikipedia
The IBM System/370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM mainframe computers announced on June 30, 1970 as the successors to the System/360 family. The series mostly maintained backward compatibility with the S/360, allowing an easy migration path for customers; this, plus improved performance, were the dominant ...
Bits: 32-bit
General purpose: 16
Introduced: 1970
Design: CISC
IBM Archives: System/370 Model 145
top line code -->
Vaccine straegy .....
.....ccin --> Cincinnati Ohio battle zone
Shooting of Samuel DuBose
---> the Satyendra Bose language vaccine cure - Wikipedia
Cincinnati, Ohio,
C...cin --> Va interaction + ccin
--> modern vaccination
--> modern nation
Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate and a suspended driver's license. Tensing fired after DuBose started his car. Tensing stated that DuBose had begun to drive ...
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Accused: Raymond Tensing
On July 19, 2015, in
Cincinnati, Ohio,
C...cin --> Va interaction + ccin equation
--> modern vaccination
--> modern nation
Cincinnati, Ohio,
C...cin --> Va interaction + ccin equation
--> modern vaccination
--> modern nation
VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction - Sudarshan: Seven ...
VA: Universal
VA: Universiy of CCin earth location Cin Cin nati -->
Va + CCIN e --> Vaccine administrated VIA
atomic WINDOWS Ten (Tensing) vaccination VIA
the bullet from the Bulletin of
Atomic Scientists (Sci = Sub-continent of India ... Sc ..Sub-conscious-)
Ray Tensing and Bill Gates ...... Articles on the Winsows Ten /10
Darwin selection of humanoid bio-computer Tensing
for the Windows Ten shooting /trouble shooting
- Chicago Tribune
Hamilton County Judge Leslie Ghiz declined to acquit former University of Cincinnati officer Ray Tensing in the shooting of Sam DuBose, but she dismissed the murder and voluntary manslaughter charges in a way that blocks retrial on those counts. "It's sort of a note of finality, which is what we were looking for, although we ...
Troubleshoot Windows 10 /Ten ..,,,,, in Cincinnati
| Dell US
Common System Area (CSA) class - Documentation for MainView for ...
Jun 2, 2017 - The format is. CSA. One of the following DATA statements must follow the CSA statement, beginning in column 1: DATA=GETMAINS (count of GETMAIN requests). DATA=FREEMAIN (count of FREEMAIN requests). DATA=SOSCNT ( times CICS went short-on-storage (SOS)). DATA=DUMPS (number of ...
CSA - Common System Area (CICS) | AcronymFinder
How is Common System Area (CICS) abbreviated? CSA stands for Common System Area (CICS). CSA is defined as Common System Area (CICS) somewhat frequently.Astrophysics code word --> East --> E ast
Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry "to ascertain the nature of the astronomical objects, rather than their positions or motions in space".
NASA Astrophysics | Science Mission Directorate
Convert base-2 <—> binary • Common Unit Converters • Numbers ... to binary (—) measurement units conversion.
Number Bases: Introduction & Binary Numbers | Purplemath
Binary numberWARS - Wikipedia
Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia
Nationality: Saudi Arabian (1957–1994); Statel...
Osama bin Laden - Facts & Summary -
Osama bin Laden | OS World | The Guardian
Osama bin Laden
Inside Osama Bin Laden's Final Hours—and How the White House ...
When President Obama brought the search for Osama bin Laden to an end, it was with a roll of the dice. In an adaptation from the author's new book, in-depth interviews with Obama and other insiders reveal a White House on edge, facing top-secret options, white-knuckle decisions, and unforeseen obstacles.LAX shooting: TSA officer Hernandez ...
2013 LAX shooting --> Load Address X
: Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia
Introduction to the 3270 terminal ...... Terminal 3 ......
death Terminal for termination of Hernadez - IBM
The Terminator ,,,,,,,, with
Support by 3270 terminal types ... selection of age range 32 to 70
for human bio-computer termination
The Terminator ,,,,,,,, with
Support by 3270 terminal types with
BALD .... BAL version D skull ....
BAL software .... system internals missing from inside his brain
Budget: $6.4 million
Music by: Brad Fiedel
Produced by: Gale Anne Hurd
Box office: $78.3 million
BM Basic assembly language and successor humans BAL version D
- Wikipedia
Common System Area (CSA) class
Common System Area (CSA) class
Common System Area (CSA) ass /leg
human bio-computer with the leg .... legal systems
Flatulence ... gas pricing systems - Wikipedia
intestinal gas dynamics - Researchers investigating the role of sensory nerve endings in the anal canal did not find them to be essential for retaining fluids in the anus, and instead speculate that their role may be to distinguish between flatus and faeces, thereby helping detect a need to defecate ...
intestinal gas dynamics Las veGAS
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
intestinal gas dynamics Las veGAS
2017 Last gas shooting
Volume with over 22,000 attendees on the final day.
gas die namics --> leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured.
gas dynamics Las veGAS
gas dynamics Las veGAS
gas dynamics .... oxygen molecule 32
suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel.
The Strip is known for its concentration of casinos and resort hotels, including the 43-story Mandalay Bay southwest of its intersection with Mandalay Bay Road, in the unincorporated town of Paradise
including the 43-story
including the 43-story
including the 43-story ..project plan Planck Time war
intersection with Mandalay Bay Road
intersection with Man da lay Bay R d
intersection with Man data Bayesian RD battle field
--> H2O water molecule continuum and its
messages to Watertown /Water100 Wisconsin
code name --> Tom Daykin ---> atom data -->
Route to TOM Daily Times newspaper /
kindergarden problems of
Sc = sub-conscious School failure to
to the kindergarten /ten /decimal number 10 ....
conscious people / thinkers about
SC ... SCH --> SCHO --> SCHOOL
codes and brain education language laws /outlines
SC= Social Contract of the Sub-Conscious with
an agreement outlined by
John Locke (lock and key enzyme model) and others
C = Carbon atomic mass 12 on South 12th street -->
S 12th -->
SC --> Sub-conscious mind message for
Watertown ......
grades kindergarten thru high school ..
grade 12 education protocol and software defects
..... near S. 12th Street is the
O = oxygen atomic number 8 education site
O = Octagon House and the
First Kindergarten .....
Nature's SOLAR SYSTEM vegetable garden (den code)
kinetic energy .... atom/molecule education class ...
named den ( kin der gar den)
den --> ten fingers code level of education
Malcolm X College - Wikipedia
Malcolm X College, one of the City Colleges of Chicago, is a two-year college located on the West Side of Chicago, Illinois. It was founded as Crane Junior College in 1911 and was the first of the City Colleges. From 1934 to 1969, it was called Theodore Herzl Junior College, and located in the North Lawndale ...
Malcolm X College studies of Malcolm and math f(X)
- 15 Photos & 32 Reviews - Colleges ... - Yelp › Education › Colleges & Universities
features an overall staff that's…
The Power of (Alpha): Electron Elementary Particle ... -
About the Author. Malcolm MacGregor taught several physics courses at University of California, Berkeley and served as a thesis advisor in theoretical physics. Read more ...
The Power of (Alpha): Electron ,,,,,
Elementary school education ..... Particles ... -
The Power of (Alpha): Electron Elementary Particle Generation With (Alpha)-
An expanded form of the constant alpha leads to equations that define the transformation of electromagnetic energy into electron mass/energy, and, via the electron doorway, to the ... Malcolm H. MacGregor ... Malcolm Mac Gregor was born in 1926 in Detroit, Michigan, and served in the U.S. Navy during World War II.Symbolism | literary and artistic movement |
Symbolism, a loosely organized literary and artistic movement that originated with a group of French poets in the late 19th century, spread to painting and the theatre, and influenced the European and American literatures of the 20th century to varying degrees.
Symbolism | Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The ...
Symbolism initially developed as a French literary movement in the 1880s, gaining popular credence with the publication in 1886 of Jean Moréas' manifesto in Le Figaro. ... In painting, Symbolism represents a synthesis of form and feeling, of reality and the artist's inner subjectivity.
The Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible Visible
To Make the Invisible Visible
Mass Society and Marxist Theory
Mass Society and Marxist Theory. Mass Society Economic Theories. Liberalism, with its origins in the writings of John Locke, favored Enlightenment principles of personal liberty and free trade. Liberalism was strongest among the growing middle class who favored the social and economic changes produced by ...
Mass Society and Marxist Theory of
2-legged atomic biology humans with 2-ears and BIG MOUTH ....
as representatives ..... expressions ....
of Nature's periodic atomic table of elements of
atomic mass and thought
Karl Marx Quotes - BrainyQuote
Malcolm X College - Wikipedia X College, one of the City Colleges of Chicago,
Perdue Farms proteins .....
.............. and their eins --> einstein language
Purdue Univeristy social science chicken brains
and sports teams ......
protein machines ...
..rote languages and their ATTACK upon the
Bethesda LU Home / Tetz dairy farms and
its 2-legged feeble minded.... human protein machines
that use the Hayakawa / Korzybski reality experience
..... Bessie the Cow .. human molecule education model ..
and the
of the Abstraction Ladder of the
Pabst Holstein Dairy Farms (and their destruction)
Perdue Farms is the parent company of Perdue Foods and Perdue AgriBusiness, based in Salisbury, Maryland. Perdue Foods is a major chicken, turkey, and pork processing company in the United States. Perdue AgriBusiness ranks among the top United States grain companies. Perdue Farms has annual sales in excess ...
Revenue: > $6 Billion
Products: Poultry, chicken, turkey, pork, grain
Number of employees: 21,000
Parent: FPP Family Investments, Inc
Purdue University - Indiana's Land Grant University
that advances discoveries
in the science of family bull-stories and bedroom real estate schemes,
technology, brain language engineering
and math.
With its flagship campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue is a land-grant university with a system that has statewide campuses and online, adult-learning and polytechnic programs.
With its flagship campus
With its flagship campus
With its flagship campus system
With its flagship campus system
With its flag hip pussy stem
2 horse power 1ph Electric Motor 56 frame 5/8" shaft 3450 RPM 110 / 208-230 ...
Technical Info: Horsepower: 2 Amperage: 7.5 fl amps at 230v Phase: One / Single Phase Voltage: 110 / 208-230 RPM: 3450 Frame: 56 Shaft Diameter: 5/8" Keyed shaft Shaft Length: 2 1/16" Rotation: CCW facing shaft end. Non- Reversible Frequency: 60hz Service Factor: 1.0 Enclosure: ODP / Open Drip Proof Overload: No ...
Morpower 2 Hp Electric Motor - Electric Fan Motors -
Morpower 2 Hp Electric Motor - Electric Fan Motors -
Motor 2 HP Single-Phase 1725 RPM TEFC 110V/220V | Grizzly ...
Joe Tiller - Wikipedia
Jump to Purdue (1997–2008) - Prior to Tiller's arrival, Purdue had played in only five bowl games, most recently the 1984 Peach Bowl. On September 20, 2008, in a game versus Central Michigan, Tiller won his 85th game at Purdue to become the winningest coach in school history, topping the previous mark set by ...
Joe Tiller Bio :: Purdue University :: Official Athletic Site
Joe Tiller, all-time winningest coach at Purdue, dies at 74 - CBSSports ...
Joe Tiller,
Joe Till er --> Job order entry TILL/ Plow soil acres of earth
The farm PLOW creates waves in the earth land /soil surface
The farm PLOW creates waves in the earth land /soil surface
PARALLEL code --> PLOW --> PLO W --> PLO WAVE parallel
in the PLO people region of the SINAI peninsula / Israel geography region
..... parallel to wiscon.SIN .... SIN wave curve of farm land fields ....
that must have a PLOW very 5 or 6 years for
EARTH rotation on its axis system (daily per 24 hours) and
EARTH yearly rotation around the SUN
(the LEAP year requirement of IRON-54 isotope with
28 neutrons and the
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron
Fe = Female Menstruation 28 day information blood flow cycle
..... and its
violations /approval of attack on the proteins of the
feeble minded workers at the Bethesda Dairy/TETZ farms ...
in spite of citizen / USDA intellectual supremacy
... bull-shit and lies about conversation (VS over-population errors)
they feed the data streams of consciousness
Joe Tiller, all-time BULL_STORY coach at Purdue,
Emmett Till is murdered - EM field message
Aug 28, 1955 -
While visiting family in Money, Mississippi,
Nitrogen cycle ..nitrogen 14 agent .....
14-year-old Emmett Till, an African American from Chicago,
is brutally murdered for flirting with a white woman four days earlier.
Nitrogen cycle - Wikipedia
The nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which nitrogen is converted into multiple chemical forms as it circulates among the atmosphere, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems. The conversion of nitrogen can be carried out through both biological and physical processes.
The nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which nitrogen is converted into multiple chemical forms as it circulates among the atmosphere, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems. The conversion of nitrogen can be carried out through both biological and physical processes.
The Nitrogen Cycle: Processes, Players, and Human Impact | Learn ...
Nitrogen is one of the primary nutrients critical for the survival of all living organisms. Although nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere, it is largely inaccessible in this form to most organisms. This article explores how nitrogen becomes available to organisms and what changes in nitrogen levels as a result of human ...
Nitrogen is one of the primary nutrients critical for the survival of all living organisms. Although nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere, it is largely inaccessible in this form to most organisms. This article explores how nitrogen becomes available to organisms and what changes in nitrogen levels as a result of human ...The Nitrogen Cycle: Processes, Players (processing layers)
and the decomposition (message) of 14 year old Emmet Till
Emmett Till cover-up by newspapers and
NBC network ......
Nitrogen Bio-Chemistry (NBC) communications failure
Cause of death: Homicide
Education: James McCosh Elementary School
Resting place: Burr Oak Cemetery; Alsip, Illinois
An oxygen molecule has a mass of 32 amu (1 amu =1.661.
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule Has A Mass Of 32 Amu (1 Amu =1.661 ...
Solved: ......... Amu + Amu --> Ammu -->
external Ammunition needed for the
internal LUNG social engineering and language
MILITARY molecules (Carl Jung collective THOUGHTS)
--> Amu + Amu alliance and
anger of the music audience ..ear people ARROGANCE
and their attack on the optical nerve /eye people
television and magazine print ....
colors and ad / article patterns
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
Sunday, OCtobeR 1, 2017 when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of ...
Route 91 Harvest festival · Comps · Smith & Wesson Centennial · Mesquite, Nevada
Sunday, OCtobeR
Sunday, OCtobeR
S........... OC ...... R
--> SOCRATES wars
--> SOCRATES wars
.........OCR ..optical character readers
An oxygen molecule has a mass of 32 amu (1 amu =1.661.
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule Has A Mass Of 32 Amu (1 Amu =1.661 ...
An oxygen molecule has a mass of 32 amu (1 amu =1.661.
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule Has A Mass Of 32 Amu (1 Amu =1.661 ...
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule --> OO --> OhiO
... the 5th State of Matter ..... of Oxygen Molecule is of OhiO
An oxygen molecule has a mass of 32 amu (1 amu =1.661.
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule (O O)
Has A Mass Of 32 Amu (1 Amu =1.661 ...
Solved: An Oxygen Molecule Has 2 O O humanoid LUNG agents
with EARTH atmosphere ...
EARTH LAB geography surface
... specimen names of President O and First Lady O
Obama explains the creation of the Oxygen Molecule the marriage of 2 Oxygen Atoms
Jan 12, 2018 - Former O= Oxygen President Barack Obama
explains atomic social science evolution
O = Oxygen atoms form a oxygen atom education site
O = Oberlin College ( single atoms only)
- Wikipedia
college in Oberlin, Ohio. Founded as the Oberlin Collegiate Institute in 1833 by John Jay Shipherd and Philo Stewart, it is the oldest coeducational liberal arts college in the United States and the second oldest continuously operating coeducational institute of higher learning in the ...
Former names: Oberlin Collegiate Institute; ...
Motto: Learning and Labor
Colors: Cardinal red; Mikado yellow
President: Carmen Twillie Ambar
O = Oxygen atoms form a oxygen atom education site
O = Oberlin College ( single atoms only)
--> OO (Oxygen molecules) ....
go to humanoid Oberlin relatives at
N 2nd Street in Watertown Wisconsin and
ask about the Octagon House with
32 Rooms (oxygen molecule code 32)
at 919 Charles (Darwin) Street .....
as explained by Michelle Obama visit to
sub-conscious (sc) MIND and its
supremacy sc = school community
Atomic orbitals
Atomic orbitals - Wikipedia
Atomic orbitals
Atomic or .i als missing data BiT
Atomic or .i als missing data BiT ...... plot of BT insert
Atomic or BiTals ,,,BT insert without
........................................ inser t wi wit authorization codes
........................................ inser t
........................................ inser t
.......................................Zinser thoughts Wisconsin Witt farm
authorization codes
authorization codes
authorization codes
author za --> Z-axis Nation ..... vertical axis codes
Atomic orbitals
Atomic or .i als missing data BiT
Atomic or .i als missing data BiT ...... plot of BT insert
Atomic or BiTals ,,,BT insert without
BT CORN ...atomic corn orbitals .....
: IS treason WORTH THE RISK? | SCQ
May 30, 2006 - Bt corn,
a genetically modified organism (GMO),
has been both the poster-child and thorn-in-the-side of the plant biotechnology industry from the late 1990's to present. There are several versions of this transgenic crop that each have a gene from an insect pathogen,
a genetically modified organism (GMO),
has been both the poster-child and thorn-in-the-side of the plant biotechnology industry from the late 1990's to present. There are several versions of this transgenic crop that each have a gene from an insect pathogen,
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which ...
Orion Magazine | The Monarch and the Bt Corn Controversy › Articles › Feature
the agricultural industry, ...
the agricultural industry, ...
the ......cult ..... industry, ...
T CO......... SHIT WORTH THE RISK? | S C Q --> Sub-Conscious Quiz
T CO......... SHIT WORTH THE RISK? | S C Q --> Sub-Conscious Quiz
Thought Control .... SHIT RISK? | S C Q --> Sub-Conscious Quiz
Genetically Modified Corn— Environmental Benefits and Risks - PLOS
by V Gewin - 2003 - Cited by 49 - Related articles
Oct 13, 2003 - After the expensive development process
Genetically Modified Corn— Environmental Benefit
Genetically Modified Corn— .............. mental Benefit ....
family bull-shit .... community songs and dances
The Joe Rosen .......
Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox ...
Nov 21, 2015 - I demonstrate that the two-body problem in general relativity was a heuristic guide in Einstein’s and collaborators’1935 work on the Einstein-Rosen bridge and EPR paradox. In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black ...
code words
--> Joe Rosen
Joe ....... Job order entry to create dead
American soldier COFFINS to be
placed in the earth black soil /clay .....
underground / worm hole region
for the double-decker (2 levels)
of Rosen-Einstein bridge (wormhole)
Geological top level (Level 1)
of earth solid atoms with electrons....
soil / black ground with worms/ bugs
and a vertical shaft/ hole to the
underground ..... Clay --> C layer
underground ..... Clay --> C layer -->
Coffin layer -->
Coffin (atomic database) communications layer
Marines invade Iwo Jima - Feb 19, 1945 -
Missing: 1995https google
Marines invade Iwo Jima - Feb 19, 1945
Marines invade Iwo Jima - ....... 19, 19
Marines invade Iwo Jima - Feb 19, 1945
Marines invade Iwo Jima - Feb 19, 1945
Ma,,,,,,,,, invade Oklahoma ....... 19, 19
March April 19, 1995
March April 19, 1995
M ....... April 19, 19
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia
Target: U.S. federal government
Motive: Anti-government sentiment, retaliation ...
Weapons: ANNM fertilizer truck bomb; Glock 21 ...
Date: April 19, 1995; 23 years ago; 9:02 a.m. C...
code word --> Mt. Sur
What You Need to Know about
Surrealism, beyond Dalí - Artsy
Salvador Dali modern art and surrealism | The Dalí Universe
The surrealist movement was founded in Paris by a small group of writers and artists. It used elements of its predecessors, such as Dada and Cubism, to create something unknown which totally changed the way art was defined. They focused on the unconscious as a means to unlock the power of the imagination.
Salvador Dalí Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works |
The blood arteries social language and its output messaage FORMATS
the Art Story of blood information flow
... war and conflict, shootings,
female menstruation OUTPUT blood iron
... atomic social science reports
for the EARTH magnetic field government
..... analysis subroutines.
Born: May 11, 1904 - Figueras, Catalonia, Spain
Died: January 23, 1989 - Figueras, Catalonia, .
code words -->
100 pound pole rose
100 pound pole rose
100 --> number 100 in ...
B100D and 100K optical data stream in velocity
100 pound pole rose
100 pound pole rose
100 pound --> EZRA POUND poetry (podiatry 2-legs order entry system), his Fe = Ferrous oxide iron-58
Federal government release in year 1958
100 pound pole rose
100 pound pole rose
100 pound pole --> Pole-American rose up for the North Pole magnetic field wars ....
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia
Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring 17 more people, before fatally shooting ...
100 pound pole rose
100 pound pole rose
100 pound pole rose ---> Via the Paul Dirac
atomic database COFFIN at Roselawn Cemetery
Relative byte addresses (RBA) - IBM
Relative byte addresses (RBAs) enable you to access ESDS files directly. The RBAs are either 4 or 8 byte fields, depending on the usage, and their values are computed by VSAM. The 4 byte RBA can only be used when accessing within the first 4GB of a VSAM data set. The 8 byte RBA can be used to access beyond 4GB ...
Relative byte address (RBA) and relative record number (RRN) - IBM
Savings and loan association (SLA) Definition | › Glossary › S
A savings and loan association — also called an S&L, a thrift, or simply a savings and loan — is a financial institution similar to a bank that specializes in helping people get residential mortgages. Savings and loan associations can be owned either by their customers or by shareholders, but they were primarily meant to let ...
What is a Savings and Loan Association (SLA)? -
A savings and loan association (S&L) is a financial institution that specializes in savings deposits and mortgage loans, and has become one of the primary ...
Savings and loan association (SLA) | financial institution |
Savings and loan association (SLA)
Savings and loan association (SLA) kidnapping ...... signal
SLA Kidnapping explained by the Patty Hearst data generating EVENT
- Crime cover-up Museum › Crime Library › Kidnappings
was a radical group of domestic terrorists known as the
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
Symbols Library Arm /hand (SLA).
Savings Loans Ass equation (SLA).
. This group, led by Donald DeFreeze, was on a mission to destroy the “capitalist state.” They strategically kidnapped Hearst because she was part of a wealthy, powerful family (her grandfather was a ...
... dna parallel piped (data stream ... data pipeline)
Code--> Oct 16 --> Oxygen 16 base 16 hexadecimal ...
at base 16 Highway 16 region the
Oct --> Octagon House atomic number 8 sides
Octagon house - Wikipedia
octagonal (eight-sided) plan, and often feature a flat roof and a veranda all round. Their unusual shape and appearance, quite different from the ornate pitched-roof houses typical of the
Watertown's Octagon House - Watertown Historical Society
Address: Watertown Historical Society 919 Charles Street Watertown, Wisconsin 53094. Phone (920) 261-2796. To many area residents the title "Watertown Historical Society" and "The Octagon House" are one and the same. In fact, they are at best interrelated, with one depending on the other. House open to Visitors.
Octagon House (Watertown, Wisconsin) - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin)
Cause and Effect Examples - Examples on YourDictionary › Reference › Examples › Cause and Effect Examples
Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.
Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.
Cause and Effect Examples
Cause and Effect Examples ....... atomic / grain language
Joe Rosen Rye Bread
Joe Rosen Rye Bread ... equation
Job order entry grain --> into brain of Rosen people
,,,, R ye B read --> Region eye BRAIN read nouns/verbs/sentences
consequently -->
Joe Rosen
rose UP the mountain of Mt.Sur for the
Rosen Rosenthal photography announcement about
American soldier legs and proteins at Iow Jima ( applications) - Wikipedia
Known for: Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima photo...
Awards: Pulitzer Prize; Navy Distinguished Pu...
consequently --> Joe Nathan Rosen Rosenthal
Nathan Rosen
and the empirical applications data of legs and proteins at Iow Jima
becomes ( Iow ...Iwo ..Two theory) - Wikipedia
Jump to Work with Einstein - Nathan Rosen was an American-Israeli physicist noted for his study on the structure of the hydrogen atom and his work with
Albert prot.Eins Einstein and Boris Podiatry /legs Podolsky on entangled wave functions and the EPR paradox. The Einstein– Rosen bridge, later named the wormhole, was a theory of ...
Doctoral students: Moshe Carmeli; Asher Peres
Institutions: Institute for Advanced Study; Tech...
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox ...
In 2013 Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind demonstrated that the Einstein Rosen bridge between two black ...
In 2013 Juan Maldacena (Bread reader 1) and
Leonard Susskind (bread reader 2) demonstrated .......
the sandwich effect of 2 pieces of Rosen Rye Bread .....
Rosen Rye bread, the perfect complement to corned beef
Rosen Rye bread, the perfect complement to corned beef
In 2013 Juan Maldacena (Bread reader 1 of Rosen)
and Leonard Susskind (Bread reader 2 of Rosen)
and Leonard Susskind (Bread reader 2 of Rosen)
demonstrated .......
the INTELLECTUAL sandwich effect of
2 pieces of Rosen Rye Bread read thinkers .....
Rosen bridge ( Rosen rye bread) ..... thus
to complete the sandwich .....
the sandwich need MEAT ......
as explained women scientists ......
the sandwich need MEAT ......
as explained women scientists ......
bedroom MEAT protEins demonstrate
....................................Einstein- Rosen bridge .....
that connects/bridges .... 2 biology bodies of KNOWLEDGE in a bedroom
Leonard Susskind
Leonard Susskind
Leonard ..... explains all ....
Leonard Susskind
Leonard Susskind
Leonard ..
Leonard Susskind
Leonard Susskind
Leonard ..
Leonard Susskind
Leonard Susskind
Leo n --> Nucleo ..... of Uncle Leo
Leonard Susskind
Leonard Susskind
Leo n --> Nucleo ..... of Uncle Leo
Leo n --> Nucleo ..... of Unclear Leo
Leo n --> Nucleo ..... of .....clear Leo
The 36-day Iwo Jima battle caused more than 26,000 American casualties,
including 6,800 dead."
The 82-day Battle for Okinawa resulted in casualties of over 62,000 of whom over 12,000 were killed or missing. Iwo Jima was also the only U.S. Marine battle where the American had more dead or wounded than the Japanese,.
including 6,800 dead."
The 82-day Battle for Okinawa resulted in casualties of over 62,000 of whom over 12,000 were killed or missing. Iwo Jima was also the only U.S. Marine battle where the American had more dead or wounded than the Japanese,.
Wormholes .. 6,800 earth wormholes created in Iow Jima
- Wikipedia
Diet of Worms - Wikipedia
An imperial diet was a formal deliberative assembly of the whole Empire. This one is most memorable for the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt), which addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation. It was conducted from 28 January to 25 May 1521, with the Emperor Charles V presiding.
Diet of Worms | Germany [1521] |
The Diet of Worms ... World war 1 ..... | Christian History
Two years before the Diet of Worms, the elector Frederick “the Wise” cast the deciding vote in favor of Charles I of Spain to become Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. Luther was Frederick's subject; thus, when the papacy moved to silence him, Frederick insisted that his professor—a growing attraction at the University ofOsiris - Ancient History Encyclopedia
Mar 6, 2016 - Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, brother-husband to Isis, and one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. The name `Osiris' is the Latinized form of the Egyptian Usir which is interpreted as 'powerful' or 'mighty'. ... After Isis, Osiris was the ...
Osiris | Egyptian god |
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld
Os ...............E .......... Lord of the Underworld
Os ...............E .......... Lord of the Underworld
zeroes .........E .......... Lord of the Underworld
Os ...............E .......... Lord of the Underworld
Os ...............E .......... Lord of the Underworld
zeroes .........Earth ......Lord of the Underworld
.................................... Lord of the Un der world
.................................... Lord of the Un der world
.................................... ..............the SUN ....
The Sun / sunlight energy Lord with the EARTH
solid soil der world .. the world / earth dermatology ....
earth geography skin surface of electrons /atoms
Lord over the Underworld people and their
earth surface BRAIN DEAD human nonsense agents
zeroes .........level E --> Earth surface soil
......Lord of the Underworld and BS people
zeroes ......... Level F --> farm/ agriculture Earth surface
soil ...... representing / Lord of earth systems
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld
Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld
Os ...............E .......... Lord of the Underworld
Os Oscar Witt F ... Farm
zeroes ..Zinser OES --> Order Entry Systems
VIA TOE theory of the human bio-electron Zin
earth electron THOUGHT circuit
Karl H. Zinser | Obituaries |
Karl H. Zinser | Obituary
......... Zin .......... bit bit array
Vincent Ragen Obituary - Milwaukee, WI | Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Aug 3, 2013 - Ragen, Vincent Richard Age 68 of West Bend, WI. died on May 10, 2013, of a heart attack. Husband of the late Margaret "Peggy" (nee Morgan); father of the late Renee Ragen; son of the late Vincent.
Vince graduated from West Allis Hale in 1963
Vince graduated from West Allis Hale in 1963
Vin ... graduated from West Allis Hale in 63
Vin ... graduated from West Allis Hale in 63
Vin ... copper electron circuit LINK mass 63
Karl H. Zinser | .... Zin electron codeand his copper expression friend Vin ---> create a earth soil circuit
..,,,,,,, equivalent to an electron chip
Particle Datasheets Documentation | Electron datasheet
As an input, supply 5VDC to 12VDC to power the Electron. When the Electron is powered via the USB port, this pin will output a voltage of approximately 4.8VDC due to a reverse polarity protection series Schottky diode between VUSB and VIN
Official Site For Wisconsin Dells | The gelogical electron layers
on of the circuit Capitals of the World ...
code --> Marines code --> Ma nes
code --> Ma nest ... Ma & Pa ..Mother nest
code --> Ma nest
code --> Mafia (family attitude ) nest
code --> Ma nest ... Ma & Pa ..Mother nest
code --> Ma nest
code --> Mafia (family attitude ) nest
Messenger RNA - Wikipedia
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.
mRNA / messenger RNA | Learn Science at Scitable - Nature
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a subtype of RNA. An mRNA molecule carries a portion of the DNA code to other parts of the cell for processing. mRNA is created during transcription. During the transcription process, a single strand of DNA is decoded by RNA polymerase, and mRNA is synthesized.
Joan Rivers ... bio-computer connects data streams /rivers
- Wikipedia
Hunting, fishing & survival tips from the experts at Field and Stream, deliveredPublisher Direct · Free Shipping · Online Special - Save Now · No Sales TaxTypes: New Subscriptions, Renewal Subscriptions, Gift Subscriptions
Field & Stream: Hunting, Fishing & Survival Tips, Gun Reviews hunting, fishing & survival tips from the experts at Field and Stream Magazine. Also check out the latest reviews on guns and outdoor gear.
Einstein Field Equations (General Relativity)
Miss America - Wikipedia
Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Emanuel African Methods Episcopal Church
Emanuel Swedenborg - Wikipedia
Notable work: True Christian Religion; Heaven ...
Main interests: Theology; Science; Philosophy
Tradition or movement: Lutheranism; inspired t...
Education: Uppsala University
Borg (Star Trek) - Wikipedia
The Borg are a fictional alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. TheBorg are a vast collection of "drones", or cybernetic organisms, linked in a hive mind called "the Collective" or "the Hive". The Borg co
Borg | Memory Alpha .......
memory of Solar System sunlight .... earth Em-field agent
Emanuel Swedenborg visionary ....... vision array /matrices
| FANDOM powered by Wikia
A set of Borg implants after removal. The physiology of each Borg drone varied according to the species from which it was assimilated. (Star Trek: First Contact) Drones were typically humanoid, although the Collective demonstrated a willingness to assimilate non-humanoid lifeforms. (VOY: "Scorpion"). Upon assimilation, a ...
oxygen computer .... borg numbers 16 8 8
nitrogen borg numbers 7
nitrogen borg numbers 7
The Descent of Man (Charles Darwin) - Wikisource, the free online library
The Descent of Man (Charles Darwin)
IBM Basic assembly language and
humanoid bio-computer successors - Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from
BAL (Basic Assembler Language) is a version of IBM's assembler language (What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)?
Genre: Thriller
Genre: Thriller
Genre: Thriller
Genre: Thriller
Author: Bal dac ci
--> Bal Dirac (VSAM) Control Interval
--> Bal Dirac (VSAM) Control Interval
Genre: Thriller
its granite/marble atomic mass gravity force
pulls / collects data
from the human data bio-containers
that converge to the
Carl Jung data collection input TERMINAL
pulls / collects data
from the human data bio-containers
that converge to the
Carl Jung data collection input TERMINAL
...hence the other name ..
Computer EARTH ......
Grand Central (I/O) Terminal
Computer EARTH ......
Grand Central (I/O) Terminal
code Ag --> silver ware forks/spoons AND
abbreviation for farm Agriculture / food systems
thus the Ag continuum
Ag (food source) ----------------> Ag ..dinner /silverware
Sterling Silverware ......
.......................war earth
Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970, was committed by four youths as a protest against ...
Non-fatal injuries: 3
Date: August 24, 1970; 3:42 am (UTC-5)
Motive: Protest against the Vietnam War
Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Overview · Army Mathematics ... · The bombers · Victims
Sterling Hall Bombing of 1970 | UW Archives and Records Management
This project was conceived to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the bombing of Sterling Hall which took place on August 24, 1970. The collection consists of .
message codes
--> Zlin (Zin electron circuit line)
--> Zlin (Zin electron circuit line)
---> Band --> bandwidth signal
---> 6:30 --> copper electricity wire .... mass 63
---.> 631 EC --> copper atomic mass 63 Electri.City
--> carry-ins .....XYZ ...... carry array Zinser
codes --> at 8 p matthe -->
atom oxygen 8 Principia Mathematics
code --> tre 2844 N -->
Earth tree region 28 Nitrogen molecule & Nitrogen cycle of Botany ......
44 --> CO2 carbon dioxide molecule mass 44
Earth tree region 28 Nitrogen molecule & Nitrogen cycle of Botany ......
44 --> CO2 carbon dioxide molecule mass 44
code --> Ave 12 --> Avenue /existential platform of
carbon 12 hydrocarbon organic chemistry
carbon 12 hydrocarbon organic chemistry
code 22 tracks --> 2244 West Charleston Chicago
and IBM 3380 disk data storage track knowledge
and IBM 3380 disk data storage track knowledge
--> Kenseth --> seth --> algebra set theory
IMS V12 - Database administration - HISAM databases - IBM
In a hierarchical indexed sequential access method (HISAM) database,
as with an HSAM database, segments in each database record are related through .
D.C. Politics - The Washington Post
The Washington Post is your source for in-depth coverage of Washington, D.C., politics. View recent D.C. political news headlines including D.C. voting rights, ...
Pole party strength in Washington, D.C. - Wikipedia,_D.C.
Political party strength in Washington, D.C. The following table indicates the party of elected officials in the United States federal district of Columbia: ... District Council Chair.
The Existential DC Government played out in
the District of Columbia (DC)- Wikipedia
The District has no official representation
in the United States Senate. Neither chamber seats
the District's elected "shadow" representative
or senators. Unlike residents of U.S. territories
such as Puerto Rico or Guam, which also have non-voting delegates, D.C. residents are subject to all U.S. federal taxes.
Organization · Law · Politics
Zbigniew Brzezinski and his Pole Core - Wikipedia
Jump to National Security Advisor -
Zbigniew Kazimierz "Zbig" Brzezinski was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist. He served as a counselor ...
Biography · Academia · Later years · Personal lifeZbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter,
May 26, 2017 - Zbigniew Brzezinski, the hawkish strategic theorist who was national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter in the tumultuous years of the ...
Polish women and their POLE SHOE signal VIA
folk dances - Wikipedia
The Polish national dances are the Krakowiak, Kujawiak, Mazurek, Oberek, and Polonaise.
Dress · National Dances · Regional Dances
Polish Chicago | History of Pole Shoes in Chicago | The Clare
Polish history, food, and culture largely impact Chicago culture today. Learn more about the history of Pole Shoes in Chicago.
--> blood arteries SOFTWARE collections
to the potato French fry atoms of thought
and their atomic communications continuum .....
secret information TRAVEL path
...... EARTH farm potato fields (and Vincent van Gogh)
-----> food processing company makes French Fries
--> that go to a Fast Food restaurant ...
thus the atomic table agent ... French FRY
-----> food processing company makes French Fries
--> that go to a Fast Food restaurant ...
thus the atomic table agent ... French FRY
--> input to STEPHEN FRY to study his SYSTEM INTERNALs and inner thoughts
...thus Stephen Fry output
...... poetry method (below)
...... poetry method (below)
COMPUTER EARTH 2-legged humans walking .... their body weight /pressure .....
is data entry into the EARTH ground/soil .... land atoms /electrons surface a data entry keyboard a data entry keyboard
The Ode Less Travelled:
Unlocking the Poet Within by Stephen Fry
Unlocking the Poet Within by Stephen Fry
Unlocking the Poet Within by Stephen Fry
Unlocking the French Fry system
..... Within Stephen Fry
..... Within Stephen Fry
..... Within Step / walking ......
humanoid French Fry container
The Las veGAS
The Las veGAS
The Las veGAS theory of gas and air molecules ..
such as oxygen molecule atomic mass 32
The Las veGAS ......International
ournal of GAS astronomy view from Floor 32 ...
Gastronomy and
Food Science with
Fool Science - Elsevier
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science is a peer-reviewed journal that explicitly focuses on the interface of food science and gastronomy. Articles ...
The Culinary Institute of America - Wikipedia
The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is an American private college and culinary school specializing in culinary, baking, and pastry arts education.
President: L. Timothy Ryan
Founder: New Haven Restaurant Association
Sporting affiliations: HVIAC
Endowment: $109.7 million (2016)
Culinary arts - Wikipedia
Culinary arts, in which culinary means "related to cooking", are the arts of preparation, cooking and presentation of food, usually in the form of meals. People ...
Origins · Professional study · References
Culinary arts
Culinary arts
Culinary arts ...Cull blood artery software language defects
Department of Food Science and Human ...
Department of Food Science and Human ...
Depart ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fool Science and Hum
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
The 2017 Las Vegas shooting occurred on the night of Sunday, October 1, 2017 .....
That report had been based on a 9:59 p.m. notation in a hotel security log, ...
Stephen Paddock · Route 91 Harvest festival · Mandalay Bay · Bump fire
Las Vegas culinary process
Oct 2, 2017 - At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 ... [Route 91 Harvest festival: The Las Vegas 'sleepover' that ended in a ...
Culinary arts
Culinary arts ...Cull blood artery software language defects
Department of Food Science and Human ...
Department of Food Science and Human ...
Depart ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fool Science and Hum
2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
The 2017 Las Vegas shooting occurred on the night of Sunday, October 1, 2017 .....
That report had been based on a 9:59 p.m. notation in a hotel security log, ...
Stephen Paddock · Route 91 Harvest festival · Mandalay Bay · Bump fire
Las Vegas culinary process
Oct 2, 2017 - At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 ... [Route 91 Harvest festival: The Las Vegas 'sleepover' that ended in a ...
Hydroelectric power | Definition & Facts |
Hydroelectric power. Written By: Alternative Title: hydropower. Hydroelectric power, electricity produced from generators driven by turbines that convert the potential energy of falling or fast-flowing water into mechanical energy. hydroelectric turbine generators Hydroelectric turbine generators.
Hydroelectricity - Wikipedia
Jump to Nuclear power - Compared to nuclear power, hydroelectricity construction requires altering large areas of the environment while a nuclear power ...
Hydroelectric power and water. Basic information about ...
Dec 6, 2017 - Hydroelectric power must be one of the oldest methods of producing power. No doubt, Jack the Caveman stuck some sturdy leaves on a pole ...
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