Saturday, December 10, 2022

The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers and TV news ..... in the language and algebra battles

The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers, TV news,  university and government agency .....

in the WORD of HONOR language and algebra battles  ...

Nature's SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE with its various sysmbol engines ......
such as orgnac chemistry textbook by Solomon 


United States families and  their bedroom community  ....

 mental level ....myopic ERRORS .......
explained by

a LIST of reports with example explanations

How electrons, atoms, molecules, math equations, gravity fields express themselves VIA human agents in modern society and the world

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The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers and TV news ..... in the language and algebra battles

The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers, TV news,  university and government agency ..... in the WORD of HO...