Friday, June 3, 2022

Blogger List ... Egyptian Book of the Dead


Z60 - Science explains the modern version of the BOOK of the DEAD


Paul Dirac at Tallahassee Roselawn Cemetery,
the Erwin Schrodinger concept of DEAD ALIVE,
Salvador Dali surrealism paintings,
SI Hayakawa language name codes,
Nikola Tesla signaling systems and earth vibration MODELS 

explain the MECHANICS and the social economic systems of
modern atomic coffin DATABASES 

... previously known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead.



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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Grand Unfied Theory Battle reports and codes May 2022 .... Ukraine harmonic oscillator battles, the Bangkok SinuSOIdal interceptor female agents, Earth clay language of Euclay Euclid, Earth geology V-section of Jules Verne and his French frequency .... inner earth ... DATABASE journey


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The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers and TV news ..... in the language and algebra battles

The intellectual defeat of the United States of North America newspapers, TV news,  university and government agency ..... in the WORD of HO...